Days of Our Lives - Mon., Apr. 15, 2019


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives
Monday, April 15, 2019

Tis wedding days in Salem, guess they all have filed their tax returns, as no one mention having to do so. (Just being a bit sarcastic). First, let's see what Claire has to say, after bursting into Tripp & Haley's nuptials, saying stop. Agent Smith is taken aback, being Haley's apparent guy friend is the best man, while Tripp's former girlfriend has suddenly shown up. She asks what Claire has to say, Claire says this will say it all, plays the recording of Tripp noting she is still his girlfriend, and soon this will all be over, they can be together. Shock for everyone, Tripp is saying she recorded that without his knowledge, Agent Smith is deporting Haley immediately, thanks Claire for doing her civic duty. Tripp is really angry, Claire trying to explain she only did what she did for her country, Haley will love China, tis beautiful, and she & Tripp will be together. Nope, says Agent Smith, as he will be going to prison. Haley conspired to defraud the U.S. Government, he was co-conspirator. Claire is devastated, no, no. Oh, yes. Tripp confronts her, is very angry, she only cares about herself, and her own insecurities, talks of her own ancestors coming here, getting jobs, how there would be no Brady Pub, no family, no YOU. She is saying she will wait for him, no don't bother, he never wants to see her again..........ever!

Camera is on Claire's face, gets a bit shaky, and......guess what......all a daydream of Claire's. Yep, Agent Smith is still asking her what she wants to say...and Claire only says that she & Tripp were really never in love, he was on rebound from Ciara when he took up with Claire. Then along came Haley, and it was it for him. She knows she wasn't invited, but wonders if she could stay. Haley agrees, Justin pronounces the couple man & wife, Kayla says let's break out the champagne, and have the cake. Agent Smith still thinks this is fake, but is keeping an eye out, she leaves. Everyone drinks a toast, Justin has to leave, does so with Kayla, hugs. JJ says he will be going, Haley walks him out. They talk outside, will have to keep their distance from each other, but after a while, will be o.k. He asks if he can kiss the bride, does so on her cheek. Meanwhile Tripp tells Claire he knew she was going to say something else, what was it. She says nothing, just changed her mind. Knows he did a good thing. He reminds her she has to go, she knows, they kiss, Haley comes in, sorry to interrupt. Claire smiles, jokes how she was kissing Haley's husband. She leaves. Tripp says now what, Haley suggests they eat the cake, does have their names on it. Outside, Claire is not a happy camper, hits the wall with her fist, cannot win. Damned if she does, damned if she doesn't, has sad look.

Meanwhile, Ben has repeated his invite to Ciara to spend the night. She definitely wants to, noting just the one bed. He will sleep on couch, or even the floor. She protests, they can share the bed. Ben is not too sure about that, she is insistent, and indicates she wants to be intimate with him. He worries if she is sure, yep, she is ready. (very tender moments). They are kissing, his shirt comes off, they are on the bed, kissing, his phone rings, he doesn't want to answer it, tis Stefan. She says he should, seems there is a problem, he wants Ben over there now. He has to go, she is fine, will be waiting, has nothing comfortable to wear. He pulls a shirt from a drawer, knows she looks better in it than he does. He gets dressed, she gets the shirt on (sans her other clothes, hops into the bed, he tenderly pulls the covers up, will be back. She smiles, will be waiting, waves at him. He is out the door.

And now over to the square, replay of Jack saying he can't do this. Adrienne starts talking coming to his senses, cannot marry Eve, not when there is Jennifer. But Jack claims it is not Jen, it is Adrienne herself. And somehow there erupts a big bruhaha, Jack & Adrienne arguing, then wanting to see Adrienne's license again, she already showed it, but Jack insists, she brings it out, he calls fraud, shouting out this is no good, Eve joining in, license expired. Adrienne says Sonny told her they never expire, she was not aware. Mind you, everyone is hollering, shouting, accusing. Adrienne trying to tell the crowd this wedding is a worse sham than Haley & Tripp's. She tells them to take out their phones, research Jack Deveraux & Jennifer Rose Horton. Eve is yelling, noting Adrienne is owner of Spectator, and has shown to be a fraud, the crowd chanting, some guy comes up on the platform, fully believes Eve & Jack in love, one can see it in their eyes. Guess what? He is pastor of 2nd St. church, and can marry them. Terrific! Adrienne has tried to tell Jack she loves him, is trying to protect him from the brainwashing Eve has done, to no avail. She joins Jen on the sideline, telling her she tried. Jen knows, love her. They watch as Eve & Jack get married by the pastor. (tho Jack seems to struggle a bit getting his “I do” out. But he does it. Cheers, all is happy with the crowd. (and yes, really comes off a campaign stunt). Eve comes up to Jen, lords it over Jen that she told her she would be Mrs. Jack Deveraux, she is! Jack joins Eve, Jen leaves to submit her story, but stops and hopes they both will be happy.

Jen is sitting at a table, JJ joins her, tells Haley/Tripp married, Jen notes it had to be hard for him. He got info about Jack & Eve on phone, is sorry. Jen admits defeat. Is done, going to give them a wide berth, leaving, gonna visit Abby & Chad. JJ gets up, comes round, hugs her.

Eve & Jack back in their room, it is done. Eve was a bit worried the marriage was even going to happen. Jack begins talking of how they shared the bed, but never made love, but now are husband & wife, wants to now consummate the marriage. Eve only too happy to do so, he picks her up, throws her on the bed, kissing her.
I knew that whole Claire thing was all her imagination. Once again a very long dragged-out what if that didn't happen. Just like when Claire "confessed" to Ciara about setting fire. Stop wasting my time with stuff that doesn't happen and make something happen!! I thought we were excited when Ron came on as writer but all he gives us are dumb stories.

Eve and Jack are just unwatchable. Now really and truly married and apparently going to consummate it. But would voters really be behind a man with amnesia? The Mexican cartel stuff is just not something I deal with in my day to day life. Was kind of weird how Ben was tucking Ciara in when he actually wanted to be in bed with her. Am looking forward to them moving ahead though. Just frustrated with too much dumb stuff.
Politics, when it is so heavy handy to one point of view, is why people are fed up with Hollywood writers and performers. They do not speak for everyone and they think they do. Get it off daytime drama.
This episode could be called "The Tale of Two Fake Weddings."

Jack & Eve: What a farce. Even with no bullets flying this could have been the most absurd wedding in Salem history: shouting Adrienne, squawking Eve, babbling Jack, the goofy pastor, and the antics of the paltry pro-Jack crowd. After this nonsense, Jenny has the right idea: get out of town and go visit Abigail.

Trippy & Haley: What can be said about a wedding featuring a bride and best man who have the hots for each other, a sort-of-ex girl friend who's dying to blow the whistle on the proceedings, and an ICE agent who's itching to lock up the groom and deport the bride.

Claire: It was truly remarkable that Claire actually thought ahead and imagined Trippy's reaction to her blowing the whistle on the green-card wedding. Generally, Claire seems to live in the moment and have the attention span of a goldfish.
Have they ever filled in anything about the Eve and Jack relationship like where she found him and how long ago or any of that? I just don't get why some guy with amnesia would meet a woman and suddenly just go along with her in a short period of time. I guess I assumed that she found him after the fire but if that's right then how can he have no questions about anything? Clearly I need to stop fast forwarding so much because they probably addressed this.
She bought him from Xander if I recall correctly (and I'm so bored by it I'm probably not) in exchange for that Titan stuff, or DiMera stuff, that was so important they talked about it twice and then dropped it. But I don't think they've ever explained why he's listening to Eve, nor do I think they ever will.
Like most of you, I was sure that the Claire scene with her tape was a daydream, but at least she realized the impact and that Tripp would go to jail and she wouldn't get him back anyway. Still kind of surprised that she let it happen. I would have taken her for a "If I can't have him, no one can" type of crazy. Also, not a fan of all of these Salem voters who attend these stupid rallies and support an idiot who doesn't even know his name. That is so dumb. Do have to say that Kassie (Eve) can sure rock a gown! Between the one on New Year's Eve, and this one, I guess we know where all of the budget is going. Gorgeous dress, but it didn't seem to fit her quite right, or it wasn't flattering.

I was hoping that the wedding crasher would have been Melinda, but I guess not. I still can't figure out even if she is, as speculated, Haley's mother, Haley was born in China and had fake papers to get her here, so I don't know how that would resolve her illegal status.

Actually Haley looked beautiful too, and I felt sorry for JJ. I know that Jack and Jennifer fans are hoping for a reunion, but I just think too much has happened and even though he looks like Jack, he has said and done too many hateful things to Jennifer and if she is still going to try to get him back, she is just too much of a doormat for me. I hope she does let him go and then see what happens down the line. I think he has had enough chances to try to work on finding himself with her.
Thanks, Poirot.

This episode could be called "Someone got thrown under the bus". And I think some of
us (viewers) feel we got under it too.

It's too bad the stuff with Adrienne couldn't have been a fantasy like most of Claire's. The
stuff with Jack and Eve was embarrassing to watch.

Too bad Adrienne license expired.

Too bad there was someone there to could marry Jack and Eve. Will they actually go
to his church?
Eve wanted so badly to stick it to she comes next? Jen leaves to go visit her daughter, and Eve can't flaunt her victory in Jen's so what does she do nnow?
That nonsense with Eve and Jack was so disgusting. I wish Tripp and Haley would really fall in love and ride of into the sunset. Could we hope this isn't really Jack?? What a jerk.
Well, it didn't take me long to watch this one. I simply can't listen to Eve at all anymore. Their wedding/political rally was too much for me. I did get through Adrienne trying to talk Jack out of marrying Eve, and I felt like she may have had some influence opposite of what she intended. I know characters give "looks" to try to throw us off track but when Jack was hesitating, he kept looking over at Jennifer. It really seemed he was having second thoughts. Then Adrienne came along and started pushing hard for him to not marry Eve. I felt like that may have pushed him over the edge, causing him to go into defense mode so he quickly came up with the thing about asking to see Adrienne's license card, etc.