Days of our Lives - Wednesday August 16, 2023


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Mar 24, 2009
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Now appearing in Wichita, Kansas
37 minutes and we get the news about Victor.

Justin is on the phone with Bonnie who has gone to her hairdresser. Justin is keeping the secret that he has found the plane but wants to know more news before telling Maggie.

Chad and Alex talk about their agreement and that Stephanie knows. Chad apologizes to Alex.

Kristen and Rachel are in the DiMera living room, in princess dresses with tiaras, celebrating Rachel’s first morning at the mansion. Kristen purchased a ton of toys for Rachel, so many that Charlotte and Thomas can’t believe she has that many toys. Rachel tells Kristen that she had fun with her sleepover but not as much fun as Cousin Dimitri and Lady Whistleblower had on theirs.

Replay of Leo leaving Dimitri and Gwen’s room, Gwen speaks. Matty what the hell are you doing in Iceland?

Pathic Brady is reading a book in Rachel's room a room that is bigger than the master bedroom in my house. I’d love to see the layout for this townhouse. Brady can’t get over she’s gone.

Rachel is curious about Dimitri and Leo sharing a bed and the fact it’s a secret.

Gwen went to visit the lava fields and it felt wrong. It looks like Gwen is figuring it out. But we could be wrong.

Justin is on the phone, he says he will have to tell Maggie as soon as he sees her. Maggie walks in, Justin hangs up, telling Bonnie he loves her. Maggie looks like someone who has heard bad news. Justin doesn’t have any news on why Victor left a few days earlier. Maggie wants the news. Victor’s plane went down in the Mediterranean Sea.

Chad's apology tour continues. Stephanie walks in.

John comforts Brady. Replay of the night Brady gave Rachel to Kristen. Last night, if you’re on the timeline of this being Rachel’s first morning at the DiMansion.

Gwen grills the boys. Dimitri tries to throw Matty/Leo under the bus. Leo asks, isn’t it obvious? Today is Madonna’s birthday. Yeah, that’ll work.

Rachel didn’t know Cousin Dimitri had a wife. Kristen stresses to Rachel about the secret Cousin Dimitri and Lady Whistleblower. Kristen blackmails her daughter to keep the secret. Rachel says so it’s about money. Gabi is outside the door and hears that there is a secret but not what the secret is

Justin and Maggie. They have found the plane? No, the wreckage. They haven’t found anyone and as of now it’s not known if there were any survivors. Maggie is taking it well.

Chad/Alex/Stephanie. I prefer the décor at the Chad/Stephanie apartment.

Gabi walks to the DiMera living room saying she’s heard there is a new princess at the house. Gabi compliments the tiaras and returns the old but extremely expensive DiMera necklace she borrowed. Rachel is not pleased to hear about another wedding she wasn’t invited to. Rachel wants to see Gabi’s dress. Gabi wants to know about the secret.

Gwen is not sure about the Madonna’s birthday story. Madge is turning 65 and she’s throwing a super-secret show. (August 16 is Madonna’s birthday and she is 65 this year) Leo is a fan club member so he purchased tickets and flew to the land of Fire and Ice. Gwen thinks that sounds incredible and she thinks the 3 of them should go together.

John is trying to process the news of Brady kissing Chloe. Justin calls to stop the pity party.

Gabi tries to get the secret out of Rachel, who has figured out how to keep the secret.

Gwen is a HUGE Madonna fan and wants to go to the concert.

Alex and Stephanie talk about Yuri and the super-secret deal. Justin calls with the news of the found wreckage.

More discussion on attending the concert. Dimitri doesn’t like Madonna; Gwen can’t believe that. Dimitri gives them permission to enjoy the show without him.

Chad appears at the DiMera mansion to pick up his kids. Chad asks stupidly if Rachel misses Brady? Kristen gets her hackles up, claims to be Rachel’s mother. She asks Chad if he came clean with Stephanie about being an overbearing misogynist? Chad says sort of. They talk about what father would have said.

Alex is stunned about the news. Stephanie is with Alex as they process the news that Victor is missing. Stephanie calls her dad who can cut through the red tape and find some answers.

John and Brady talk about it. John is going to call some contacts at the ISA and try to hurry the answers. Brady is going to go support Maggie.

Maggie with a picture of Victor on the couch in the K-mansion. Maggie wants the whole family to be a part of this. Shane told Justin the news about Victor’s plane. The place where Bo is located now is nowhere near Greece. Maggie wants to know then why was Victor flying over the Mediterranean? No mention of telling Xander the updated news.

Dimitri tells Leo and Gwen to go to the concert. Matty has just one ticket and there are no resales. He appeared at their door to gloat and there are no resales.

Gabi continues trying to get Rachel to spill her secret. Kristen interrupts.

Brady hugs Maggie, he is going to stay. Brady tells Maggie that Granddad had plans A, B, C and D in his pocket. He is most likely sitting on an island with a drink. Justin says if anyone could find wait staff on a desert island it would be Uncle Vic. Nervous giggles around the room. John walks in, Henderson let him in. John spoke with Shane at the ISA. John has an update.

Alex and Stephanie wait for Steve’s call. Stephanie takes the call, looks crushed and she turns to tell Alex. Alex guesses it’s bad news.

John reports the coast guard has recovered Victor’s body. We see Maggie and Alex react to this news. Maggie falls into John's arms, Alex into Stephanie’s. Justin asks if it’s been confirmed. John says yes, Victor is dead. Maggie now falls apart, as does Brady.

Show closes with a close up of the picture of Victor and a title card “In Loving Memory of John Aniston"
Well done, Robin!

I will add more later, but didn't want to forget something that occurred to me.

Leo's Madonna concert reason was sorta half baked. First, that would cost a fortune, on top of airfare and hotel. Second, Gwen could easily look on the internet for current news about her, and even if it was a super secret concert, the news would report it as such.

Just this morning on the news, they reported that Madonna will resume her concert tour January 2024, as she is still recovering from that infection which hospitalized her.

I think Days tapes so far ahead that she hadn't become ill at that time, so fact checking didn't fail, but if they wrote that story line while it was well known she was convalescing, for shame!:tsk:

Just overthinking!
This storyline was written long before Madonna became ill and hospitalized.
John reports the coast guard has recovered Victor’s body.
John says yes, Victor is dead.
I'm glad they've recovered his body and confirmed his death. Seemed like they were going to go with the "we haven't recovered his body" storyline, leaving it open-ended that he could be out there somewhere. Like they did with Stefano after Hope killed him. Shane dressed up as Stefano and walked around town so surveillance pictures could be taken of him, but when Shane and Patch were looking at the pictures, there was one picture that Shane said he didn't sit for (Stefano feeding birds in a park).
Thanks for clarifying, Just Samantha!

I, too, am glad they didn't drag this out and confirmed Victor's death quickly. Those were real emotions we saw, everyone thinking about John Aniston and the legacy of Victor at the same time.

Gabi should be ashamed of herself asking Rachel to divulge the secret. Being a mother herself, Gabi's judgment here was wrong.

It was funny hearing Rachel say "Lady Whistleblower." If she only knew the REAL secret.

Kristen just cares about the money, not that Gwen will be hurt.

The next story line they need to end is the Dimitri/Leo deception.
I know there won't be one, but there should really be a power vacuum/power struggle at Titan. Xander, Brady, Philip, and Alex (and if Sonny were still on the show, he'd be fighting for it too) all fighting to be CEO now that Victor is gone and Maggie might be too distraught to run the company. Sigh, but who am I kidding? With these writers, they won't come close to one.
hmmm, there is something that has been mentioned.....but no idea if if means anything. And that is that Victor seemed to have something weighing on his mind.....and left 3 days earlier than planned.

Plus, the folks in Salem learn that Bo is not in a hospital in Greece as they thought, so Victor was coming from, evidently, somewhere unknown to them all.
I'm wondering if Victor returned to his ancestral family home for what turned out to be one last time and while in Greece changed his will. You know, something to have Shawn feel even guiltier about. I wonder if anyone on-screen will mention talking with Ciara. She and her grandfather were close.
Dimitri in his robe should have been big tip off but guess she's a little dense. So funny about Madonna. Wow Dimitri really threw Leo under the bus. I really thought he'd say oh I knew how much you would miss Matty so I bought him a ticket.

I still absolutely hate that Kristen has a child. Look what she's teaching her now.

Stephanie saying her dad can call Uncle Shane. Isn't Justin already talking to Shane? I really wish they had let Victor pass in his sleep. But I assume they have story planned with tragic passing. Very glad they found his body so there is no question that he's gone. I mean we all know actor is gone but I was afraid they were going to be soapy about it. The picture at the end made me cry! I loved John Aniston and Victor. Miss him.
So Shawn feels guilty about Victor! I guess he thinks if he had not shot Bo, then Vic would not have gone to see him, thus the plane going down, etc. etc. If he hadn't, his mom could have possibly been killed. That is how he was thinking. However, he could have shot bo in the leg, shoulder, wounding him, which would have disabled him for enough time for Shawn to get his gun. Then again, that might have caused Bo to fire his gun unintentionally, only bcause his finger on the trigger. Decisions, decisions, with only a split second to decide.
Not necessarily. I've known younger people who died in their sleep.

I wonder if anyone on-screen will mention talking with Ciara.
Chelsea, Claire, Victor II and Joseph, too.
Stephanie saying her dad can call Uncle Shane. Isn't Justin already talking to Shane?
Yeah, but I doubt Stephanie would know that Justin had already called Shane, as they were all just hearing what happened. Makes sense that she heard what happened and immediately thought to ask Steve to call Shane. I could imagine Will and Allie thinking the same thing, to call their Uncle Shane to see if the ISA could get any info for the family, especially since Victor is Will's great-uncle by marriage.
Would be interesting if Vivian had a meeting with Victor somewhere in Greece or another Mediterranean country and blackmailed him somehow to give her either controlling shares in Titan or CEO position, and she and Maggie will be working as co-CEOs or Vivian fires Maggie and then takes on Stefan to help run Titan. I’d prefer her to come back with a big bang and not just to get involved in Stefan and Gabi’s marriage.
Oldschool I’m thinking like you and I’m glad I think I’ll get to see Jen Lilley (Theresa) come back for her short stay. Other than that I really don’t have much interest in the show anymore.
Since news hit the tabloid soap magazines that Victor Kiriakis would perish in a plane crash, I've read countless comments from people belittling the way that Corday & Co. were putting his character to rest. Listen, Mickey and Tom Horton were great men; they were advocates for the people and served the city and their families with love and affection. A quiet, gone-off-in-their sleep ending was exceptionally fitting. Victor was a rogue, a villain, a defier of the odds. He wasn't someone who'd go quietly into the night. I wish people would stop whining about how the show ended his nearly 40-year reign as head of the powerful, wealthy Greek family. He was nearly as mythical as Stefano without all the Phoenix's silliness, and his wit and snark were unmatched. For all of his faults, he loved his children, his grandchildren and his great-grandchildren.

There was only one Victor Kiriakis, and there shall never be another. I pray Corday & Co. pay him his proper respect with a fitting funeral and some great flashbacks of all the lives he touched since he arrived at that auction in 1985.

He wasn't meant to die in a bed. He was meant to go out in a ball of fury. Rest In Peace, Sweet Prince. You'll be forever missed.
Today’s episode is brought to you by the word “eavesdrop.” Everyone is overhearing something. Maggie while Justin talks to Bonnie. Stephanie while Chad talks to Alex. Gabi while Kristen and Rachel talk.

They handled the reveal of Victor’s death very well. Knowing the actors were thinking about John Aniston made it definitely feel authentic and more emotional. Even though I also would have preferred him just passing in his sleep, I’m glad the writers paid such an important character some respect by making a true story out of it.
Thanks, robin.

So, Gabi overheard part of Kristen and Rachel's conversation. Will Gabi try to get the truth from Rachel later?

I wish we could have seen Rachel's bedroom before she moved out.

So Leo came up with an excuse for being in Iceland. How much longer will Gwen be kept in the dark?

So sad to hear about Victor. He's going to be missed.

Will we find out where and why Victor was in Greece?
It’s good that Victor was found so quickly. It was bad enough the writers killed him in a plane crash, but to leave him floating in the Mediterranean would have really been the pits.

Leo’s creativity seems to be failing him. Why didn’t he tell poor Gwennie that he was covering her honeymoon for the Lady Whistleblower column. After all, inquiring minds need to know.

So now poor Shawn is also feeling guilty about the death of Victor? What next — he starts blaming himself for the death of Pookie?

Finally. Gabi should know better than to ply Kristen’s bratty kid for information. Not only is it in poor taste, if daughter is anything like mother, all she’ll get is lies.