Days of Our Lives - Thurs. June 20, 2019


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives
Thursday, June 20, 2019

Wonder why other shows are not interrupted for "breaking news"...just Days. However.....will relate what I got. Opening shot of Brady Pub outside, Roman putting sign in window, closed for Family event. Inside Roman & Kayla admire the lovely portrait of Caroline, chat a bit, Carrie arrives, hugs all round. Kayla leaves to go see Victor.

Hope is trying to get in touch again with Ted, who hasn't returned her calls.

Kayla arrives at Victor's, who makes a few snide comments, until she tells him her mother passed away last night. His demeanor changes instantly, (and kudos to Mary Beth Evans/Kayla who does a stellar job here). She tells him of the wake, invites him, knows he might not feel he should come, but he is welcome. Mom would want it. He declines, thanks her. She leaves, stopping to stay she knows how much he cared for her mother, she loved you very much.

Sami is with Will, Sonny gone somewhere, she gently lets him know Gramma Caroline passed away. Will realized that he then really did see her, she talked to him. Sami agrees....says she sent him back to them.

Claire is wondering if her dress is too bright, colorful. Ciara tells her it is fine, Gramma did not want us mourning, and this day is not about you. Doorbell, tis Shawn & Hope. Hugs all round, Belle is in midst of a trial. Claire shows dad some tribute to gramma she wrote online, while Hope talks to Ciara about Ben being arrested. Ciara doesn't tell her mom about Claire starting the fires, just talks of trusting family.

At the Pub, Abe is there, as is Eric, John & Marlena come in, hugs for Carrie. Kayla returns, Hope arrives, they talk, Hope decides to go to Victor. Roman thanks everyone for coming to the Irish Wake, no sad stuff, Ma would not like it. Abe first. He talks of how much Caroline made him a part of the family, was always there to listen. John next, how he was fortunate to be her son for a few years, and she never ever stopped treating him like one.

Hope is at Victor's, just her head on his shoulder. Vic had gotten a box of mementos out, a letter from Caroline, a gift she gave him, a worn picture of them very young. Hope asks to see it, he says the letter was telling him one of her children was not fathered by Shawn, but by him. Changed his life forever. Hope says it changed Bo's life forever. He says she should be with her family. She figures Caroline & Bo would like her being with him. Later she notes that Shawn, Ciara, & Claire are his family, too. We all love you. He thinks she should go be with her family, she finally leaves. He looks at the picture of him & Caroline, saying aloud, Maggie, I love you very much, but Caroline, YOU are the love of my life.

Sonny has brought cake & balloons to Will's room, gonna celebrate, learns about Caroline, is sorry. He thinks of Uncle Vic and how much he loved Caroline. Will talks about her, the wake being held, Sonny suggests Will write a piece for the paper about her, gives Will his laptop. Will titles it Caroline Brady, a Legacy of Love.

Back at the Pub, Kayla is raising a toast to Caroline, with beer, as Ma would not have it any other way. Everyone has a glass, as Kayla tearfully notes her mother & father are now reunited. To Ma! They all are toasting and clinking glasses, camera moves outside, gets pretty fuzzy, as Caroline peers thru the window at her family & friends toasting her. Shawn's arm goes around her on her shoulder.

And now we hear Shawn's voice, and clips of him & Caroline, him saying how much he loved her, them dancing together. Very moving and emotional.

I did not see the comments others at the Pub made, probably missed a lot of commercials as well. This is best I can do.
By the way, Roman mentions that Kim just had some surgery, so Theresa was staying with her..........and at the Pub, Kayla mentions a message from Frankie & Max, so grateful Caroline took them in.
It was a really nice episode. The speeches were touching. Rex was missing because he got called to an emergency at the hospital, to which Sami said she wouldn't give him any grief because he saved Will's life. No mention of Cassie, Andrew, Chelsea, Stephanie or Joey (or Johnny, Allie, Sydney, Tate or Noah).
I did not realize breaking news interfered. The parting shot was Caroline standing outside the pub looking in at her family.... and you see a hand touch her back... which was her husband. They are united.
Agreed fanofdayz......those comments by Shawn, Sr. & them dancing, embracing.......then looking in the window at their family.......oh, my.

Plus Victor's reference to her being the love of his life......that was all lovely.
Victor has always pronounced her name as Carolyn,,,,,,,
I thought the tribute was well done considering the budget and filming schedule. The cast did really well and none of it felt forced to me. I’m going to miss seeing the actress in behind the scenes videos and the character Caroline Brady onscreen
I loved the show. There could have been more clips, but then I really think 3 days of clips wouldn't satisfy me. lol
I particularly liked Sami's talk with Will and her little speech, she seemed to once again break character, which made it even more emotional. And John's too.
I loved Hope being the Hope I have so missed in her scenes with Victor.
I "Oh MY'd" loudly at the last scene. The most creative thing they have done in years!
Victor has always pronounced her name as Carolyn,,,,,,,
I know but my point is that her name is Caroline. He never pronounced it correctly. It seems to me that TPTB would have told the actor how to pronounce it correctly.

Quite a few of the characters pronounce it that way, too. Roman and Abe did today.
That is really sad that the actors worked with her for many years and still don't know how to say her character's name.
Some folks have remarked about the lack of flashbacks in Caroline's life, how nice it would have been during her wake.........the headwriter, Ron C. commented on twitter......
Ron Carlivati‏Verified account@carlivatiron
Replying to @Brian_Peel @nbcdays
We wrote 9 flashbacks in the outline and script. Apparently, they were cut for time. #days

9:39 AM - 21 Jun 2019
As others have said, this was a very nice tribute to Peggy McCay (Caroline).
No mention of Cassie, Andrew, Chelsea, Stephanie or Joey (or Johnny, Allie, Sydney, Tate or Noah).
They should have mentioned Johnny, Sydney, and Allie. After all, they were practically raised in the Pub by absentee "best" mother Sami. Here are a few other observations.
  • When noting what a good woman Caroline was, somebody could have mentioned that she was even nice to the despised EJ when he appeared in the Pub to drown his sorrows.
  • Eric was actually smiling. Apparently, what he really needs to cheer up is a good family wake.
  • Carrie actually made it to the Pub on time. Apparently, no owners of lost cats held her up with requests to find their wayward felines.
  • Victor probably made the right move by staying away. Despite statements that he'd be welcome, what family really wants the presence of a man with whom a beloved grandmother cheated on dear old grandpa?