Days of Our Lives - Tues., Dec. 10, 2019


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives
Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Good episode today. Chad enters his bedroom to find Gabi pulling his clothes from drawers, throwing into a duffel bag. She is packing his things, wanting him, his wife and kids out of the house. He calmly refuses, telling her that as Stefano's favorite son vs. the wife of dead latecomer tagalong Stefan, they would not approve him being pushed out. She argues, very sure that when Eli returns with Kristen's shares, she will be major stockholder, & out he goes. Chad smiles, Kristen is all about family, and would not sell her shares to Eli for Gabi. She flounces out, over to the Pub, texting Eli as to does he have the shares yet, let her know right away.

Abby has brought her mom to the Bistro, where Jen is remembering the night she was injured, but only up to putting the flashdrive into the computer. Gina sees them, wondering what they are up to. Along comes Jack, Gina points out his wife & daughter up there, Jack rushes off followed by Gina. Abby is trying to get her mom to remember more, she suddenly remembers someone coming in behind her. Abby asks who......Jen answers “Hope”, but it is because Hope has just come in with Jack. He is all worried about Jen, picks her up, is taking her back to hospital. This leaves Abby & Gina, who talk, with Gina anxious to learn what Jen remembered. Abby is commenting, doesn't make sense, if someone came up behind her, you should have seen that person when you got off the elevator. Gina now says maybe she heard the scream while inside the elevator. Abby notes not what she said in her statement. Gina is getting nervous, Abby noting no flashdrive in police photos, Gina hugs Abby, saying only one thing to do, pushing her over the balcony. No, just a fantasy, as Abby asks what is it. Gina wants Abby to let it go, perp is in prison, case solved, all over.

Meanwhile, JJ holds the gun on Kristen, Eli comes onto the scene, followed by Lani, who really pulls out all the stops as she tries to talk JJ out of pulling the trigger. She talks of sorrow, of having loved JJ once, of losing her child, how she & Eli suffered. She brings up forgiving JJ for shooting her brother, how her father was in all the pain & grief JJ is in now, same thing, how they all forgave JJ, put it behind them.

Eli talks of being dumped by the woman he loved, embarrassed beyond belief, resigning, thinking never finding love/happiness again, but he did.....with Gabi. This sets Kristen off, who calls him stupid, blind, cannot see what happened. Lani begs her to not go further, she doesn't. She just once again, urges JJ to shoot her, if that is what he wants to do. JJ puts the gun down, Kristen & Lani leave, Eli tells JJ he could be facing attempted murder charges, JJ is looking for a pill, cannot find any, Eli hustles him off, got to get him out of there.

Replay of Kate coming in to Steveano to backstab Chad. Through a series of flashbacks & statements by them both, we learn how Kate is involved. Seems she was waiting tables at the Pub, Gabi being the witch to her (I would spell that with a different letter!) over order not properly done, coffee not hot enough, while Kate smolders, but says nothing. She returns with the order, to find a nasty note, small tip, & right then a text comes in from Steveano asking her to come to that apt. She is wary, but curious, goes. She enters, walks around a bit, out comes Stevano., calling her Katerina.

In the present, Stevano says how his timing was impeccable, and laughs. More flashbacks of disbelieving Kate, knowing Steve Johnson did not like her, while the man in front of her continues to convince her he is Stefano with new face. Did not have much choice, even mentioning that “idiot, John Black”. He tells her to ask him something only Stefano would know, she does, he is correct, but she figures he could have gotten that info elsewhere easily. He brings up a few memories of their times together, finally convincing her that indeed, he, Stefano, is back. He wants her help getting his company back. Kate starts to leave, he says don't worry about my son, I will deal with him.

Chad sits in the Pub, gets text from Stevano, who knows he is not in Italy. Chad is not too happy.

Jack puts Jen back in the bed, Jen assures she is o.k. Is being discharged tomorrow. Jack will take her home, take care of her, she is worried about JJ, something not right with him. Jack promises he will have their family all reunited and o.k. By Christmas.

Kristen & Lani are back in the chapel, Lani thanking her for sticking up for her, asking if they go now to take their final vows. Nope, Kristen realizes she has unfinished business in Salem, is going to return, take what is rightfully hers, DiMera Enterprises. She removes the veil, is taking off the jacket, what about Lani. Is she ready to take down Gabi, too. Yep, Lani takes off her veil, jacket, both are smiling, and leave to return to Salem.
Oh seriously the fake out?! It seemed Jen remembered Hope was there, but no, she's just saying Hope because Hope and Jack walked in. Annoying!! I was absolutely expecting Gina to push Abigail off the balcony too! Enjoyed that fake out!

Lani said that Kristen never got to hold her baby, look into her eyes. Didn't they show us Kristen and Brady, and Haley brought the baby in and they were cooing? Was that something that didn't really happen? I thought it was. Thank god the stupid nun stuff is over!! And seriously, so devoted!

Katerina. I thought Stefano was all about Marlena? Of course Kate being the simple waitress they were making her out to be. It was 10 months ago! I am honestly hating this. I hope that they go somewhere I don't see coming and make it a good story but Princess Gina and Stefauxno need to go!!! I have enjoyed the time jump but not their story.
Lani said that Kristen never got to hold her baby, look into her eyes. Didn't they show us Kristen and Brady, and Haley brought the baby in and they were cooing?
Yes, we were shown a flashback of Haley bringing the baby to Brady and Kristen, who cooed over her. Who knows, maybe Lani was talking about Kristen's first baby (the one she miscarried with John back in the day)?
That is the problem with this time jump, and having to tell story in flashback. All the stories and scripts have to be done in advance so the prop people know what they have to have ready, plus hair styles, lengths, etc. have to be the same. So then, when the story is in present day, everyone has different hair styles, lengths, clothes, sets, etc. And thus the scripts (with all the different script writers) don't always jibe either. Stuff gets written before scenes are edited, blah, blah.

Bet there will be more discrepancies as time goes on.

I do not at all like this Stefano having Steve's face & body situation at all. yes, I know the actors like the idea of change up, their character not being "same ol, same ol", & being able to stretch their acting chops, just hope this whole thing is short lived.
Bet there will be more discrepancies as time goes on.
Agreed. Lani talked about how Kristen never got to hold her baby, look into her eyes, etc., but we saw the clip of Brady and Kristen holding their newborn daughter. I guess it could be argued that Kristen never went into detail with Lani about when the baby died and Lani wasn't aware they got to see/hold the baby while she was still alive.
Kate has known about Steveano for 10 months all the while she's been lying to her "son" Chad and to Kayla and Roman. So much for wanting a Kate/Roman reunion. To say I'm disappointed is an understatement.

The fakeouts with GinaHope were so good. I wonder if Jennifer actually did remember but isn't sure of herself so she didn't want to share yet? I love seeing Abby in this feisty investigative reporter mode. I really hope we get a Spectator set and see people actually working there.

So glad the beyond boring nun story is over. I want to see Kristen battle Gabi.
So much for their devotion to the church. :rolleyes:

Indeed, like with any self-serving hypocrites once their current "penance" is of no further use they discard it as easily as a snake sheds its old skin.

While I knew Kristen could never truly change I was taken aback by Lani's naked hypocrisy. Her stint in the convent did her no good at all. If anything, she is a worse person now.
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Thanks, Poirot.

JJ and Kristen were entertaining to me.

It didn't take long for Kristen and Lani to start saying bad words after they
took off their habits. Old habits die hard, I guess :)

Gabi won't be happy when she finds out Eli comes back without Kristen's stock.
And her happiness with Eli will come to a standstill when Kristen and Lani
come home.

It's a bummer Gina/Hope showed up just when Jennifer was staring to remember.
Hopefully, Abigail is going to wonder all the things "Hope" said to her.

Poor Roman. I bet he thought Kate was working at the pub because of him.
Nope, she's there for Steveano.
"Kate is involved with Steve" has come true from the "fake" spoilers.

That's 4/6, majority, I'm through. JJ killing Kristen could have kept me watching. Not lining up for entitled Dimeralings taking away the company Gabi's been doing a great job with for a year. (Also Chad was only the favourite son when DA PLOT demanded it and half his siblings were dead.)
Nunsense: The absurdity of Lani and Kristen becoming nuns came to a predictable, ridiculous end today as they forgot all their new-found religiousity in a Salem second. Whoever is mother superior of the order that they joined better call some meetings about tightening up on the screening of applicants.

Is waitressing at the Pub that bad?: After the Ian McAllister affair, Kate swore off all things Stefano, but now she signs on with the absurd Steve-ano nonsense? Either Kate is finally starting to lose it or the Pub's customers are a lot harder on the help than the viewers thought or Roman is a lot tougher boss than anyone would have expected..

Let's make a speech: Why do Salemites who are determined to shoot somebody have to start talking endlessly about why they have to send their victim into eternity? If JJ wasn't such a blabbermouth, he could have put Kristen out of her misery long before Eli wandered onto the scene. If real criminals acted this way, the St. Valentine's Day Massacre might never have happened. The would-be shooters would have spent so much time blathering at their intended victims that everyone might have just gotten bored with the whole thing and gone home.
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Even though I can't stand Kristen and I barely tolerated Lani, I'm to the point of hating Gabi even more. I was cheering the two almost nuns on by the end of this show. I can't wait for them to give Gabi her comeuppance. Gabi won't know what hit her by the time Kristen gets through with her.
Agree, tiresome to see Gabi be such a witch....yes, the actress does it well, but this is a woman who goes on and on about her daughter, and never spends any time with her, especially with Will in jail. Too busy being a grieving widow over a man she detested, vowed revenge on, lusted for, and he died.