Days of Our Lives - Thu., Jan. 17, 2019


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Jan 20, 2012
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Western Wisconsin
Abe is yelling in his office while Sheila is listening to music at reception. He stomps out and Sheila thinks she's done wrong; turns out Abe has tickets to Sade but Val mixed up the dates and can't attend with him. (The show's been sold out for a while, per Sheila.) Abe asks Sheila to go with him.

At the police station, Eli tells Xander he'll be locked away for a long time; Xander is confident he will not be. Eli steps outside, where he and Lani search in vain for the media file of the footage. Lani wants to call IT, but Eli suggests they talk to Abe.

At the Kmansion, Eric thanks Sarah for intervening and preventing him from killing Xander. Rex comes upon them, wants to take them out to celebrate Xander's arrest. Sarah is incensed, tells the boys to go out without her. Rex scolds Eric for not talking him up; Rex vows never to cheat on her again, Eric tells him he has no sway with Sarah.

At the DiMansion, Stefan gloats to Gabi and Chad that the charges have been dropped and he's back to claim his rights. Back inside, Big Zero thinks with the charges dropped, he'll be reinstated as CEO, has a call out to Shin. Chad doubts it; Big Z is angry at Gabi's presence, refuses to let Chad's release of Gabi Chic stand. Chad goes to call Shin, Z gloats to Gabi. They rehash Gabi's crimes, now she claims she had told him she was ashamed over her actions (NO SHE DID NOT). He wants to destroy Gabi Chic. She grabs a poker and threatens him, smashing the chess game, says nobody would miss him if she killed him. Chad enters, agrees, notes that everything's on hold until Shin makes a decision.

In the Square, Hope laments that her best chance to get Ben has been sunk. Ted says they're even, Rafe comes upon them, confrontational over their "hand thing" and then there's a recap of Stefan's being set free. Rafe suspects funny business on Ted's behalf with the person taking the blame for the spying. Ted leaves, telling Hope he wishes he could've given her what she wanted. Rafe is mad that Big Z and Ben are free after what they did to Gabi. This goes on for a few years (though Hope actually tries to keep Rafe from yelling). She wants to see Stefan and Ben behind bars; he fears they're no longer a team.

At Abe's office, Sheila's a bit shocked that Abe's asked her on a date. Lani comes in as she's saying this, and is shocked. Abe explains; they talk about the Xander problem. Turns out Sheila let Xander, who claimed to be John Black (whom Abe provided login credentials to the city's server), have the password, despite his not having ID. (She fell for his charms.)

Rex, Eric, and Sarah arrive at the Pub. Eric gets them drinks (there are customers and a waitress is running around), Rex wants to think of a way to be alone with Sarah. Later, they are playing darts and they talk about an adventure Rex and Sarah had in Chicago, including roping Eric into pretending he has to leave.

Hope tells Xander that they have him for impersonating John Black, Xander is confident. Meanwhile Abe is yelling at Sheila, who is penitent and accepts she may be fired. She questions whether her being fired right after he asked her on a date would look fishy to HR. Abe's not amused, but backs down, and gives Sheila both tickets. She thinks she'll ask "John Black" to go with her. Meanwhile Xander's being released.

Rafe and Gabi talk in the Square, they are both angered over Stefan's release. He gets a call from Sami, and Gabi scoots off.

At the DiMansion, Stefan and Chad puff out their chests. This fight is not over.
Thank you, Jason.

My mind went evil in so many places. Stefan could've put me out of my misery with Gabi by grabbing that poker and giving her a whack. Then he could lend the poker to Rafe to use on One-Note-Hope. I know...BAD squirrel.

Boy, Rex acts like a preteen or young teen with his repetitive asking of Eric to talk him up to Sarah and to help him be alone with her.

Abe / Sheila / Xander - this whole scenario is just plain ridiculous. You don't want to know what was coming out of my mouth when I read those scenes.
I thought it was crazy that Rex notices that Eric and Sarah have chemistry but that Eric should use that to help Rex get Sarah back. Does he not even question the chemistry and wonder if Eric and Sarah have gotten close.

Hope and Rafe. They really, really need to end and I'm hoping him getting a call from Sami will help expedite that!!

The whole Sheila thing is stupid as can be. Has she seriously never seen John Black? Doesn't know he's married to Marlena? It's just as dumb as she was getting duped by Xander.

Gabi. She's so so worried about Arianna but smacking a guy with a fire poker seems like a good idea? I was surprised that when Stefan said "over my dead body" neither Chad nor Gabi said "that can be arranged". Gabi did later but should have been at that time. I bet the board keeps Stefan in charge.
gabi keeps bringing up her daughter, being away from her, wanting her business back "for" Arianna.......but keeps doing and saying things that could land her back behind bars again. Doesn't make sense.
Boy, Rex acts like a preteen or young teen with his repetitive asking of Eric to talk him up to Sarah and to help him be alone with her.
He's gross.

I'm sorry, it's hard to drum up enthusiasm for these awful stories. Even Sheila was no fun today, and Xander didn't need to delete the files to get away with attempted murder. Since Marlena's not dead, he should be made police commissioner.
I'm really tired of Hope's new character. She used to be so decent. I don't like Ted at all. He should go back to the rock he crawled out from. I love the dress that Sarah had on today. I've never liked Rafe and Hope together. They have no chemistry. Only Bo had chemistry with her. :)

Speaking of Sami. I liked her & Rafe together
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Rafe comes upon them, confrontational over their "hand thing"
Note to Rafe: This is 2019. A man and woman shaking hands in a public square is acceptable behavior.
If my spouse/partner/significant other got snarky with me for shaking hands with a man in public, he would have some serious apologizing to do!!!

All kinds of hints today about a potential murder of Stefan. If only!! So far, at least Gabi and Chad would be high on the suspect list.
The Salem PD set should be axed. They don’t deserve a set. When Xander was trying to convince Sheila he was John, the line about his guns (muscles) being registered to the ISA made me laugh. Gabi is truly a loon and Stefan is so smug, ugh. I don’t care who gets control of DiMera. Rafe wants justice for Gabi. Her justice was avoiding jail. Rex is awful, but not in a “I want him off my screen” kind of way, but more in a “why are they destroying this character/misusing the actor” kind of way.
I don’t care who gets control of DiMera.
Hear, hear. They never invest in business stories. I think Shin should be a long-lost DiMera brother (perhaps the real Ryan Brady, wouldn't that be a twist?) and take over.
Rex is awful, but not in a “I want him off my screen” kind of way, but more in a “why are they destroying this character/misusing the actor” kind of way.
Nicely put.
gabi keeps bringing up her daughter, being away from her, wanting her business back "for" Arianna.......but keeps doing and saying things that could land her back behind bars again. Doesn't make sense.

She reminds me of Sami. Sami would always say "it's for my children" but it rarely was! Too bad they aren't still sisters in law. They have much in common!
Thanks, Jason.

Who will get blamed for Xander being let go? The great Salem PD <ha, ha>
or the mayor's office?

How long can Sheila stay at her job?

I wondered too why Shelia doesn't know who John Black is.

Rex must be an idiot. He kept saying Eric and Sarah have chemistry. Doesn't
he know what that means?

Everyone knows Stefan is out of jail on the treason charge because someone
else confessed. That's the DiMera way.

Will Rafe and Hope arrest Stefan for the things he's done in Salem? He kidnapped
Gabi. He hurt Abigail. Wait it's the Salem PD :)
She reminds me of Sami. Sami would always say "it's for my children" but it rarely was! Too bad they aren't still sisters in law. They have much in common!
Them having a lot in common is the reason they aren’t still Sister in laws lol. Sami cornering Gabi in the bridal room after her wedding to Nick flopped & telling her “I can’t believe I didn’t see you coming.You should’ve looked so familiar to me” still makes me laugh
I'm sorry, it's hard to drum up enthusiasm for these awful stories. Even Sheila was no fun today, and Xander didn't need to delete the files to get away with attempted murder. Since Marlena's not dead, he should be made police commissioner.
Amen, Xander would do a far better job than bumbling, corrupt Hope. Imagine all the fun he'd have launching investigations into his Uncle Vic or DiMera Enterprises. As for the charges against the X-man being dropped, this was truly a new low for Hope and her inept police force. Even if they couldn't prosecute Xander for shooting Marlena, they had him dead to rights for obstruction of justice, but let him go because the revelation of how they lost key evidence would be too embarrassing. Hope should immediately turn in her badge and start seeing Marlena on a regular basis. She truly needs help. As for other characters:

Ben: Hope's latest display of remarkable ineptitude should give him confidence that her plots against him will never succeed. Without Bo Brady as her partner in crime, she's just hopeless.

Gabi: Before she thinks about waving pokers in people's faces, she ought to have a talk with Jeannie T. Clobbering John Black with a poker didn't turn out all too well for her.

Mr. Shin: Pity this poor man. He probably wishes that the question about whom to appoint as head of DiMera Enterprises read: a) Chad, b) Big Zero, c) none of these.

Abe: Before he gets all judgmental about Sheila, he ought to keep in mind that he's no world-beater himself. After all, during his first term, he did nothing about the lethal Salem tunnels, and he somehow managed to lose an election to the likes of EJ DiMera.