Days of Our Lives Tues., June 4, 2019


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives
Tuesday, June 4, 2019

Marlena comes to see Claire, who tells her about breaking up with Tripp, how devastated she is. She confesses about recording the video Eve used to prove Tripp & Haley were in a fake marriage. Marlena is disappointed in her, but maintains her calm. When Marlena tries to talk of folks trying to help Haley stay in this country, Claire loses her cool, rants all about her, her feelings, then is sorry, etc. Marlena spots Maggie's figurine, Claire has to explain why she has it, how Ciara fixed it, etc. She decides to tell her about setting the fire, but gets a phone call from Tripp, who says he got a call from his dad, is going to visit him for a few days, asks her to cover his shift. Claire is all elated now, and when Marlena asks what she was going to tell her, Claire makes up some excuse about not liking the lace cookies her gramma brought especially for her. She has to leave, cover Tripp's shift. Marlena notes she has an unusual ring to her phone. Claire says tis her own composition, she wanted to recognize her own phone, not someone else's.

Will is in hospital, telling Sonny he is writing his last article for the paper. He has problem bringing some words, names to mind, Sonny helps. That is until Will starts yelling at him, he is dying, this is what he wants to do, the way he wants to do it. Marlena arrives, wonders why she wasn't called, Will says because he told Kayla not to.......then tells her he is dying, nothing can be done, nothing at all.

Jack, using Jennifer's confiscated phone, calls JJ, who is not happy about being fooled. Jack tells him unless he & Haley come in, his mother will spend years in prison, relating the assault charge, plus aiding and abetting fugitive. However, will drop all charges if JJ comes in. JJ calls him a few choice names, Jack says last offer. JJ hangs up, tells Tripp & Haley, who will not let Jen go to prison. However, JJ says no, he will go in, telling Tripp to get Haley to the border, into Canada, then he can return, leave her there.

Jen is talking to Rory, (yayyy) trying to get him to tell her where JJ is, but Rory stays steadfast. Has not heard from JJ in years, doesn't know. Eve comes in, commenting they can now add bribery to the charges. In comes Jack, telling them he talked to JJ, listened in when Rory called his “lawyer”, and since he used a police phone, was able to trace the number. But in comes JJ, alone, no Haley. Drop all charges against Mom, before I talk. Jack goes out, returns with an officer, all charges against Jen have been dropped. JJ asks “with prejudice”? Yes. Jen asks what that means. She can never be charged for this again. The officer unlocks handcuffs from Jen. Jack asks where Haley is. JJ has nothing to say. Jack replies they had a deal. JJ says ...”I lied”. Jack tells the officer to cuff JJ, who is under arrest. Jen cannot believe this, Jack tells her to leave. Later, Eve comes in, tells Rory he is free to go, charges dropped. Rory wants his weed, lol, Eve has a fit, yells to leave. Phone rings, she answers.

Tripp & Haley realize they need new passports, talk of who could get them. Melinda, no...Ciara, no, she would involve Ben. Tripp learns Rory was set free. Worth a shot. Tripp is making the call.

Ciara & Ben have talked, he wants Marlena to put him under again, tells her of the music he remembered hearing, doesn't know where, but familiar. He tries to hum, she says he is tone deaf. Later, they go to the cafe, are still talking about the cabin, the fire. Ciara doesn't want them suspecting Claire any more.

Claire overhears, calls Eve (see above) all upset, leaves message.....go after Ben, get him blamed for that fire, and do it now! Eve listens to message, hangs up......not today, honey, just not today.

Claire puts a smile on her face, comes over all bubbly to Ben & Ciara, ready for their order. Ciara does her eggs over easy, fried toast.....Ben is drinking water staring off into space, thinking about that music. He snaps out of it, looks at Claire thoughtfully, as she digs in her pocket ...presumably her phone has rung.
Please remember there is no Days show on Thurs. & Friday....Tennis!

And for some reason, my TV is lousy (tho tis a good thing at times) on eliminating or reducing background noise. I did not hear Claire's phone ring, but since she suddenly went into her Ben's look at her...must have. (sometimes the sound for commercials is not there, so that's the good thing, lol.)
Thank you, Poirot.

Hmm, I really don't know where to go with this episode. Yet again, we have Eve involved in 2 out of 3 daily story threads. Geez, I bet the writers even tried to figure out a way to get her in Will's hospital room today, but couldn't come up with one. I bet she'll go to Xander about Rolf's "Book of Spells" either tomorrow or Wednesday instead. Just like Old McDonald's Farm...Here an Eve, there an Eve, everywhere an Eve.
Thanks, Poirot and thank you redsquirrel for the new song in my head.

It's a new day in Salem... Yippee.

Nice to hear Claire call Marlena Grandma. Was Claire going to tell Marlena
she set the fire before her phone rang? Does Marlena think it's the one Ben

Today Ben told Ciara he thought he heard the song before. Did he hear
Claire's ringtone when he lived at the loft?

Mayor Jack is wasting a lot of time trying to get Haley arrested.

Line of the day goes to Will "I'm going to die acting like a *bleep*"
Jason, If the mighty Patch Johnson was involved with their escape, the road would definitely lead to Canada. Recall that Steve not only got Shawn, Belle, and toddler Claire to the Michigan-Ontario border, he also found a previously unknown land route into Canada. Perhaps, similar to Moses at the Red Sea, Steve was able to get the waters of the Detroit River to part, allowing the fleeing threesome to avoid any official border crossings.

Nice to hear Claire call Marlena Grandma.
It's always good to see familial relationships recognized, but I'd rather not hear any sounds coming out of brat girl Claire's mouth.

And, unfortunately, now I am starting to think of Jack/Eve as 1 and they are both too annoying for words.I
"Too annoying for words" only begins to describe how off-putting this awful twosome is. Where's Stefano when you really need him? If he was around, he could do everyone a favor by sending Eve and Jack to one of his secret islands until further notice.