Days of Our Lives - Tues. Oct. 22, 2019


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Days of Our Lives
Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Rafe sits at home, Jordan arrives, was out shopping, going to make them a simple dinner, but first cupcakes for David's birthday party tomorrow. She relates the whole tale of Ben coming over, apologizing, her accepting, and inviting him & Ciara to the party tomorrow. She gets going on the cupcakes, secretly pouring something from a brown vial into one, and each one has a sort of toothpick, with a paper flag on which is printed a person's name. Rafe, Jordan, Ciara, Ben, David, oh, there is one more. Rafe suggests Ari be invited, as Gabi will be going to funeral for Stefan. Yep, good idea.

Ciara comes home to find Ben engrossed. Seems he is building a toy chest for David, I guess from a kit. They chatter away at times, but she takes the instructions, which are in Mandarin, and evidently is able to read/translate as she visited her brother in Hong Kong (and you all have my wholehearted approval to roll your eyes!) .

Replay of Kayla telling Rolf that Jen has the flashdrive, him noting she never mentioned it. He will go back to talk to her. Meanwhile JJ is getting dressed, Haley comes in, hates he has been working night shift for so long, never gets to see him, Some nuzzling, hugging kissing, etc. Jack comes in on his apology tour, apologizes to Haley for what he put her through, and to JJ as he knows JJ was trying to help. He says something about donating to some organization that supports immigrants once he gets a job. He leaves, JJ and Haley have a quickie (after JJ locks the door), then get dressed and kiss, eventually Haley has gotten a text from her supervisor asking her to work another shift. She arranges with JJ to have their meal break together, kiss kiss and she is gone.

Replay of Hope/Gina hanging Stefano's portrait, being satisfied with where it is, she leaves, shows up at the Pub. Asks Roman for glass of champagne, shocking him, but he brings one. (she usually is a wine cooler type of drinker). She takes a sip, spits it out, says it is not good, thinks it turned. Kayla comes in, glad to see Hope, was waiting for her at hospital. Hope seems bewildered, but then says sorry. She keeps rubbing her neck, tells Kayla she is tired, and was sleeping in all those chairs at the hospital. Kayla does the touch forehead, no fever thing, figures she is o.k.

Kayla sits, small talk with Roman and Hope. She goes to get something from her pocket, pulls out pack of cigarettes, Hope eyes them. Kayla says she took them from a patient who was on oxygen, has COPD, could have blown himself up. More small talk, both women get up to leave, Hope goes to door, Kayla walks off with Roman, enabling Hope to sneak back, grab the cigarettes. Later, Kayla & Roman return, she gathers her things, he notices the cigarettes gone, she shrugs.

Rolf finds Jen, wants his flashdrive, she has palmed it, tells him she is sorry, she intended to return it to him, but lost it. He says she is lying, is going to search her purse, she protests, they argue, she asks what is it he has on it that he is trying to hide. Rolf has grabbed Jen, Jack comes along, take your hands off my wife! She's not your wife, replies Rolf. In my heart she is, Rolf tells of the flashdrive, Kayla saying Jen had it, Jen claiming to lose it, she is lying. Jack says Jennifer Horton doesn't lie, manages to get Rolf to leave. Jen hugs him, Jack asks why he accused her of stealing his flashdrive. She admits it is because she did, shows him, tells of no access & she will take to Spectator, IT dept there may be able to see what Rolf is trying to hide. Now Jack asks her on a date, dinner at the restaurant above Saxon's. He is going to get cleaned up, meet him up there at 8:00. She is delighted.

Ben finishes burning David's name on the toy chest, Ciara gives him a stuffed toy to put inside.

Jordan has poisoned Ciara's cupcake, admires them.

Rolf walks into that room/apartment, talks to Stefano's portrait. Thinks he looks very good there. Will get to see all the exciting things about to take place.

Hope/Gina stands outside the Pub, lights up a cigarette. Along comes Haley, surprised to see her. She says hello, Hope doesn't know who she is. Haley replies she is Haley Chen, friend of JJ's. Oh, yes, how are you Haley? Haley says “I didn't know you smoked”. Hope/Gina drops the cigarette, grinding it out with her foot. I don't...and she walks off.
Rafe, Jordan, Ciara, Ben, David, oh, there is one more. Rafe suggests Ari be invited, as Gabi will be going to funeral for Stefan. Yep, good idea.
He first suggests David's father. Jordan shoots him the evil eye and explodes, says he was never a father to David and she'd never put his name on a cupcake.
Ciara the linguist: Ciara must have done some serious studying while in Hong Kong (something that she never did in Salem) if she knows enough characters to be able to read directions in standard written Chinese. (According to a source I checked, spoken Cantonese (spoken in Hong Kong and nearby areas) and Mandarin (spoken in Beijing and northern and western China are mutually unintelligible, but both use standard written Chinese.)

Jenny the thief: Was it really wise of Jenny to enrage Rolf by stealing his flash drive? She'll be lucky if he doesn't turn her into Princess Gina's little handmaiden.

Jack and his apologies: It was good of Jack to abjectly apologize to Haley, but he also should apologize to all the poor fools who wasted their vote on him. (All those who thought Abe should go could have voted instead for Benchie, Rory, or Anne Milbauer.)

Happy Haley: Haley shouldn't be acting so happy with things. In Salem, such people are courting disaster since the writers just hate happy couples.

Hope the connoisseur: In her new persona, Hope has clearly lost her common sense. Who asks for fine champagne at a pub whose specialties are burgers, chowder, and Wanchai Ferry, and whose wine and liquor supply consist of the favorite brands of the local barflies and winos.
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Thanks, Poirot.

Will JJ and Haley change the sheets on the bed they used? Let's hope so.

Hope is a litterbug. It bothers me when I see yucky cigarette butts
on the ground.

Jack told Jennifer they would have dinner at the bistro on the top floor.
Are there
two bistros in Salem or does the bistro own the cafe on the Horton Square?

Did Jordan put the Ciara's name on the right cupcake? Will it
make Ciara sick?
Or do something worse?
Did anyone else notice that when Rafe tasted either the cupcake batter or the frosting, he put his spoon back in the bowl? It looked like Jordan put the poison in the cupcake wrapper and not the actual cupcake since they hadn't been poured yet. (Sorry, I am in a baking mood and trying to see what goodies I can make for a Halloween party this weekend, so must be paying too much attention.)
That truly is gross, and I guess what happens when men stop carrying cloth hankerchiefs, (and they all used to, always.....)
I will say, on Days, the men seem to have one in their pockets (as they do in movies) to give to ladies who are suddenly tearful or blubbering.

Am still amazed that Ciara can read Mandarin......after just a few months in Hong Kong......LOLOLOL