Days of Our Lives - Wed., Jul. 14, 2021


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Jan 20, 2012
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Western Wisconsin
Basic Black: Xander is on a business call when Brady enters and swipes Xander's phone. Brady thinks Xander stole his phone. Brady lowers the boom, knows Xander blackmailed his way into the job. They bicker and Xander dares Brady to fire him. Xander also reminds Brady he once came between Nicole & Eric. It's escalating when Nicole enters. Xander takes the rest of the day off, learns the phone was the trigger. Nicole hands him the phone, which she claims to have found "in the kitchenette off of conference room B". Brady doesn't remember being there. Nicole cons him, he admits he's been out of it lately. Nicole is sad, Brady forgot that it was Eric/Nicole's anniversary. He gives her the day off.

Pub: Nicole enters and flashes back to her wedding. Later, she's seated at a table, upset. Theo comes upon her. He tries to console her and returns the phone. Good news: He got Kristen's number. Bad news: It was probably a burner. Theo is curious as to what topics Nicole and Kristen may have discussed; Lucas, passing by, is also curious. Theo leaves. Lucas sits down. Nicole is trying to prove her theory, Lucas cracks jokes but Nicole sees through him and remains resolute in her determination to prove Sami slept with him. Lucas recalls the match scene - he was the tong operator! He has the letter and will keep it from Nicole. Lucas calls Sami and she relays the letter's chain of custody. He thinks they're not in the clear. She talks about how great things are with EJ now, EJ's changed. She apologizes for this talk, Lucas plays it off. After they end the call, Lucas says EJ may find out another way.

DiMansion Bedroom: EJ asks if Sami will sneak out on him again. He woke up after their rendezvous yesterday afternoon, and she was gone. Where was she? She flashes back to her Emmy®-worthy match scene. She went downstairs to get a drink, he went downstairs as well and didn't see her. She lies. He has a surprise for her. It's a necklace to thank her for standing by him. They make out, but EJ has to leave. Sami gets a call from Lucas (see below).

Eric's Apartment: Allie tiptoes back into bed with Tripp. She had to feed Henry. Tripp wants to leave, but Allie won’t let him because Chanel is on the couch and doesn't know they spent the night together. On the couch, Chanel awakens and recalls Tripp and Allie going into the bedroom. Allie scoots out to talk to Chanel, offers her breakfast. Chanel says she knows she spent the night with Tripp. She's surprised, as she thought Allie was headed to a breakup with Tripp. Chanel calls to Tripp, it's safe to come out. Tripp heard everything, they discuss the current state of affairs.

Chanel supports Allie and Tripp, thought there were mutual feelings with her & Horton, but there aren't, and it will be OK. Allie has several worried one-shots during Chanel's speech. Later, Chanel has dressed but Allie's still in a robe. Chanel is leaving, has overstayed her welcome. Time to find her own place. She'll get her own breakfast. She starts to leave, Allie asks her to text her. Again, lots of worried Allie one-shots. Later, they talk about Chanel's feelings. Allie's no longer confused, she might have led Chanel on unintentionally. She's into Tripp. They kiss; she's going to grab Henry to go to a mommy-social-group, they'll all leave together. Allie goes to the bedroom; Tripp has a worried reaction.

Rafe's: Gabi has a design meeting, Jake is shirtless and plans to juggle apples. They discuss Sami's infidelity and Jake's job opportunities. He likes Gabi's pep talks. Gabi has her eyes on Titan; she likes Philip but acknowledges that his hold on the company is tenuous at best. When she is named CEO, she'll work to destroy DiMera. They want to have a quick adult encounter before she leaves for the meeting. (There are some negotiations about how long they have and need.)

Construction Zone in the Square: Chanel is upset, Theo asks what's happening. They talk about the Square debacle. He wants to help her. She kisses him. He meant ice cream, not public frenching. They talk about his engagement to Ciara. She admits she's upset about more than the bakery, he offers his ear.

DiMera Office: Lucas drops in to talk with EJ.

Horton House: Sami meets with Xander, wants the truth about him and Nicole.

Eric's Apartment: Nicole enters, there are flowers and a card from Eric. She is reading the card when Eric steps into the room. "Happy Anniversary." END.
Oh yea! (dripping sarcasm). The most unenigmatic lover has returned from the outreaches of Africa. He is the Ego-maniacal ex Priest and King of Judgment. Thanks so much DOOL. Way to go out for a break. Bring back someone we didn't like in the first place. Nicole needs to kick his sorry patooty to the curb with a "See ya; don't want to be ya!"
I feel so sorry for Nicole. Nicole doesn't deserve this. She is stuck in a terrible relationship with a neglectful psychological abuser who loses his cool at the drop of a hat, yet everyone tells her how "lucky" she is. Now she's afraid that said neglectful psychological abuser will learn of her indiscretion and go ballistic. Poor thing must be living in hell.
About today's show, Jake should submit his apple-juggling on his Emmy reel next year.

Sami needs to submit her match lighting, I totally agree with Jason on this. That was AMAZING. I've never seen it done so well, so perfectly.

And I like Eric so I'm happy he is back. And yes, he will forget all of the things he learned about forgiveness when he was a priest, and yell at Nicole and it will end badly for her. It shouldn't. They should be a happy couple for a while. But I will enjoy Eric while he is in Salem.
Writers: Are they trying to drive away the viewers? If not, why do they start an episode where they have to see EJ in bed with Sami. Looking at New EJ is barf-worthy on any occasion, but him in bed is particularly objectionable.

Jake: As a DiMera does he get a cut of the company profits? If so, wouldn't he be shooting himself in the foot by going along with Gabi's mad plan to destroy it.

Brady: Now he showing poor manners to go along with his utter lack of judgment: grabbing away Xander's phone without gettng any further information. This is an especially dumb move because as noted in an earlier post, the X-Man is the only one at BB who seems to do any work.

Eric: He's back. How will those poor villagers ever get along without him?
Thanks, Jason.

Nice surprise to see it was Lucas taking the letter. Why is he going to tell EJ about him
and Sami? Does he think Sami wants to be with him and not EJ?

Does Sami love EJ because he buys her gifts? She told Lucas she and EJ had sex, not made
love. Maybe it's nothing, but I thought it was odd.

Will Gabi's big plan work? Will Philip let her hire Jake? Will Philip do something stupid and
Victor will give his job to Gabi?

Where did Chanel get a different dress to wear? Maybe her handbag is like Mary Poppins
and has lots of things inside? :)

Why didn't Nicole tell Brady the truth that she found his phone at the park where they talked?

I thought Brady was upset with Xander talking to a customer that way instead of thinking it
was Xander had his phone. It was nice to see someone at Basic Black working.

So Eric finally decided to show his bearded face back in Salem. How long will it be before
he knows Nicole's secret?
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Sami needs to submit her match lighting
My husband always walks in during scenes like this. She's talking about a character not there to an object not on the screen and does the villainous laugh to boot. I try to defend soaps as a genre, but when they produce stuff like this, it's hard!!
icing on the cake: "Nicole boinked Xander"
Lucas has the last laugh, though, as the letter is stuffed inside and revealed when a fight breaks out and the cake topples!

I loved Chanel's look today, that dress looked fantastic.
I thought Chanel's dress was really cute, too! She reminds me of Lark Voorhies (Wendy Reardon).
I do like this version of Chanel, she seems softer.