Days of Our Lives - Thurs. , Apr. 11, 2019


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Days of Our Lives
Thursday, April 11, 2019

Rafe comes into Hope's office, locks the door, both agree they have to talk, each telling the other to go first. Hope suggests they go elsewhere to do so, they leave the privacy of the locked room, and go outside to sit on iron Benchie. (Please be aware the midwest is in midst of raging storm, but Salem is in full Spring mode, no coats, jackets, flowers in full bloom). Hope wants Rafe to speak first, he says he has Jordan's baby, and wants them to take it in, take care of it. Hope does not, thinks they have problems that would be able to be fixed with a baby brought in. (Hope spends entirely too much time not answering, just being silent, giving looks) He feels they have to do what they can to help a baby, she agrees, but...not to take in. After a lot of hemming and hawing, she tells Rafe that Ted is in love with her, and kissed her twice. Rafe is ready to go after Ted, wants to kill him. Rafe notes that every time he came into her office, Ted was there, kissing her hand, doing his slimy best to talk against Rafe. They go back and forth. Rafe has had enough, thinks perhaps Hope really doesn't want to work thru their problems. He is moving out, leaves. Hope sits, cries.

Lani is gushing over little David, Eli commenting they have to return him now to Rafe, Ben & Ciara come up. Ben comments it is true, my sister did have a baby. He is smiling, wants to hold him, Lani says no. Ciara notes Ben is David's uncle, his blood relative, Eli tells her to let Ben hold him, will be o.k. Ben does, sweet talks David, is happy to meet him, etc. Lani gets nervous, claims it is chilly, she has to take him someplace warmer, takes David and is off. Ciara notes how rude Lani was, Ben understands, all she sees is serial killer. Eli wants to talk to them, mentions JJ giving him the lighter, and tho it sounded like he wanted Ben down to station, he actually wanted Ciara to come, telling Ben not to come along.

At the station, he shows Ciara the lighter, she has a flashback to Ben holding similar one, but says she doesn't know if that was the one back then, or not. Meanwhile, Ben is outside the Pub as Lani comes out pushing the pram. She stops for just a second, then hurries past him without stopping.

Tripp & Haley both all dressed up, looking wonderful for their wedding. He goes to hospital to see Kayla, telling her with his dad out of town, she is his only family, would she come to his wedding. She is touched. Earlier, she had a conversation with JJ, who told her of confronting Claire about the lighter, how she seemed overly bothered by that, but he knows she is all stressed about Tripp getting married. He says he gave the lighter to the police. Neither think Claire could have possibly done it.

Eve is leaving a message for Jennifer, calling her names, figuring she has Jack somewhere, won't get away with it, she is going to find them. She is rushing out but there is upset Claire, no you are not going anywhere, you promised to stop this wedding, and they are both dressed and about to do so. Eve is yammering about fixing it, taking care of it all, but Claire is too upset. Tripp & Haley are about to be married, that will be the end of her & Tripp, JJ took the lighter to the police, Eve interrupts....what has a lighter got to do. Claire starts out saying nothing, but the guilt is eating away at her, she spills it all. How Ciara turned on her phone, pinged on Claire's laptop, she went to the cabin, saw Ciara sleeping. She went, intending to be big hero, rescuing, etc, but when she saw her, she could only think of how Ciara has always managed to take everything from her. Theo, Bella contest, Tripp, and she just did it, left. But, she realized it was so wrong, ran back right away, but Hope & Rafe already there. So, she just left, went home. Eve has listened sympathetically, tells Claire that she may not have been able to help her daughter, but she is going to help Claire. Will make sure that Ben Weston goes down for setting the fire.

JJ shows up at the loft, surprising Haley. He tells her how beautiful she looks, she starts talking of how she went to a wedding, age 7, bride beautiful, groom so in love, symbol of forever love everywhere. She saved the card showing it all her life, dreaming of having same thing at her wedding. Now it is here, but not what she dreamt. Grateful so much to Tripp for stepping up, but she has hurt his girlfriend, who is upset. And who knows what tomorrow will bring. JJ notes she has the “beautiful bride” down pat, but listens to all she says, blaming himself for what is going on, never should have told his dad, is sorry. But she forgives him, she should not have told her secret herself. She holds no anger towards him, gives him a flower. He puts it in her hair, and they kiss, and then kiss again!

Replay of Jack pushing the shelving & boxes falling on him, knocking him out. Jen is leaning over, trying to bring him back to consciousness, his eyes flutter a bit, she is telling him to look at her, say her name, say his, say anything. He says Loretta, she is grinning ear to ear. He says that doesn't mean a thing, oh, but it does, telling him that was the name of the cruise ship. She now goes into another back story, of being held by thug who wanted diary pages, Jack saving her, fake diary pages, thug would have killed her when he realized that. They took off (yes, video clips). Jack seems to find that rather familiar.

However, he tells her no matter how many stories she has, or memories, he still will be marrying Eve today, no matter how many boxes get dumped on him. So, just give it up. Nope, she won't. She feels that somewhere in that thick head of his is the Jack she loved, wonderful husband & father, and she wants to keep at it til she gets him. Jack can stay there, and work with her towards that end, or ….she takes out the key to door, unlocks can go get yourself married to Eve Donovan. It's your choice.
Jack/Jen. Don't care.

Rafe/Hope. Please just end it. Hope is a horrible person but together they are unbearable.

The lighter. Do you know how many people have a lighter like that?! My husband had one back when he smoked. There is no way to determine if THAT lighter set the fire. So tired of them blaming Ben. I know it being Claire was supposed to be a big twist. But it wasn't a good twist. They have ruined this character and it's very sad.

Haley is very pretty, but I don't think she should be making out with JJ before she marries Tripp.

I was thinking. I think little David is about the age that Lani and Eli's would be if it had survived.
Actually, I think most viewers are just tired of the dragging on and on of Sarah/Rex, Will & Sonny's love life or lack thereof, Rafe/Hope's never ending marital duress, and especially the "who started the fire".
Amnesia is not something cured overnight, but Eve's constant presence is overwhelmingly annoying, as is the constant perseverance by different characters to have Ben blamed and convicted of setting that fire. And now Eve will be in that, too.
I am so sorry to hear that it is going to be someone else "making sure that Ben gets blamed." And, that gives me one more reason to hate Eve, not that I needed it. I don't care if she does think that she is doing it to make up for Paige, it is wrong and it stinks! Thanks for the summary.
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Once again, poor judgment was the order of the day in Salem.

Eve: How can she let the erratic Jack wander around by himself? Didn't she realize that the determined Jenny would never give up on trying to help Jack regain his memory?

Claire: Confessing to Eve was definitely not a good move. Despite what she said today, Eve would sell out Claire in a Salem second if it suited one of her many nefarious purposes. (The words "trust" and "Eve" should never be used in the same sentence.)

Lani: Who does she think she is, trying to keep Ben away from his nephew? All she's done is ensure that Ben will go now on a crusade to gain access to the infant.

Hope: She thinks that she and Rafe have issues? She's the one with issues and they're all named Ted.

Eli: What does he think he's going to accomplish by raising the lighter issue as it relates to Ben? At this late date, this generic item is worthless as evidence -- no distinctive marks, no prints, no DNA, no nothing. If he bothers Ben and Ciara again, they should use the line from the old Clint Eastwood film, Heartbreak Ridge: "Don't go away mad, just go away."
Thanks, Poirot.

I was surprised Hope told Rafe about Ted.

I wonder how Eve plans to convince the police Ben started
the fire?

Will Jack remember anything else after he got hit in
the head?

Cute scene when Uncle Ben held David.
Neither think Claire could have possibly done it.
They are blissfully unaware of the depths to which Ron Carlivati (current head writer) will sink.
Will make sure that Ben Weston goes down for setting the fire.
I'd be seriously OK with this since I haven't liked how they've handled...well anything Paige related, ever. Shane's granddaughter - and her killer is just walking around Salem? No way.

However it's clear that Ben and Ciara are the new 'it' thing so no way this burns anybody but Claire or Eve. Also I hate that Claire set the fire, and is jealous of Ciara, when that wasn't how things were written until about 18 months ago.
Oh I missed more Jack & Jen scenes with a new flashback. My recorder wasn't programmed so guess it is NBC on Saturday.