Days of Our Lives - Mon., Dec. 24, 2018


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives
Monday, December 24, 2018

Replay of Friday's closing scenes. Doug is pleading with Julie to come back, she opens her eyes, says you are everything to me, too, darling, looks at him, smiles. Doug's eyes light up, Jen is excited, goes out in the hall, tells Hope, Rafe & Sarah. Oh, yes, Sarah is in the obligatory white coat, stethoscope around the neck, assuring Rafe she does now work at the hospital. Everyone rushes into Julie's room, Sarah check her with the “follow my finger” thing, Hope is asking how this happened. Julie seems to remember everything yesterday, up to going into Gabi's room, she cannot remember what she was looking for.

Chad comes into the Kmansion room, where Gabi had been looking over the DNA results. He asks her what that paper is, she claims Ariana's Christmas list, but he heard her say she doesn't want it traced back to her. She thinks fast once again, talks of the Elf on the Shelf, Ari hearing things at school, wants her to still believe in the magic of Christmas, that Santa is real, etc. Chad seems to accept that, Rafe comes in, Julie awake, Gabi immediately puts up her guard, what did she say about me, I found her in my room, yada, yada. Rafe does say Julie doesn't remember anything after going in. He leaves, returning to the hospital. (I swear every building in Salem is just 2 steps away from each other).

Abby comes into the room where Stefan is staring at his present, anxious to know what it is, she is all Gabby, tells him to open it, he finds the rolled up paper, takes off ribbon, what is this. Divorce papers you SOB. He protests, calling her Gabby. Nope, she pulls of the wig, I am Abigail, I divorced you, I am taking Charlotte and leaving. He argues, she is adamant, is all packed, Charlotte, too. She leaves the room, gets Charlotte in her carrier, Stefan follows her into foyer, she cannot take Charlotte, he is her father, will sue for custody. She ignores him, my cab should be here, picks up the carrier, to go out the door, as Ben come in. Shocked look on her face. What are you doing here. Stefan says he is new head of security, lives here. Abby is brought him here? Stefan says Ben was to keep away from her, but Abby is all the more appalled, storms out.

Claire is making cookies for the ornament hanging, Ciara and her get to talking, and each bought the other an ornament to replace the ones broken last year. However, Julie is not awake, and the ornament hanging is cancelled. Ben arrives, has a gift for Ciara(sorry, I missed what it was), she tells of the ornament party being cancelled, he has nothing to do either, she suggests they go ice skating, he is game, her phone rings. Hope says they are going ahead with the party, Ciara has other plans, Hope talks tradition, Ben mouths to Ciara to go, she agrees, Hope is happy.

At the Horton house, small talk between Hope & Jen, you look nice, worried about Ciara, will she really come. Eli & Lani arrive, Lani worried about intruding, JJ might not like it. Jen knows JJ at hospital with woman he saved, will not be there. Rafe has come in with them. Eventually Maggie & Sarah appear, & so do Ciara & Claire, a bit late, forgot the cookies, had to go back for them. And so the hanging begins, (sorry, the tree looks pathetic, but does have nice angel on top. So, we have Maggie, Sarah, Hope, Jen, Eli, Lani Ciara & Claire. Hark, the Herald Angels is being sung in background as they hang their ornaments. There is a Victor ornament, Maggie's is not next to Mickey's...or Victor's; Eli hangs his, Lani thinks this is a wonderful tradition, Hope gifts her with an ornament for David Abraham, which she hangs. Jen is about to hang Abigail's, when guess who storms in, looking rather defiant. Abby sets Charlotte down, takes off her jacket, and now reams into her mother for not believing her, for accepting all Gabi said. Jen is saying no, no, but Abby continues. You still think I am nuts, you don't think I am fine, well I am. She looks around the room, (this is a powerful scene and kudos to Kate Mansi (Abby). She is in tears as she continues to berate her mom for failing her, not trusting her, for conspiring with Chad to lock her up. Well, I have divorced Stefan, so not him, not Chad, not you are in charge of me. I am in charge of my life, I am fine, and I will hang my own ornament. She grabs it from Jen, who also is now in tears, hangs it on the tree, then gives one look around, as she storms out.

When Abby left, Ben sees the divorce papers, realizes what happened. Tells Stefan they can sit an look at the yule log. Both go in the room, but later, Stefan sits, staring at the divorce papers, just staring straight ahead. Ben finally gets up, grabs his jacket and leaves the room. Stefan doesn't move. (he really looks rather strange/creepy)

Chad & Gabi sit on the sofa, munching something or other, laughing a bit, he wipes something or other from her mouth, she hugs him. He picks up a gift wrapped package (for Abby) and leaves the room. Gabi looks at door where he went out, then takes the DNA paper & envelope from her purse. She looks at it, looks around the room, then walks over and throws it into the burning fireplace, watching it turn to ashes.

Hope hugs the upset Jen, telling her to just give Abby some time, Jen sobbing that Gran always told them to have faith, she is trying, and we hear Julie's voice shouting...SURPRISE!, as Doug pushes her in, seated in a wheelchair. Julie looks around at all the somber faces, what is going on? Everyone starts exclaiming over her, hugs, she stands up, more hugging, she hangs her ornament on the tree. Background music is Silent Night, as camera pulls back, then moves back in on Alice & Tom's ornaments, hung side by side.

And as the credits roll, a big pic comes up of Shawn Brady, Sr. ….In loving memory of Frank Parker, July 1, 1939 – September 16, 2018
Gabi looks at door where he went out, then takes the DNA paper & envelope from her purse. She looks at it, looks around the room, then walks over and throws it into the burning fireplace, watching it turn to ashes.
I'm formally over her at this point. Between this and living in Rafe's empty house and trying to invite Chad there...just no. Go back to jail for one of your crimes.

Kate Mansi is back as Abby! Hooray - I know she's been back for awhile now, but this is the first day she brought one of her A+ performances. Watching her as "Gabby" was just weird.

I can do tomorrow's summary, unless someone else wants a crack at it.
Oh, Jason, that would be such a help. Bless your heart.........

And you reminded me I forgot to include the part about Gabi inviting Chad. Yes, he tells her of being fired, and kicked out of Kmansion after Christmas, she mutters about Ari not liking Leo & Sonny being married, she doesn't want Ari to be seeing Leo every day, so since Rafe moved in with Hope, mom's hse is empty. She will go there with Ari, then invites Chad, plenty of room for him & thomas.
Thank you, Poirot.

Kate Mansi nailed it!! Love my favorite Abby!

Oh man, I know this is Christmas Eve and good will etc., but I wanted to slap Jennifer when she kept looking at Abby liked she needed to be committed again.

Julie's memory better come back pronto.

Jason, I'm with you about Gabi. She just disgusts me. The actress is doing a good job with the material she's given, but the character needs to be off screened for a long time after being caught.
Chad actually heard Gabi say I don't want it traced back to me? He wasn't even in the room yet!! But 2 feet away he wouldn't have heard a thing! Then she makes up some lame excuse about Santa and the Elf on a shelf and he just absolutely believes it!! Chad gonna move in with Gabi. Yeah, that will help you get back with your wife that you claim to love so much! Move in with a woman you used to sleep with!! He is absolutely blind to Gabi. I mean I know she's hot but stop it! Stop it!!

And yes! Ciara and Claire please please please be friends!! Ben and Ciara sure do have chemistry.

I guess it's hard for anyone to know if it's Abigail or Gabby since Kate Mansi's hair is so dark. But go Abigail!! Your family abandoned you! Make them pay!! Love it!!!

And Merry Christmas to all!!!
Ciara and Claire please please please be friends!! Ben and Ciara sure do have chemistry.
Ditto on both counts.
Your family abandoned you! Make them pay!! Love it!!!
And on this.

I did think Will should have been at the Horton ceremony, or at least on the way or he just left or something.

I also think they need to make a bigger deal out of it. Holiday episodes should have guest stars (and family, even if just outside of the room or en route or something) and family togetherness (especially for a family like the Hortons) as well as recaps-a-plenty (to hook in new viewers who wouldn't bother to watch/DVR it during the week). Sadly Days has been expending all its budget on November sweeps (not that we can really tell anymore) and everything between November and mid-January is möbius filler.

At the risk of preaching to the choir, I'd say this is one of the largest drawbacks to their taping schedule/chaos. This episode was made in between April and June - closer to Christmas 2017 than 2018.
Are these the new ornaments for Ciara and Claire? (they're from the Cat in the Hat, for those not familiar)

Ben arrives, has a gift for Ciara (sorry, I missed what it was),
It was a small silver bell. He told her it was a guardian bell that you put on your motorcycle to keep you from harm.

Gee, when did Rafe's house become "their parents' house"?? I thought Mami and Papa (and Gabi, Ari, Dario and that Blanca, Mami's nurse friend) moved in with Rafe after he bought what was basically Maggie's old house (used the same kitchen set).
Wahoo, way to go, Abigail! You hit momma Jen right between the eyes and she deserved every bit of it. I can’t wait till she lays into Chad and everyone else that stuck her in the Twilight Zone.
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Thanks Poirot and all the extra helpers.

Does Rafe have magic shoes or did he hitch a ride on Santa's sleigh to
go from the hospital to the K mansion? He sneaked out when
everyone was talking to Julie.

I thought it was interesting Abby is staying at the Horton
house even though
Jennifer thinks she's still ill.

Did Doug take holiday clothes to the hospital? He and Julie came home
all dressed up for the party. I guess they still live at the Horton house

I wonder when Belle and Shawn left Salem.

Nice to see Claire and Ciara give each other replacement ornaments.

Ben told Ciara he was from the Ozarks and he couldn't ice skate.
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I still want to know why Jennifer couldn't have Abigail committed, as her next of kin. Not that I want her to do that but Abigail seems confident that no one can have her committed now that she's divorced from Stefan. I guess that's why she is okay with staying there with Jennifer. She'll probably start to get over being angry with her, now that she's told her off.
Because Abigail is an adult over 18? That's why I never understood why she had to marry Stefan once she got divorced from Chad. None of this makes any sense and now Abby has been married 4 times in 3 years and she's probably not even 30 yet.

That said, I LOVED Abby today and cannot wait to see her go off on JJ and Chad too!! I was also annoyed that she went upstairs instead of asking Eli for a room at the Martin House.

Gabi and Chad: JUST NO. I can only hope that this was a set up for when Chad finds out the truth and really hopefully goes off on Gabi. I need a really big payoff here.

I was not a big fan of the Horton ornament party. The camera kept panning over the same ornaments on the tree. I never saw Belle, Shawn, Zack, Will or Thomas's ornaments. And also I think Claire's comment about her parents going back to Hong Kong should have been said in front of Hope. No mention of Shawn or Zack at the party. And where the heck was Will?? And Arianna? They are always there. And why wouldn't Chad at least drop off Thomas to Jennifer? JJ's excuse was also lame when there is a hospital full of people who could have stayed with the nurse. A lot of missed beats here.

Who is Belle working for now if Chad is no longer running Dimera? Are we supposed to believe she would work for Stefan?

This episode seemed very heavily edited and also very rushed. I feel like some of this stuff could have been spread out over the past week.
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