Days of Our Lives - Wed., Dec. 26, 2018


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Nov 23, 2006
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  • Days of Our Lives
Wednesday, December 26, 2018

And the truth shall set you free.....well, for some, maybe. A mixed bag today, as Jennifer & Julie have a nice long conversation, with Julie telling Jen how she remembered everything that happened, tells all, making Jen realize that her daughter was telling the truth, was fine, and how wrong she & the rest of the family were to doubt her sanity. Julie knew not to trust Gabi, Jen points out she did save JJ last year. But Julie won't forgive her for what she did to Abby. Jen tries to call Abigail, but constantly gets voice mail. Later, Julie is commenting on Jen's bad year, lost Eric, but Jen says her own fault, kept a secret, did not tell him. She is swearing off love forever, she is done. Maybe she was done when Jack died. Julie more positive, urges her to go to New Year's party at Doug's Place, get a beautiful new dress, have fun. Maybe she will meet someone tall, dark & handsome.

(It seems like it is still Christmas Day, however, morning, noon, night........????? - but most, except for Jen...seem to be wearing same clothes)

JJ finds Haley making up the bed she was laying on, she is cold, distant, is doing her job. JJ tries to talk of her taking the pills, she won't, she avoids, her persists. He gets friendly, tries introducing himself as if they just met. He says he is J.J. Deveraux, Jack, Jr. , she is Haley Chen. He keeps trying, she keeps refusing to talk, he suggests there are others she can talk to, but she will have none of it. Now leave me so I can get back to work.

Ben comes into the DiMansion study, sees the mess with the packages, is taken aback, asks why Stefan would trash his daughter's gifts. Stefan is very woe is me, lost the woman I love, lost my daughter, lost the happy family life. He is drowning his sorrows in his drink. Ben says he will take the gifts over to the hospital, they could still use them. When he returns, he pours himself a drink, refills Stefan's glass, mentions how when he was around 7, his dad set fire to the Christmas tree, got mad about something, nearly burnt the house down. He comments they both have dads who went dark, and even he did once, doesn't wish it on anyone. Stefan decides he does have something he wants Ben to do today, after all.

Ciara is fingering her silver bell, gets into a conversation with Claire about it, about Tripp, Claire's friendship with him. Claire thinks Ciara may have dumped Tripp, but doesn't want anyone else to have him either. Ciara admits it is probably true, just wishes she could be friends with Tripp. Is glad Claire is, tho. Later, Tripp is sitting on sofa, fingering some phone cover I guess, with initials CB on it. Claire thinks it is for Ciara, but he says no, it is for you. She is excited, loves it, he says something about her always dropping or losing her phone. As she starts to walk away he comments he would not mind a hug from her, she is only too happy to do so. Ciara goes to meet Ben in the square, but gets a text, he has to cancel, do something for work.

Over to Kmansion, where we replay Abby walking in with baby, telling Chad she is his daughter, his blank reaction. Except it turns out, he doesn't believe her, thinks she is being delusional, blabbers on & on about that, she keeps trying to interupt, he still is talking about getting her help, gonna call Kayla, get her back to Bayview. Fine, you do that, call her, she will confirm everything I have been saying.

Upstairs, Gabi is finishing packing a suitcase, talking to herself, all pleased because she will now be living with Chad & Thomas, and being a momma to Abby's baby. Satisfied look.

Back downstairs, as Abby continues to try and explain to Chad, who is babbling away about what Stefan did to her, this was all him....Abby finally gets to exclaim, no, it wasn't Stefan, it was Gabi Hernandez......just as Gabi walks in the door. It was YOU. Gabi immediately denies, told you she would come here with her lies, etc. Abby hauls off and lands a punch on Gabi's jaw, hurting her hand, as Chad grabs her, holding her back. Baby cries, (Abby had taken her upstairs) so Abby goes to see to her. Chad points a finger at Gabi, closes the door after Abby, and lets Gabi have it, both barrels. Gabi start to list all the grievances she has against Abby, even including her killing Andre. Chad points out that she was sick, yes, Gabi knows. But she goes on, angrily talking of how her own life was ruined, she went to jail, was beat up, can't have children, and Abby turns up pregnant!

But Chad says that he can partially understand that twisted logic, how she wanted to get back at Abigail, but what in heaven's name did I do to have you hurt me? He talks of how he came to Gabi, devastated his wife was pregnant with another man's baby, and she never told him. How he just could not bear it, even moved out, left his wife, Gabi still did not tell him. (Chad is quite eloquent, angry, appalled at how she could do this to him. How she could do this to the baby, letting Stefan be the father. Gabi claims she was not going to let it last, was going to tell Chad today, but he is not appeased. Abby has come down, hears thru the door Chad talking of how badly he treated his wife, whom he loves. That maybe she & Charlotte will eventually forgive him, but he will never forgive himself for what he did. She goes in, stands by Chad's side. He starts to call the cops, Gabi begging him not to do that today. She mentions Ari's Christmas letter to Santa, only wanting her mama to never leave her again. Please, not today. Chad notes she wants mercy, when she showed none to them. But agrees to wait til tomorrow.

Stefan is alone, with his drink......offers a toast to Stefano's portrait. That they both do what they have to do get what they want. As with all things related to pain, tis better to give, than receive. He throws his glass in the fireplace.

Gabi sits on her bed, reading Ari's letter to Santa, murmurs something about being sorry she won't be able to have this. She hears a noise, turns, there stands Ben. She jumps up, grabs her phone, but Ben is has grabbed her from behind her, gloved hand over her mouth,

While spoilers say Abby & Gabi have major is not all that major, to me. Except for the punch, really nothing. It is Chad's confrontation with Gabi that is really good.
I don't like that Ben has to kidnap Gabi for Stefan.....I just wish, as head of security, he was able to send someone else. It rather casts a shadow on his "trying to be a good person" goal.
Actually, I wish he was in some other job. sigghhh.
I am done with Chad and if Abigail was smart, she would be too!! I knew he would go there, thinking it's an alter and she's lying about Charlotte. First thing he thinks!!!! Just saying oops sorry is not gonna cut it!! I thought Gabi being caught was a little anti climatic. Though I did enjoy Abigail punching her. Chad turned pretty quick when she admitted she knew Charlotte was his. But just having her say yeah I did it all was just so blah. Hopefully when they go to the police it's a little more satisfying. But please please don't let Ben go dark!!

It was nice Ciara and Claire were still being nice. Hope it lasts.
I don't think Chad has gotten Abby's fury - it is yet to come. She wanted to tell him about the baby, she did, and who was responsible for everyone thinking Abby had relapsed. So her anger at his lack of faith & trust in her is yet to come. How is she to trust him in the future. He let her down, left her on her own. let others do his thinking for him.
Must admit Gabi did a good job. But, tis Salem. In real world there would be servants, neighbors, even strangers who would be thinking something odd. In addition, no chief of Staff would be handing out test results without looking at them first. And NO ONE would leave someone in their office if called away on emergency, nor would anyone leave something for the chief of staff on her desk, with a stranger sitting there. Nope......Tis Salem & a soap.
Carry on! LOL
Great episode, finally it was D Day and the day of reckoning has come upon Gabi Hernandez! Abby actually went light on Gabi since I think she deserved a beat down more than just a sucker punch. I'm just glad this story didn't keep us in suspense for months. I was satisfied with the quick climax and it wrapping up swiftly because in the past this could've panned out 6 months even.

I wonder if Tripp really got Claire that phone case since Ciara does have the same initials and last name? I'm surprised Ben didn't mention to Stefan that Abby did the exact same thing to him when Thomas was born thinking that Thomas was his in which he called him "Colin".
Chad: Yesterday Abigail said that an incorrect paternity test "is not possible." Now, Chad said that "people don't make mistakes like that" on paternity tests. No, they don't, but in Salem willful alterations are not just possible, they are common.

Stefan Zero: He actually uttered the words "love," "peace," and "family." If the Phoenix's portrait could talk, it would have said back to him, "Fool."

Gabi: Like Chad and Abigail, she doesn't seem to be paying attention, actually uttering the words "It's not fair." Doesn't she know that unfairness is a way of life in Salem and is the rule rather than the exception. As for pathetic Gabi's plight, she was doomed from the start. She concocted an elaborate revenge plot that was way over her head. She should leave diabolical schemes to professionals like Kate.

Ben: Hopefully, he won't cross the line doing McPerv's dirty work. Otherwise, he'll be playing right into Hope's hands, make Little Trippy happy ("I was right, I was right") and greatly disappoint Ciara.
Here's how I want tomorrow to go:

Gabi: HELP! HELP! Ben Weston is trying to kidnap me! Abby! Chad! Come and help me!!!

Chad: hang on, we're coming. Here Ben, let me help you get her down the stairs. Wouldn't want you to trip like Julie did.

Abby: Ben, I can't stand you, but let me go out and open the car door for you. Do you need some rope or duct tape first?
But Julie won't forgive her for what she did to Abby.
What a shock!!

Claire and Ciara: Tacked on, unnecessary. I'd rather see them as true friends since Ron can't seem to decide who's more popular between the two of them.

Ben and Rapist: These scenes smelled like General Hospital to me. GROSS. Muting/fast forwarding in future.

Chad: Chad's words were powerful, but when I looked at the screen, he looked bored. Also he didn't believe Abby, then he suddenly did. Bad writing. Please exit stage left and come back when you're back on your 'A' game.

Gabi: Her delusion yesterday and today ("I'm going to raise Abby's baby,") tipped completely for me any sympathy I once felt. I want her exiled like her sibling Dario.

Jennifer: I liked her penitence.

Haley and JJ: JJ was too pushy. Haley is not likable. It's easy to make a character likable. We've had 3 days of her now and she hasn't made a plot point happen (sorry, since we don't know her, her suicide attempt doesn't count); she has no friends (bring on Henry or Rory as an amigo as a start?); and she hasn't made a joke (unless her bizarre use of the phone was an attempt at humour).

Perhaps she should have appeared two months ago as an "old college roommate" of Gabi's. (It doesn't matter that Gabi didn't attend Salem U for more than a few weeks. We're not supposed to remember anything like that.) It would have spared us numerous Kate/Gabi scenes of repeated blackmail as well as given us someone sympathetic/trying to talk Gabi down (à la Jamie/Sami circa 1993) while introducing us to Haley and giving us a reason to care more about her now.
Thanks, Poirot.

Tripp got lucky Ciara and Claire have the same initials.

I can't believe Julie told Jennifer she felt sorry for Stefan.

It was nice Ben took Charlotte's gifts to the hospital.

JJ needs to stop nagging Haley.

Great ending with Gabi and Ben, but I don't like seeing Ben's dark side.
I couldn't see the ending, and I'm not sure if that bothers me. (NBC "News" interrupted.)

I forgot to mention that I don't feel sorry for the billionaire rapist who immediately moved in on his brother's wife. He's had 5 months of thinking Charlotte's his child, and only 3-4 weeks (? Salem time?) since her birth. That's barely a bond for his rapespawn. Also I'm tired of him gassing about how he "wants a family". If he worked as hard at previous companies as he has for DiMera, he should have oodles of ex-lovers and pint-sized DiMeras zipping around the globe. 10 months ago, I might have cared to unpack why he never had a family in all that time, since he's pushing 40 if we're generous. Now - I just want him gone.
Anticlimactic episode. Chad’s response was unemotional and poorly acted. (And a couple years ago this actor was the best on this show in my opinion)
Gabi’s response was pathetic. Where was the guile and fight? She just fell apart and cried and confessed and begged. She’s been such a ruthless character the last 6 months. Were we supposed to pity her? Feel bad for her?
Abigail should have done more than punch her. Wish Chad would not have held her back.
Jennifer looked like she stepped out of a time machine from 1927. She went from that cream color dress to the navy blue dress to the floral dress. And various hair styles. She must be in her upstairs bathroom for hours doing her hair and makeup. Surprised she has time to spend with family for Christmas.
It seems like it is still Christmas Day, however, morning, noon, night........????? - but most, except for Jen...seem to be wearing same clothes)

Ok so Jennifer wore 2 different dresses on Christmas Eve: the navy lace at the hospital and then the cream at Chez Horton. Everyone except Sarah changed their clothes between Julie's hospital room and Chez Horton. Bad editing 101. Today was the first time we saw Jennifer on Christmas Day so her outfit was not new.

Chad: Chad's words were powerful, but when I looked at the screen, he looked bored. Also he didn't believe Abby, then he suddenly did. Bad writing. Please exit stage left and come back when you're back on your 'A' game.

Anticlimactic episode. Chad’s response was unemotional and poorly acted. (And a couple years ago this actor was the best on this show in my opinion)
Gabi’s response was pathetic. Where was the guile and fight? She just fell apart and cried and confessed and begged. She’s been such a ruthless character the last 6 months. Were we supposed to pity her? Feel bad for her?
Abigail should have done more than punch her. Wish Chad would not have held her back.

This reveal has a lot to unpack. I am really annoyed at how these scenes played out for what should have been a huge reveal and turning point for all these characters.

Abby: Agreed that she was not angry enough. She should have been furious with BOTH Chad and Gabi. And she also should have brought a paper copy of the results from Kayla. That would have avoided the awkward reveal to Chad.

Chad: I am so disappointed in the acting choices made today. Completely underwhelmed. I'll just leave it at that.

Gabi: I am now convinced that even the writers don't know what direction to take her in. Why wouldn't she continue to attack and defend herself instead of becoming all remorseful all of a sudden? Gabi's had more flips this week than a roller coaster. I do wonder if the show will go the PTSD route with her.

The reveal: This should have been revealed during a verbal fight between Abby and Gabi with Chad overhearing.

Days production team: Shame on them for letting this get to air. This would have been a good time to invoke the exception to the one take rule. This reveal was supposed to be important.

Added thought: I think these scenes may have worked better with Marci Miller playing Abby instead. Only because she was the one who played her during most of Gabi's wrath so she'd better understand where the anger is coming from.

Moving on, loved Jennifer and Julie scenes. I need Julie on contract and in scenes like this 1-2 times a week. Also, I've noticed a lot of Jack/Jen family photos in the Horton home this week and then today Jen spoke of missing Jack. Hmmmmm.

I've given Haley 3 days and I still know nothing about her. Plus I can't hear a word she's saying. I'm over it. The soapy thing to do would be to put JJ back with Gabi anyhow plus they still have chemistry.

Poor Claire getting a regifted gift

I have no sympathy for StefanNo

I did not like Ben kidnapping Gabi but I will admit that was a really good and unexpected ending
Gabi: I am now convinced that even the writers don't know what direction to take her in.
I'm also flummoxed. Considering that the prison beating was written to accommodate Camila Banus (Gabi) when she needed time off for another role, this couldn't have been part of a long-term plan. Then again the I-can't-have-another-baby story is tacked on and Gabi hardly mentions it....

I'm also stumped about why Gabi just relented - I can only guess they're going to try to redeem her. Honestly I'm not interested in that. I'd like her to leave with Stefan somehow.
Anticlimactic episode. Chad’s response was unemotional and poorly acted. (And a couple years ago this actor was the best on this show in my opinion)
Jennifer looked like she stepped out of a time machine from 1927.
Great observation. I don't know, I liked the look.
Moving on, loved Jennifer and Julie scenes. I need Julie on contract and in scenes like this 1-2 times a week.
Depending on where we end up with Gabi, JJ, etc., I would be okay with this. I just never, ever want to hear Julie talk about Nick again, and after the next month, no more about Gabi. (As Elsa said, "Let it go.")
Poor Claire getting a regifted gift
Well at least her rich grandparents gave, headphones.
I've given Haley 3 days and I still know nothing about her.
Well, we know that she's suicidal and rude and at least passable at her job. I really want to see JJ back off and report her to admin. Bring her back in a month and start fresh.
I remember when Chad found out he was Thomas’ father - it was much more emotional! Coming to Abby’s rescue and that made me root for them as a couple! :love:Even when he helped deliver Charlotte, there was some spark there again but then all events after.....well I’m glad it did not get dragged out!
I thought Jen looked more 1940ish, but then, it was very Downton Abbey, to me.
There was nothing wrong with the writing for the episode, but the acting could have used some better directing. Billy Flynn (Chad) should have been stopped, told to get it together, reminded how Chad's life was totally changed, etc. and the scenes reshot. And yes, Abby should have had more confrontation with Gabi....but then, maybe she did and it got left on cutting room floor.
Haley is being played by someone who won either American Idol or the Voice or something, so perhaps not an actress, per se. ??? JJ is being persistent with her, so he doesn't leave, and she just does it again. This is why Gabi stayed with him, so......
I am just surprised the other nurse is not around to check on Haley.
I thought Jennifer looked really pretty with her vintage hairdo and dress. I don't know what is going on with some other hairdos--probably a new style that I don't know about. Abigail, Hope, and Sarah all have their hair looking like mine looked when I was a young adult and got out of a shower or swimming pool and let my hair drip dry. :eek: