Days of Our Lives - Mon., Jan. 21, 2019


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives
Monday, January 21, 2019

Yep, heading towards Feb. sweeps, for sure. Stefan has made himself at home again, sitting at the chess table, (gosh I wish that would vanish) as Chad comes in. They banter about who will be CEO. Stefan leaves the room, Abby arrives with Charlotte, Chad's day to visit. They chat, Stefan returns, does his usual causing troubled, facing off with Chad over who will head the company, who will have to leave the house. Stefan make comment about being Charlotte's uncle, special place in his heart since he once thought her to be his. Abby is leaving with Charlotte, won't be in that house as long as Stefan is, tells Chad he will have to come see Charlotte at her place. He is sorry about this, is convinced only temporary, all will be well. Her car has been brought around (could swear they said Henderson??) he walks her out.

Gabi...dressed for summer again...comes to see Kate, (we have a lot of different flashbacks today, with Kate remembering telling Stefan his mother's death was no accident) as she wants Kate's help in making sure Chad is named CEO. Kate has influence with Mr. Shin. They argue some, Gabi explains how Chad was going to give her Gabi Chic back, Stefan nixed it. Kate finally agrees to make the call. Victor has called Brady, wants him over tomorrow at 10 a.m. Brady doesn't want to go, but agrees. He complains to Chloe (who also heard Rex beating himself up over Sarah, and running off to find her). Chloe seems to be should to cry on, but filled with common sense, as she ends up telling Brady he knows what he wants, but would like her to talk him out of it.

Rex returns to the apartment, looks like hell, so Eric tells him, been out all night trying to find Sarah, He lists all the places he went, with no luck. Asks Eric if he would possibly know where Sarah is. Eric says no idea now, but last night was here. Long flashback to Sarah wanting to have sex with Eric, him nearly agreeing, but pushing her away, saying no. He says he doesn't think she really wants to get rid of her pain, by sleeping with someone who doesn't love her. And he will always love Nicole. She got ticked and left. Eric doesn't tell that to Rex, who proceeds to whine on Eric's shoulder, admit what he did was reprehensible, but wants Eric to have some empathy. Eric doesn't. Rex jabbers on and on about all he did wrong, how things were messed up between him & Sarah, how she made him always feel everything he did was wrong, everything he said was not right, how he acted did not suit her......but never told her, as he did not want her to think he was complaining. He almost leaves to try and find her again, but decides not to, goes to take a shower. Eric calls Sarah, leaves an apologetic voice mail for being so harsh last night, and leaves.

Later, Kate arrives, not all that happy Roman had to tell her Rex was back in town. She asks about his troubles, he tells all.

Brady arrives to see Victor, who first asks about Tate, Brady seeing him, does he have a picture, yada, yada but gets down to brass tacks, wants him back as CEO. Nope, Brady is not falling for that again. They argue, Vic talks of how Chad ruined things, company a mess, Sonny has his marriage of blackmail so is out, Xander is a thug. Vic does mention Xander has DiMera info he got from Eve. Brady still refuses, knows when he gets everything straightened out, company back on track, Vic will oust him again. Vic says no, he would not. More discussion, finally Brady says o.k., but only with the guarantees. He wants a contract, Vic will have Justin draw it up this afternoon. They shake on it. Eric comes in, looking for Sarah. Vic says 2nd floor, 2nd door on the right. Eric leaves.

Upstairs, Leo wakes up, has a bottle in bed with him, is smiling, but notices he is alone. He calls out for Xandy, where are you?

Sarah is sound asleep, Eric is outside her door, knocks. She doesn't hear, rolls over, nestling her head up against sleeping Xander's shoulder. Eric comes in.
This episode was dreadful. If you haven’t seen it, do yourself a favor and just read the summary. You would think they would provide a half decent episode to capitalize on the holiday viewers instead they give us possibly the worst episode of the year. The Rex and Eric scenes were probably the worst barely edging out Kate & Gabi. I have no idea what they were going for in those Rex and Eric scenes, but they missed the mark. Very cringey and very choppy episode today.
Yes, very choppy, the Rex/Eric conversation was repetitive, and seemingly unnecessary. Was odd to begin the show with themd "the next morning", after ending Friday with Eric/Sarah going at it on the sofa. But then, as I noted, flashbacks galore. Am guessing more flashbacks tomorrow, to explain what Eric walked in on at the end.
Today's episode served up a hefty portion of been-there-done-that.

Part I: Brady as CEO. At least this time Brady will have a contract. And when scheming Eve learns about his new job, how long will it take before she puts aside old grudges and comes sniffing around Tater Tot's daddy again?

Part II: Rex & Eric: What could be worse than a repetitive conversation between two characters who many viewers would be happy to see leave Salem?

Part III: Chad-Big Zero-Abigail. How many times will the brothers try to one up each other, and when will Abigail stop zinging McPerv at every opportunity?

Part IV: Kate-Gabi: Another predictable go-around. Perhaps, the highlight here was that Gabi was actually carrying a winter coat.

That said, there were a few highlights:

Doll-in-Blanket: Another fine performance today as Baby Charlotte from the one Days performer who never flubs a line or steals a scene.

Xander (aka "Xandy"): He gets kudos for bedding big-mouth Sarah. After this, maybe she won't be able to act so morally superior. And how will sourpuss Eric react to the remarkable scene of Ms. Loudmouth and the X-man in bed together? Will this surprising sight leave him speechless for a change or is yet another angry rant in store for the long-suffering viewers?
Was odd to begin the show with themd "the next morning"

The show began with repeats of the ending scenes from Friday. Then after the credits rolled, we got "the next morning" on the screen though I missed the words the first time I watched but already figured out it was morning based on the lighting and then wardrobe and dialogue. I went back and rewatched to see the words on the screen. Maybe we will get that next time we have a recast too.

I agree that this was just an awful episode. I'm tired of seeing the same dreadful characters and stories everyday or every other day.

Rex: I like Kyle Lowder(Rex) but he is really miscast as Rex. First off, the show didn't need to mention Rex or Cassie ever again but here we are. Also, he has ZERO sibling chemistry with Eric and it's making their scenes taxing to get through. Eric wasn't even in Salem when Rex was first there and Eric hasn't mentioned him at all so I'm not buying that they are close brothers all of a sudden. I would have preferred that they cast Kyle Lowder(Rex) as one of Sonny's brothers instead of as Rex.

I'm also tired of Sarah driving so much story. She was hardly on today yet multiple characters were talking about her for the entire episode. And please do not force a triangle with Eric and Rex on us.

Kate: She's unemployed yet all dressed up for work to sit in a hotel room and read the newspaper. And I'm still not buying that someone as wealthy as her lives in a hotel room.

Why does Chad only get to visit with one child at a time? The 2 kids have the same parents. It's just not realistic that Abby would bring one and not the other.

So is Brady going to be at war with Chad and/or Stefan now? Hard pass.

I also didn't understand why Gabi was suddenly nice to Abby at the end. Pick a direction for this character and stick to it!
It's just not realistic that Abby would bring one and not the other.
Guess we can pretend that Thomas was in nursery school today.
I would have preferred that they cast Kyle Lowder (Rex) as one of Sonny's brothers instead of as Rex.
I think that would've been a better choice, having him be Alex, Victor II or Joseph.
That is really starting to bug me. The kid that plays Thomas or his parents have a Twitter account that is always taking about the show, but it feels like he hasn’t been on in months. It is obvious the reason we haven’t seen Thomas is so the show can keep the spotlight on Charlotte, and try to make us feel sympathy for Stefan because he got attached to her. It is not going to work with me.
We also haven't seen Parker in months. When Joey Johnson was a kid, we literally only saw him on Christmas Day. I think the shows uses babies more often because they can easily substitute doll in blanket instead of the actual baby.
It is obvious the reason we haven’t seen Thomas is so the show can keep the spotlight on Charlotte,
It's actually a pain in the neck to have little kids on the set because of all the rules/regulations. Plus, with their one take rule, you run the risk of a little kid messing up. Easier to have a child "in the other room", "taking a nap", having a playdate, in school, etc.

I read an interview with the producer of The Big Bang Theory and they were asked about why we haven't seen Howard and Bernadette's daughter (they hadn't had the boy yet). He talked about the inconvenience of having babies/kids on the set and it's easier to just have them upstairs/in the other room/etc. And, in the case of Halley (the daughter), since her cry sounds like Howard's mother, having her not seen on camera is kind of an homage to Mrs. Wolowitz.
That is true, but if that is the main problem, they should get better kids. Sami’s kids were on a lot even when she was with EJ and they cut back on the kid scenes. We don’t have see the kids everyday,but once or twice a month should be mandatory in some form or fashion. I don’t care if they show Chad and Abby looking at Thomas in a bed with his eyes closed for 5 seconds.
I agree it would be great to see them more often, but I can see why they don't. In addition to paying a kid, they have to pay a bunch of others who are required to be on set when a kid is working. It's expensive and if not absolutely necessary, probably not worth the hassle.
There was a photo once of someone holding a child by the hand, leading her on to a Days set. Cables all over the floor, mobile cameras, mikes hanging down, which showed why kids were always being carried, even when they were perfectly capable of walking.
Plus, when kids are on the set, there has to be a nurse, a tutor, and a parent. So not cheap.
However, it is odd that no one mentions Thomas......who could easily be at a playdate, or in pre-school. Day care. With Jen, or JJ. But of late, it is as if he doesn't exist.
I don’t think there was a mention of Thomas. Who would’ve thought Alice and Tom’s namesakes would get treated this way lol. If kids are really that much of a hassle, maybe we could lay off the unnecessary pregnancy storylines for a while.
I don't know about GH, but the "ghost children" are the norm on Y&R and B&B, too. Unless they are absolutely necessary for a scene, they're always sleeping, in another room or at someone else's house. It's been that way for years.
It isn’t that big of a deal as long they don’t basically forget one exists. If he/she is at the park or karate, that is totally understandable.