Days of Our Lives - Wed., Mar. 13, 2019


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Days of Our Lives
Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Tripp is wondering who could have spilled the beans about Haley. Cue Flashback of Claire calling Eve, meeting her, and outing Haley. Claire seems sympathetic, but suggests it was Ciara, who has been gone. Who else knew? Ciara comes in, Tripp questions her, of course she did not. She promised not to say anything, did not. Spent the night at her mom's, who was helping her deal with the breakup with Ben. Now Claire suggests Mrs. Carney down the hall, nosy neighbor who spies on everyone, has complained about Claire playing her music too loud, and whom Claire confronted about that, calling her a nosy witch. Tripp suggests she call her mom again, Claire says yes, she has to tell both grammas what has happened. She goes into her room, Ciara warning Tripp to keep an eye on Claire. Was just to set on Mrs. Carney, and is insecure person, and when she gets jealous, she gets carried away, despite being good person. She reminds Tripp of rigging the Bella contest among a couple other things.

Eli is questioning Haley, who denies sending cookies to Marlena, is shown the note, says not her handwriting. JJ goes to see Justin, tells him how Haley being in jail is all his fault, he told his dad, who broke his word not to tell. JJ upset he did not keep his mouth shut as Haley asked, Justin reminds him Jack is not himself. JJ knows that, just should not have trusted him to keep mum. Haley won't see or talk to him, but he has to help her. He wants Uncle Justin to help Haley. Justin notes he is not an immigration attorney, but perhaps could recommend one.

Diana comes into Marlena's hospital room, empty bed, sad John, thinks Marlena is dead. No, has gone for tests. She does her fake sympathy routine, I am here for you thing. Eli arrives, tells John he has interviewed Haley who denied sending the cookies, and seemed genuinely upset that Marlena was hurt. Denied the note, not her handwriting. Diana listens to it all. Eli leaves, Diana asks John if not Haley, who possibly? John doesn't know. They go over John breaking into her safe, she is not mad, John says he did not open the envelope, she mentions how Leo told her all, including his dropping charges against Will & Sonny. She is not mad, knows John does what he needs to for his loved ones.

Leo wake up sleeping Brady, who tells him to get out of his room. Leo is upbeat as always, calls him “bro”, Brady says not your brother. But Leo lowers the boom, yep. John is my dad, too. Now he wants a job at Titan, Brady refuses. They go back and forth, Brady talking of what he did to Will & Sonny, and being he was suing the former CEO for sexual harassment, no way at all. Leo claims he is smart, aggressive, blah, blah. Brady tells him to get lost.

Brady goes to hospital, sees John, asks about Marlena, then tells what Leo said. John has to sadly admit it is true. DNA results say so. Will & Sonny are exiting a prayer service at the hospital, one for Marlena, seems the entire hospital was there. They jabber about Leo finally being out of their lives for good.

JJ comes into interrogation room at cop shop, Haley yelling at him to get out, but he wants to help, brought someone, Justin comes in. JJ says he is attorney, can help, Justin repeats, if she wants, Eli comes in to take Haley to her hearing. He asks if this is her attorney, she hesitates, then says yes, he is. JJ gives her a barely imperceptible nod.

Will & Sonny run into Leo at the Kmansion. What is he doing there? Usual back and forth, you are out of our lives, finally, etc. etc. Sonny figures now they can get a divorce, Leo talks of leaving things the way they are, maybe even being a trio, since Leo enjoys making obscene sexual comments. The guys reject him, telling him to pack his bags, leave. Well, not so fast, as he makes a crack about now being Uncle Leo.

Diana is in Marlena's room, talking of how she may have failed at her attempt, came so close, but, she will definitely finish it all.
Can they please stop with all the replays! They go on much too long!!

Is John really dense and he doesn't suspect Diana at all? And now he and Eli had that Kristen conversation right in front of her so now she'll use Kristen somehow. Also dense. Who in their right mind would sign a note when they leave poison cookies??!!!

I can't believe Tripp didn't suspect Claire right off the bat. I hate what they have done to her. Guess it will be good if she gets caught for trying to burn up Ciara. I can only assume she'd be gone at that point. Still wrong that they have done this to Shawn and Belle's child, Bo and Hope's grandchild. Made her so despicable and unlikable. Maybe there will be a story that there was a baby switch when Claire was born and Shawn and Belle's real child will show up!! Hey a girl can dream!!
Is it me, or is Sonny starting to look like Count Chocula?

Thanks, Poirot.

Hallelujah, it's a new day in Salem.

Poor Haley, Justin is going to be her lawyer.

Why does Leo think Brady can get him a job? He's not a Kiriakis by blood.

Why didn't Eli check Haley's handwriting on the card first?

Why isn't Claire at the hospital to be with Marlena?

Claire should have blamed Ben that Haley was arrested. Hope
blames him for everything

Did Ciara fix her hair that way to enter a Minnie Mouse contest?
Thank you for the summary. I almost dread watching. Why is Diana, who is not really a friend of the family, and certainly not of Marlena, allowed to hang around in her hospital room? I suppose she will stay there until she is alone with Marlena, then she'll try holding a pillow over her face. She is entirely too irritating for me.

Kat, I haven't watched yet but I got a glimpse of Ciara at noon today when the tv was on, and I wondered if she was supposed to look like Cat Woman or Mickey (or Minnie) Mouse. I realize I am not in step with fashion but it's hard for me to believe that hairdo can be taken seriously for anything except a costume.
That hairdo ...maybe she did not look in mirror when leaving hair & makeup!

@kat///Leo thinks his "bro" would give him a job cuz they are related... & no one has called Claire to tell her about Marlena..Shame on them all.....
Will John wonder how Diana knew??
A theme today would be "don't press your luck."

Diana: This woman just oozes guilt from every pore. If the price of fish went up at the Salem market, people would probably blame her. The longer she hangs around, the sooner currently clueless John starts to get an aha moment.

Leo: He's got a brand-new daddy and is now safe from mommy-dearest's threats. He should leave it at that and stop pestering Brady about a job or sponging at the K-mansion. Salem lowlifes who linger too long often come to a bad end. Just ask Sy and Fake Rafe.

Justin: He admits to not being an immigration lawyer, but shows up to help Haley anyway. If he blows her case, however, he can take heart from an old joke about immigration lawyers: their mistakes get deported (meaning the hapless client won't be around to complain.)
Thanks for the summary!
Too many flashbacks!

Who in their right mind would sign a note when they leave poison cookies??!!!
No one - but Salem PD might not think of that:whack:

Why didn't Eli check Haley's handwriting on the card first?
Lack of Salem brain!!

I almost dread watching. Why is Diana, who is not really a friend of the family, and certainly not of Marlena, allowed to hang around in her hospital room? I suppose she will stay there until she is alone with Marlena, then she'll try holding a pillow over her face. She is entirely too irritating for me.
I FF Diana each and every scene! She just gives me the creeps - if I watch her I want to punch her - and I am an extremely non-violent person!:angry: