Future Pairings -


Staff member
Nov 23, 2006
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Seems Salemites are constantly switching partners, whether it is love, affairs, one night stands, etc. We have characters leaving permanently, (they say) and some just for a short time, as they will be returning. However, the status of everyone seems to be up for grabs at times. We are losing Hope & Eric for good, Gabi & Rafe will be returning, Ciara might visit, JJ evidently returning, no idea for how long.

So, single males include Lucas, Brady, Jake, Tripp, Rafe, Roman, JJ, Ben.

The females seem to be Gabi, Gwen, Kate, Claire, Nicole (sort of), Allie.

Are there, in your opinion, possible pairings here? The only one I think I might favor would be Kate & Roman, long overdue. Keep in mind some are possibly related. I'd like some "just good friends" such as Brady/Nicole used to be.
I've also always wanted Nicole and Rafe together.

Roman and Kate would be good too. I liked them before.

If Gabi is going to be here, she might as well be with Jake. I can't see her or Jake with anybody else.

I don't want to see Gwen with anybody. I don't want to see her at all.

I'd like for Lucas to have somebody and be happy but I can't think of anybody suitable for him.

I don't have the energy to try to think of everybody Allie is related to. Same with JJ, and Claire. I can't see Ben with anybody but Ciara, right now, anyway. I'd like to see Brady tied to a fence post with no access to a woman for about a year. I don't know what to do with Tripp.
I've also always wanted Nicole and Rafe together.

Roman and Kate would be good too. I liked them before.

If Gabi is going to be here, she might as well be with Jake. I can't see her or Jake with anybody else.

I don't want to see Gwen with anybody. I don't want to see her at all.

I'd like for Lucas to have somebody and be happy but I can't think of anybody suitable for him.

I don't have the energy to try to think of everybody Allie is related to. Same with JJ, and Claire. I can't see Ben with anybody but Ciara, right now, anyway. I'd like to see Brady tied to a fence post with no access to a woman for about a year. I don't know what to do with Tripp.
Thanks for typing what I'd like to have said but didn't want to go through the motions. So ditto to every single thing you said except not so much on Rafe & Nicole, but I might be persuaded!
I think Tripp, Allie, and Claire might be in a love triangle down the line. I had a feeling when they showed Claire and Allie together, hugging, Claire saying they "were family, and will always be there", I thought to myself, wait till Tripp comes between them.

I already mentioned how I would love to see Rafe and Gwen hook up for the mere purpose of torturing Gabi.
I used to like Gwen, but not so much lately. It's weird that she could be considered a partner for Lucas or Tripp - I wouldn't put them even in adjacent age categories. But such is Salem life.

I'd like to see Kate complete her Salem Bedroom BINGO card by getting Tripp, Theo, Johnny, and Jake in the sack. Since she dated Clyde, she should also probably have at least a one-nighter with Ben. And it's shameful that in the 20 years since she went to bed with John, she hasn't gotten around to Brady yet. After that happens, then she can finally find true love with the newly-returned-to-town mystery man, Dante I. Morasa, who is the suspiciously resurrected clone of an immigrant Salem family's patriarch.
I think while Gabi is gone, Jake might end up as one of Kate's conquests after that scene with them on Friday.

Gwen will probably try to go after Chad, but after that I see either Rafe or Lucas as the next man she goes after.

I could see Tripp, Clare, and Allie in a triangle, not too surprising.

I want Nicole to wait for Eric.

As for Ava and Jan, I hope their visit is too short lived for any future pairings.
Rafe and Ava? Now that'd be interesting as they are both complete opposites, unless it's Taylor Walker who was as dull as Jordan when she first arrived in town.