Days of Our Lives - Thu., Sep. 12, 2019


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Jan 20, 2012
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Western Wisconsin
Hospital Lab: Rolf is tinkering with a serum when Jennifer startles him. He drops the vial. He was expecting her because he brought her licorice. Rolf likes the lab, which belongs to someone else. Turns out it's Dr Shah, who had reserved the lab, but Kayla somehow didn't know. He immediately understands the important work is Jen's ex-husband's memory.

Square: Jack tries to get Eve to drop the lawsuit. They trade barbs and rehash their relationship since she saved him. (Terrible scenes - they both act like they have a leg to stand on.) Jack tells her that her efforts were useless, Rolf is alive and making more serum for his memory.

Private Area: Kristen tells Brady she's free, Jack kept his word. Now she is all his. He snaps only because no one else wants her. They talk about her raping Eric and her pursuit of John, and his lust for "bad girls". She invites him to her hotel room.

Sarah's Room (Kmansion): Xander pops in with ginger ale, Sarah is gone. He recalls finding her pregnancy results in the trash can. Maggie demands to know why he's in her daughter's room. He explains; she doesn't trust him. She orders him to stay away from Sarah; she can see that Xander's positioning himself to pick up the pieces now that Nicole's returned (the return does make Maggie happy). Xander tells her there's something she doesn't know, then has a fantasy where Sarah slaps him for blabbing to Maggie about her pregnancy. He switches quickly, says Victor ordered him to kill Ben Weston. Maggie wonders why Victor suddenly felt the need to intervene, since Ciara and Ben have been dating for months. Maggie sees through him, knows he switched his revelations. He says Sarah's the reason he couldn't kill Ben - Sarah appeals to his better interests.

Kmansion living room: Eric tells Sarah he's sorry. She has to tell him something. Nicole and Holly enter; Holly hugs Sarah. Eric takes Holly for a juice box; Sarah and Nicole apologize to each other. Nicole is shocked that Xander lives in the Kmansion. She's horrified but what he did to her; Eric promises they can work on getting a valid divorce from Xander. They kiss; then Nicole apologizes to Sarah for being insensitive. Sarah says it's fine, she's happy Nicole's home. Nicole goes to take Holly to Maggie. They arrive just as Maggie & Xander's conversation (above) is finished; Nicole greets Xander.

Nurse's Station: Jennifer apologizes to Dr Shah for dumping him twice and stealing his lab.

Pub: Jennifer and Jack talk about Rolf's work, and what kind of person Jack used to be. He admits he wants his memory back, but is interrupted by a call (Eve gets one also, from Justin [off-screen]). The case was dropped. Jennifer is so happy, she hugs Jack. She quickly apologizes. Jack is worried about Eve's next move. Rolf enters. The serum is ready.

Doug's Place: Eve vows to destroy Jack's happiness.

Kristen's Room: Brady lingers outside. He knocks; Kristen answers, having showered and changed.

Sarah's Room: Maggie hugs Holly and Nicole. Nicole sends Holly to get toys with her grandma; Nicole wants to know what's up with Maggie and Xander. Then she says she doesn't care, and won't let him stand between her & Eric. He thinks their happiness is going to be rocky.

Kmansion Living Room: Sarah and Eric recap and apologize and Sarah knows that they are over, Eric will be with Nicole. She won't interfere with their happiness, but has something to tell him.

Dr Shah's Rolf's Lab: Through the door we hear Rolf as he enters with Jack and Jennifer. The place has been trashed (we assume, they don't show it).
Thank you, Jason........I hate that Brady's zipper rules his life. Kristen knows it, and all that sexy "come on" talk was done to take advantage. Boy, she knew all about the ex-girlfriends, didn't she? And her whispery description of the shower she was taking, bedsheets, etc. Sheesh. Apparently, Brady could not resist, despite his assurances to Marlena.
And more overkill with the Sarah train. Holly is soooo adorable! It's a shame the show only wants to have her in a scene for 20 seconds before shipping her off to read, play with toys, visit another family member, etc. But they have a keeper in her.!
You got that right. Jack did not learn a lesson at all. She smashed all the vials, destroyed the diary, ending all hope for him to regain his memory, so he then brags about Rolf being alive and making him more serum. Egads!
Geez, they should've just taken him back to his Frankenlab in the DiMansion. Just a few swipes of a dust rag and I'm sure it would've been good as new.
Not to mention that the Stefano-financed lab would be far more advanced and much better equipped than anything that University Hospital could provide.

Elsewhere in Salem, delusions and bad thinking were the order of the day.

Brady: What's wrong with this guy? Why does he stand there and engage in conversation with the utterly-deranged Kristen? Hasn't he ever heard that if you meet some odious person whom you don't want to talk to, there's the option of turning and walking away -- quickly?

Sarah: She's still in love with Eric? Why? What's the appeal of a sort-of employed depressive with a history of moving in on his brothers' significant others? Yes, cheatin' Rexy wasn't much of a bargain, but at least he had a good job. And despite what Maggie might think, compared to Eric, Xander just might be quite a catch.

Kristen: Can't somebody shut this delusional, obsessive creature up. Her blather about how Brady really loves her is stale and repetitive. She belongs in Bayview more than Claire ever did.

Eve: This one has really lost it. She thinks that she can ruin wacky Jack's problem-ridden life? Who does she think she is -- somebody with real power like Stefano used to have? Eve should face facts -- she's Ms. Nobody from Nowhere.
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So sick of ol' blah, boring Sarah. She will convince herself the baby is Eric's. Then there will some sort of 'complication' and I think the baby daddy will be revealed as Xander. Yes, Xander with the cow eyes every time he sees Sarah.

The oh so special Sarah needs a real wake up call and having baby daddy be Xander is a good idea, I think.

Either that tired old story line or Sarah will just leave town, forever!!

I'm starting to like Xander and his tenderness, but tattling to Maggie about Uncle Vic is not a good idea.
Thanks for the summary. I will not watch Brady lusting after nasty cracked-pot Kristen. Besides being disgusting and creepy, these two together are so boring now. I agree with Jason--MAKE IT STOP!

Guess this is going to be a hard one to watch, with so much of the above, plus Eve and Sarah. Sarah's assessment of who is the father of her baby, with so much certainty, is stupid. It's got to be mostly wishful thinking.
Thanks, Jason.

I enjoy Dr Rolf. He's the humor that's needed in Salem.

Jack is a blabbermouth telling Eve that Rolf is in town.

Interesting to hear Xander tell Maggie that Victor wanted Ben dead.
She had a good question. Why did Victor wait so long?

Brady, Brady, Brady... why can't get you figure out Kristen is wrong for
you? Today Brady talked about how Kristen was after John. Now Brady
is her next victim. Hopefully, Kristen won't go after Tate next.
I'm starting to like Xander and his tenderness, but tattling to Maggie about Uncle Vic is not a good idea.
Oh, but he had to think fast, protect Sarah, who has his heart. Before tattling on her, he did have a piece of news.........and frankly........Victor deserves for Maggie to know. He had Ben brought to the K MANSION, & when Xander would not murder him, attempted to do so himself. Just what would Vic have done if, instead of Brady coming in, it was Maggie? How stupid. And why go after Ben so late in their relationship? He has done nothing while Hope floundered around attempting to get Ciara to break it off with Ben, did nothing when Ben went to work for DiMera, but suddenly he is talking to his dead son, vowing to protect the daughter?
Honestly, someone is just not paying attention at Days. Two exec producers, with the show for years and they don't put the kibosh on such asinine storylines.