Days of Our Lives - Mon., Aug. 26, 2019


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Days of Our Lives
Monday, August 26, 2019

The excitement has definitely ended, as all over Salem, the citizens go over the explanations, reasons, etc. In a humorous segment, Will & Sonny are with Susan, praising her heroics in saving Marlena, and then plying her with alcohol, as they figure out the series of events. They realize it was probably Kristen in her Susan disguise who came to the house, that Xander had her Nicole mask, she wanted it back, yada, yada. Susan denies having come there, they talk of her reappearance in just a couple minutes in different clothes, this was now Susan. They go over it all, Susan is pretty tipsy by the time they hash it all out, they will call her a cab, as she wants to go to airport, get back to her Roger.

Anna & Tony are doing the same thing, (it takes everyone too long to spit it out, gotta tell ya), as eventually Tony tells her how Kristen threatened to kill Anna unless Tony married her, and kept his mouth shut. He admits to killing Ted, and how it was accidental. Anna convinces him to go to police, tell all, Off they go.

Brady gets Kristen to tell all to the police, including that it was Tony who killed Ted, all her impersonating and marrying Tony to get control of DiMera, etc. She spends a great deal of time trying to convince Brady that he still loves her, that while he was having sex with Nicole, deep down, he knew it was her, blah, blah, and more blah, blah. She gives her statement to Eli & Lani, who gets the transcript typed up. In comes Tony & Anna. Tony gives his statement, but turns out Kristen did not mention Ted's death being an accident. So now it depends on Trask, who already made a few deals with Xander, so maybe she will be open to one with Tony.

Eric & Sarah talk, he was just overwhelmed with once again dealing with the fact Nicole was dead, assures her he cares about her, they talk of Maggie, then go to tell her. So, they arrive, inquire about Vic, who is doing better, Eric says Kristen crashed the party, Maggie is told the entire tale (off camera, thank goodness),. They talk of Kristen's deception, evil deeds, and how she had an accomplice. Cue Xander to come in, both Sarah & Maggie yell at him for all his lies and deceptions. He admits he did so, is sorry, apologizes for letting Maggie think she hallucinated when she said she saw Kristen in the red dress, but Maggie & Sarah are raking him over the coals, as is Eric. They berate him for kidnapping Holly, killing her to use her in this plan. It takes him a while, but eventually he gets in a word or three. He loved Holly, played with her when married to Nicole, would never hurt her. He stuns them, he did not kill Holly, she is alive!

At the cop shop,Tony & Anna talk of their future, never leaving each other, etc. etc. Eli & Lani come in, no dice from Trask. Having just been rehired, & making deals with Xander, she is afraid the public will think she is soft on crime, if she doesn't go after Tony. Plus he is a DiMera, and she has a vendetta. Eli cuffs Tony, reads him his rights.

And then into the interrogation room where Brady is still trying to get something more from Kristen, more of her insisting he really loves her, yada, yada. He talks of her killing Holly, but she did not kill anyone. She would never kill a child. Holly is alive. This shocks Brady, who finally gets down to the nitty gritty. Where is she, then? Kristen smiles. Where every little girl should be ----with her mother!
Maybe that is her name! And if it was Xander's dialogue, it was written that way.

Xander DID say Holly was alive....tho it took him a while to get it out. After all, gotta fill those seconds and minutes with nonsense, before getting down to the nitty gritty.
But he could have said it a lot sooner, instead of all that "I didn't kill her, I loved her, etc. etc. )
So now, Maggie, Sarah & Eric know Holly is alive, but nothing else so far.
But Brady has been told not only is she alive, but with her mother!!!!
Maybe that is her name! And if it was Xander's dialogue, it was written that way.
It was Eli who called her "Holly Walker". She's always been referred to as Holly Jonas before. Plus, her autopsy folder was labeled "Holly Fay Jonas" as was the program at her funeral service.

Makes no difference.......If Days can change ages, events, etc. they just as well can make a name change. Besides, Eli might not be that aware. All he knows is, Holly is Nicole's daughter. Period. Heck, Hope never changed her name after marrying Rafe.
Not an important point to me...............
Call Bayview: Every day in every way, Kristen shows that she's lost it. Telling somebody about other crimes you've committed instead of murder isn't the best way to improve one's image. And the less said about her delusions regarding Brady's "love" the better. Kristen in Bayview is a good option. The sight of her sitting down at a cafeteria table with Claire and Jordan might be worth the price of admission.

Three pots assail the kettle: Sarah, Eric, and Maggie were triple-teaming Xander, but none of them are exactly pure as new-fallen snow. Sarah cheated on her hapless husband, Eric slept with his brother's wife, and Maggie is married to a man who has committed far more crimes in his life than Xander ever has. (Her precious Brady is also a kidnapper who once ordered that Chad be shot.)

Jumping the gun: Melinda and Eli might have waited for the forensics report on Ted before charging Tony. Once it comes out that Ted was shot at extremely close range, which supports Tony's story, the Salem P.D. and D.A.'s Office could be looking at yet another big loss.

Delusions unlimited: Kristen's belief that Brady loves her is obviously delusional, but what about Brady expecting a professional liar to actually tell the truth. Kristen would tell Brady that she saw a herd of pink elephants in the Town Square if she thought it would help her cause with her "true love."
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Ahhh, Dr. have mentioned the thing that bugs me the most about the death of Ted Laurent. He was shot at extremely close range. Should there not be powder burns on his clothing which would be noticed by the first cops on the scene? The P.D. should already be aware of that, even before they get Forensics report.
Poirot, there would most definitely be powder burns on Ted's clothes. There would be black stains on his clothes and black marks around the entry wound. This should be obvious to anyone, even a Salem P.D. forensics expert. Unfortunately, they seem to hire the sensory-deprived for these positions. The classic incident came when a so-called Salem P.D. forensics "expert" entered the basement of Chelsea's sorority house minutes after body-snatcher Max Brady exhumed Ford Decker's week's old body and stuffed it into the shell of a water heater before hauling it away to who knows where. Not only did the moron from the Salem P.D. not notice anything amiss on the basement floor, he failed to notice any unpleasant aromas. After he retires, this idiot would be the perfect candidate to work in a rarely-cleaned pig sty at some Salem-area farm.
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Does Bayview have 3 beds? We already have Jordan and Claire there. Maybe Kristen will get out on her deal and just be free to follow Brady around.
Tony gives his statement, but turns out Kristen did not mention Ted's death being an accident.
Groan. Which one is more reliable: The recently resurrected and barely-able-to-walk Tony, or the psycho who spent the last umpteen months wearing another face to elude her numerous warrants? This could start another "not even in Salem" thread.
Where every little girl should be ----with her mother!
I'm surprised this was dropped on a Monday. Then again, even a viewer who watches on mute without captions while looking at their phone 99% of the time could have called this twist.
I was just curious as to why it was different, as she's always been referred to as Holly Jonas.
I'm still wondering when Melanie changed her name to Jonas. Frankly if they switched her paternity tomorrow (fingers still crossed for that one) and on Thursday were referring to her as Holly [New Last Name here], it would be par for the course.
Thanks Poirot.

Poor Tony, Trask just got her job back so she won't let him off the hook
about killing Ted.

I guess Victor got sick at the last minute since Maggie was dressed for
the party.

The Hardy Boys (Will and Sonny) figured out it was Kristen dressed as Susan
the one day.

Sorry to see Susan leave again. She was the best thing on today's show.

Eli called Xander The Teflon Don of Salem

A good ending with Xander telling Maggie and Sarah Holly is alive. Then Kristen
told Brady that Holly is with her mother.

Hopefully, Holly didn't grow up while she was gone :)