Days of Our Lives - Mon., Dec. 31, 2018


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives
Monday, December 31, 2018

Replay of the closing scenes from Friday, Dec. 28. Sarah talks to Eric, Dr. Shah asks Jennifer if she is ready to move on, maybe date. She is about to reply, Adrienne starts the countdown, Happy New Year, confetti falls, Eli/Lani, Justin/Adrienne, & Brady/Chloe all kiss. The others hug, or clink glasses, smile, wish each other Happy New Year, and in comes the cloaked & hooded Eve Donovan. She drops the cloak, says hello to one and all, let the party begin. She grabs a glass of something, champagne, & proceeds to make quite the spectacle of herself for the next 15 minutes or so. She addresses nearly everyone, citing their sins, wrongs, etc. She is truly on a roll, as Brady, Jen, Eric, JJ, & more all get a stab from the lighthearted, but mean, nasty remarks Eve doles out. Many try to get her to leave, Brady, Eric, Chloe, Jen, JJ, but she is not to be stopped. Brady thinks he lost Tate because of her, Eric was responsible for Daniel's death, Jennifer catches a lot. (Wish this was all last Friday). She is non-stop and spares no one. Someone asks why she came to throw stones, oh, she did not come with stones, but with a wrecking ball. After another barrage, Jennifer finally asks what she wants. If she has a wrecking ball, bring it on, where is it. Oh, not an it, but a he. Eve continues to tease about who she brought.

Now Eli & Lani left at one point, are outside. We see someone with a tablet, checking pictures on it, Jennifer's. They brush past Eli, say excuse me. Eli is startled, says he seems to know that face, finally remembers it was a photo. But doesn't know where he saw it. They decide to go to his place, since Sheila is at the TLC concert, and also snagged backstage passes. So won't be coming home for some time.

Back inside, Eve is still waving her drink around, says the he is her date, and finally, finally (it is 21 min. into the show) in walks JACK! Jaws drop all over. Eve is so smug, Jen shocked, calling his name. He says hers, Jennifer. But then admits he doesn't know her, except from photo Eve showed him. Doesn't know anyone. Adrienne is near tears, Haley keeps asking JJ who is that guy, he finally says it is his father. Jen is asking how he survived the accident, where has he been, he doesn't know. Turns out Eve only learned he was alive a few weeks ago, no, said nothing as she felt she had to prepare Jack for coming back. Jack is very serious, never smiles, tells Jen he reads his book, which Eve gave him. So he knows some of their background, knows that last time, she loved him so much, she kept him at a distance while she decided who she liked best, him or this guy Daniel. He looks at Dr. Shah, who shakes his head, no, not me. Sarah says Daniel is dead. Adrienne speaks up, telling Jack she is his sister, and pointing out JJ, who is his son. He asks where is Abigail. Jen is delighted, he remembers her, no, Eve told him he had a son and daughter. Jen fills in about Abby just having a baby, they are grandparents to a girl, and a boy. (These scenes are all very good, I could not begin to do them justice, Acting is superb! Don't miss, if you can). Jen pleads with Jack, talks of them meeting, how he took this college intern under his wing, taught her to dig for the truth, she is the woman she is today because of him. Eve just smirks, adds a few remarks here and there. Jack finally says this has been overwhelming, and exhausting, he wants to leave. Adrienne offers to have him come home with her and Justin, but no, he is staying with Eve at Salem Inn. This upsets folks again. Earlier there were references to him being married once to Eve, for about 2 minutes, she is not your friend, but he gathers his top coat, leaves with Eve, who tells everyone they are both staying in Salem for good. She turns at the door....oh, by the way, Jennifer....Happy New Year.

Over at Eli's room, they are dancing a bit, having a couple drinks, she makes the overtures, he thought she wanted to take things slow. She says they have known each other a long time, been thru a lot, she doesn't want to wait any longer. Starts to unbutton his shirt. Kiss.

Folks are leaving Doug's Place. Eric is with Sarah, who is sorry Eve dredged up everything about Daniel. But Eric says it reminded him....eventually, Holly will ask questions, and what can he say about being responsible for her father's death. Sarah tries to encourage him not to give up trying to get Holly, but he says going to court will be long, drawn out, perhaps pointless. Then says he lost a lot of friends this past year, is glad he has made one in her.

Justin & Adrienne arrive home, she is happy Jack is alive, but Justin knows it has to hurt he doesn't remember her. She tries to call Steve, goes to voice mail. Adrienne says as hard as it is for her, worse for Jen & JJ.

And that young man is on phone with Haley, glad Dr. Shah got her home safe, sorry their evening that should have been fun turned out the way it did, will make it up to her. He is o.k. Doesn't think his mom is. He hangs up, goes to stand by Jennifer, who is staring at a pic of her & Jack. They were so happy then. It's a miracle he is alive, but he is not the same man, not the same at all.

In her room, Eve is pouring a good, stiff drink for Jack. He is thinking, says he did not mean to hurt Jen or his family. But he did not remember anything, not a a thing. Eve says there's still time. Who knows what will happen? She smiles, Jack smiles back.
Ok they are really gonna have to explain how Jack is still alive. Didn't he get smushed in the bottom of the elevator shaft? Maybe it's not really Jack, but they got some "splaining" to do. I have never been a huge Jennifer/Jack fan. I like Jack but don't care if they are together. Poor Dr. Shah. First she dumps him for Eric and now on their date her ex husband and love of her life comes back. What are the chances?! Eve coming back so very very nasty just doesn't make sense with me. I know she's no angel but this has been over the top.

Still liking Lani and Eli. He was funny being dense "do you want me to take you home?" No! I want to take my dress off!! All the stuff about Sheila was funny too. Backstage pass, knows people in high places.
Jack was stoic, but obviously overwhelmed with seeing in person, those about whom Eve had informed him. And being Eve, who the heck knew what she said. After how she attacked so many the minute she came in, all the while knowing she had Jack outside, but she had to have her kicks before he arrived. Obviously, she has told Jack all sorts of nasty things about everyone.
I have to say, I did not like Sarah, once again, butting in on stuff she was not around to experience. She brags Daniel was her brother, yet never met him. Sheesh (at least that we saw or heard). Hard to believe Eve had something nasty to say to everyone, even telling Jen she thought they had put everything behind them, when she was last in town, but....welll, glad Jen owned up to keeping the secret, should have told Eric sooner. Heck, Eve even blamed Nicole's death on Jen. She was really on a roll.
I get that it was needed to move the story along, but I was annoyed that the Eli and Lani left when they did. Eve came in, obviously an unwelcome guest intending to stir trouble, and the Salem PD takes it as their cue to leave.

I did love seeing Matt Ashford (Jack) and hope he's back for awhile. When he first arrived to Salem back in the day, I developed quite the crush. :love:
First things first - that dress (Eve's) was magnificent and looked amazing on her. That said, when did she get to be such an evil villain? She left because Brady blamed her (rightfully so) for her part in his losing custody of Tate. So, when did she become so horrible to everyone else? I remember the first Eve Donovan was a schemer when she started (as a teenager), but this version of that character never seemed like that person.

I am not sure how long Jack will be staying, but, hopefully, there will be an, "I remember!" moment sometime SOON.
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You know, Eve reminded me of some other some movie......and I cannot remember who ...or what movie. But the whole tirade, never raising her voice, addressing the different characters...gosh, I will be really goin' bananas over the "who". Probably an old movie.....yikes. Oh, well.
But the evening gown, the glass of wine, ....I know that unless I happen to see the movie accidentally when flipping channels, it will never come to me. LOL
Eve was in top form today. She was pretty awful as far as her dialogue, but she brought some excitement to that boring party for me.

Days actually let Sarah use some ancient history in an argument lol. It is amazing what they will use to prop certain characters while covering up history in other storylines.

Brady kind of annoys me when he has that attitude that he knows everything and every outcome. I really would like him & Chloe to develop into something great like they once were, but it is hard to root for that when he is being a jerk.

I like that Jennifer is finally being called out for stringing along like a million guys in her lifetime. I hate this repeat storyline of Will’s amnesia, but it is so good to see Jack, and I saw some real emotion from JJ.

I really loved Eli and Lani today. They were cute and funny, but Days has taken love scenes from near pornographic to cringey/non-existent. They need to find the balance again.
Holy Cow.... Jack left..... and while gone he forgot how to shave.....

Eve does look great in that dress.....and was fantastic in her "Airing of the Grievances" even though it's a bit over done....

While Jennifer should have a tad bit more support for the girls.....(at least in my opinion)
I get that it was needed to move the story along, but I was annoyed that the Eli and Lani left when they did. Eve came in, obviously an unwelcome guest intending to stir trouble, and the Salem PD takes it as their cue to leave.
Those were my thoughts exactly. Instead of fleeing into the Salem night with Lani, Eli should have arrested Eve for disturbing the peace and trespassing. And why weren't these two working. Surely, police personnel are needed to control the huge crowd of drunken rowdies who gather in City Hall Plaza each year to watch Mayor Abe press the button that drops Salem's New Year's Eve illuminated ball.

As for other characters:

Jack: It's good to have him back, but fie on TPTB for using the worn-out total-amnesia plot so soon after it was the plot device for the return of Will.

Jenny: She should give up playing the anxious victim, and get busy with a plan to save Jack from Eve. E.g.,Is any of the magic potion that was used on Will available; can Marlena hypnotize Jack and work miracles, etc.?

Chloe: Since disruptions at Salem parties and weddings has become so common, why didn't the diva hire a bouncer. Somebody like Xander or Ben would have put a quick end to Eve's vicious little diatribe, pitched her into the street, and sent her fleeing into the night..

Eric: He didn't have much to say, but he continuously displayed his trademarked look of anguished concern.

Sarah: This professional big mouth was disappointing. After an initial flurry of noise, she shut up completely. Why didn't she pretend that Eve was Sexy Rexy and verbally slice and dice her until, unable to get a word in edgewise, she finally gave up and slunk away.
I don’t like the Eve character; never did. So when she started with her venomous ranting and finger pointing I thought, oh crap, here we go again. Amazing that she didn’t feel her part in Brady losing his son was unforgivable. It was at that point I figured the whole episode involved her slinging trash so I switched to Finding Dory. What a wasted hour.

@DrBakerFan, Eric is a coward. He lets women do his talking for him
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I remember the first Eve Donovan was a schemer when she started (as a teenager), but this version of that character never seemed like that person.
Hear, hear. They've changed the character based on Kassie DePaiva's (current Eve) talents. She's more of a B-level villain (i.e., a character who does outright bad things but tries to justify them in the long run) than a D-level schemer.
Jack: It's good to have him back, but fie on TPTB for using the worn-out total-amnesia plot so soon after it was the plot device for the return of Will.
I'd second that emotion - but there's no reason a non-amnesiac Jack wouldn't have been with his family. Hopefully they fix this more quickly than they fixed Will's case!
I get that it was needed to move the story along, but I was annoyed that the Eli and Lani left when they did. Eve came in, obviously an unwelcome guest intending to stir trouble, and the Salem PD takes it as their cue to leave.

I noticed this as well and was also annoyed. I know da plot da plot.

Now that Jack is back, can Eve leave and take Sarah and Stefan with her?

Total rehash of when Steve returned from the dead and yes Will too. I hope its resolved quickly.

I still feel bad for Henry Shah. Let's pair him with someone else not named Kate and keep him around on recurring.
It was a great episode to watch. I had chills when Jack walked into Doug’s Place. His presence has been missed on Days of our Lives, more than I realized until today. Even though Jack did not recognize Jennifer, I have so much hope for the day that he does remember. I know I was very ticked off at how Jennifer treated Jack last time he was on the show and how she dated both Daniel and Jack. That was awful. And I thought I would never want Jennifer to be with Jack again. But after today, I remembered how much I loved this couple when I first started watching Days in 1989 and 1990. And Jennifer’s reaction to his return today was much different to his return last time (when he fell into the cake). I really would like this couple to find their way back to one another. I’m holding my breath for some good writing and story in the next few months. As for Eve, I love the actress but the character is evil, selfish, and pure trash. I long for the day for her father, Shane, to come to Salem and to give her a good shaming and tongue lashing for her behavior.

One other issue. Not story related. Can someone please tell my why the makeup department uses that horrible color makeup on Eli’s face? It makes him look yellow/orange. Like the poor man has cirrhosis or liver failure. I don’t think it is my television that makes him look that color. He is the only character that looks that yellow color. Such a handsome man. They should not use so much makeup on him. If they must use makeup, they should use a complimentary shade/color.