Days of Our Lives - Thu., Jul. 18, 2019


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Jan 20, 2012
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Western Wisconsin
In Eve's office, she asks Jack why he changed his mind about the serum. Lots of rehashing about what they each apparently already knew, and the upshot is Eve's jealous of Jennifer Rose Horton, and if Jack loves Eve, he won't take the serum, to protect their love. He says he loves her but wants his memory back.

Jennifer meets Hope at Doug's Place. Hope is upset about her marriage to Rafe ending (she just received the official papers). They lament their dream men not being as they seemed, and after about 22 scenes of Jen apologizing for focusing on Jack, they talk about Ted. Hope admits there may be something there.

In the private area, Gabi tells Brady her suspicions about the woman she believes is Nicole. Loooooong rehash and lots of one-shots of Brady emoting as they talk about Nicole's losses, stresses, and their plot against Stefan, whom Gabi insists she hates.

Ted and Kate talk outside "Nicole"'s hotel room. They are upset that "Nicole" flaked on them, as they were planning her help in nailing Kristen. Kate faints, Ted revives her and she has a cozy flashback to a shirtless Ted (they must be in Kate's room now?). Ted and Kate also talk about Hope, with Kate making veiled threats and reviewing Hope's luckless history with luckless rewritten characters (including, Larry Welch, Patrick Lockhart and Aiden Jennings).

In the Kmansion study/main room, Xander fingers the Nicole mask, pleased that he's ended the doppelganger story.

Out in the foyer, replay of Will and Sonny being stunned by Susan-who's-really-Kristen as they are leaving. She flashes back to finding the costume in Nicole-that's-actually-Kristen's hotel room. She gets Will to invite her in and Sonny to get her water, and in the main room, Xander stashes the mask in his bulletproof briefcase. Susan-who's-really-Kristen eyes up Xander. Will introduces "Xander Cook Kiriakis", whom Sonny identifies as his cousin. Susan-who's-really-Kristen recognizes him as Marlena's shooter, Will and Sonny inform her that he saved Will's life. Susan-who's-really-Kristen scolds him for stealing Rolf's diary, then backs it up and plays nice, gets him to close his eyes and shows him the wrestling mask (and yes, that's what it is, and in case you weren't sure, Gabi says so as well). Will and Sonny are stunned. Susan-who's-really-Kristen makes veiled threats. Xander leaves, Susan-who's-really-Kristen follows him, but Brady is entering, shirtless after a run. Susan-who's-really-Kristen speaks lustily with him about Xander, whom Brady didn't see.

Kate drinks alone as she thinks about Ted's champagne shower. She declares she doesn't need champagne or Ted.

Back at Doug's Place, Ted comes to see Hope, who passionately kisses him.

Jennifer is wandering through that back area outside the Pub, calls Henry Shah.

Will worries about "Susan"'s sudden appearance. Sonny writes it off, Will decides to dig through her purse. (His mother was Sami so she never taught him not to, and also Susan owes it to him since she held him captive.) Upstairs, Susan-who's-really-Kristen rifles through (what she thinks are) Xander's things; Brady enters.

Edited to add: Will and Sonny find a gun in Susan's purse.

In the Square, Gabi saunters up to Xander and declares she believes he was working for "Nicole". He plays it off, she swipes the briefcase.
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LOL, today was what I called a Comedy of Errors, but Susan (Kristen) just salivating at seeing hot and sweaty Brady, just back from a jog, and then just out of the shower Brady, is tooo funny. \
Plus her verbal cat & mouse game with Xander, who apparently doesn't know who she really is, until she gifts him with the mask. Will & Sonny don't say boo, even tho obviously it is very peculiar.
Hate that so much time gets wasted with rehashing, as Jason noted.
As she prowls the rooms at Kmansion (looking for Xander's??) she mutters something about "that is why I put initials on all the doors at the warehouse, how does one know whose room is where. "
So........definitely in cahoots all along with Dr. Rolf..
And then Eve, pleading with Jack not to take the serum, says..........when you died, you loved her.
In the private area, Gabi tells Brady her suspicions about the woman she believes is Nicole. Loooooong rehash and lots of one-shots of Brady emoting as they talk about Nicole's losses, stresses, and their plot against Stefan, whom Gabi insists she hates.
I loved the look on Brady's face when Gabi said Nicole was wearing a "lucha libre" mask and he said "a Mexican wrestling mask????" Then when Kristen-as-Susan was hitting on him. Funny day for Brady.:rotfl:
Kristen as Susan is amusing. I would think Will would call Roger since she seems so weird.

Oh Gabi getting away with briefcase would be too easy. Kristen can't stay in hiding too long. What is everyone going to think of Nicole missing? Or will that secret come out if Kristen gets discovered. I still wish they would show us real Nicole and Holly.
Was it a gun that Will found in "Susan's" bag?
Let's not give certain people too much credit: Kate thinks that Xander is not so dumb as to double cross creepy Kristen? She should guess again. He's already serious messing with her. Kate should realize that the DiMera's glory days ended when Stefano and Andre were killed and EJ ended up as a Charmin-wrapped mummy. For all her threats and tough talk, Kristen is now a paper tiger.

Don't press your luck: The deranged Kristen is pressing her luck with the glowering Xander. If she doesn't watch out, her Susan wig, teeth, and glasses will be in the X-Man's trophy case.

Let's polish that image: If Ted wants to be known as a high-powered attorney instead of a cheap shyster, he should pay more attention to the details. Today, Kate spurned the milk chocolate that he probably got from the check-out-line display at the Salem Super Discount Market. He might have gotten a better result if he'd offered her premium Swiss or French chocolate instead.

Total delusion: Eve thinks that she and Jack have built a "great life together." She ought to guess again. If Jack regains even part of his memory, he'll be gone in a flash.

Any port in a storm: Pity poor Dr. Shah. Every time Jenny needs a date, she goes out with him. By now, doesn't the poor man realize that when something better comes along Jenny will always be gone in a Salem second.
"that is why I put initials on all the doors at the warehouse, how does one know whose room is where. "
Thanks, I caught the warehouse line but not the context. I wasn't watching at home, so I couldn't rewind.
I would think Will would call Roger
I think Will would call Sami, since Susan should be tending to her mummy in Italy.

Meanwhile, I see no reason why Xander didn't just strangle Kristen unconscious and expose her.
I don't think Susan even knows about that mummy
I don't think Susan even knows about that mummy
Yes she does. She was in Salem when he was found. Sami used the hair on the Marlena doll as a DNA match because Susan said she used her own hair to make the doll. She and Sami fought in the hospital, but eventually made peace. Then Sami told Susan she was welcome to come visit them at the hospital in Italy.
Thanks, Jason.

Funny stuff here and there in Salem.

Will and Sonny were the straight men for Xander and "Susan"

I don't understand why Hope was so upset about her divorce papers. She's
the one the wanted a divorce.

Gabi got Xander's briefcase. Will she get it open and find the wrestling mask and
not the Nicole one?

Kristen's eyes looked like they were going to pop out of her head looking at
bare chested Brady.
Yeah, that sexy, barechested, Brady, One would never guess he had a heart transplant, would they? LOL
Xander could easily break Gabi in half, cannot imagine why she thought she could take his briefcase and get away with it. I doubt she will.