Days of Our Lives - Tuesday, Feb. 27, 2024


Staff member
Dec 29, 2012
Reaction score
43 minutes, big filler day.

It's Tuesday and two rooms with medical equipment beeping, beeping, beeping. (Paulina and Holly's rooms.)

Abe's sitting by Paulina when Chanel comes in the room. Abe tells Chanel that Paulina is asleep since she left. Chanel thanks him for the break. She went home to shower. Chanel asks him when he will take a break? He says he will. Chanel puts Paulina's hand on her face. Paulina did it when she was little. She talks about Paulina and Big Mama's wisdom. They said you can't change direction of wind, but you can adjust your sails.

EJ's in the living room when Johnny comes in. EJ says Johnny looks tired. EJ's trying to keep a large corporation solvent. Nicole comes in. They both say great seeing each other. Johnny asks how Holly is? She's upstairs in her room.

Chad's in the interrogation room when Everett comes in. He asks about the kids. Chad says they have unique coping strategies. Thomas came up with a 12 point fire safety program for Maggie's. Chad's talking to insurance adjusters and contractors. Everett says call about Lucas, then asks if he talked to Stephanie? Jada comes in. Chad asks if it's about the Lucas article? Jada says it's about Lucas' attempted murder.

Abe comes back in the room and tells Chanel he can't find books in the hospital library. Chanel mentions Pride and Prejudice, Paulina's favorite book. Abe asks if Paulina still sleeping? Chanel says Kayla said Paulina will sleep awhile because of the medication. Kayla comes in. After Kayla and Abe hug, Kayla gives them good news and not so good news.

The good news: the thyroid surgery was a success. The surgery is not why the heart attack happened. Paulina is lucky she was already in the hospital so they could do angioplasty immediately and put in a stent. Kayla says there's damage to the heart and scar tissue. Paulina has a long road to recovery and will have to set up rehab. In Paulina's case, she has a lot of scar tissue and may need a new heart. Paulina wakes up and asks Chanel how's she doing? Chanel says she's fine. Kayla has Chanel leave to get ice chips. Kayla leaves too, to leave Abe and Paulina alone.

Chad asks Jada if Lucas is ok? She says he's fine. Everett wants to know why the story wasn't leaked? Jada looks at him and says you're not the only one to keep a secret. Jada says it happened the night Harris was hit. Chad says the same night has the fire. Jada says you're both here since not many people knew where Lucas was. Only Harris, Kate, Roman and you two. Jada says someone told someone.

Chad says we wouldn't do that. He says Lucas is family. Jada turns to Everett and says some people don't treat family like they should. She then asks how they contacted Lucas for interview? Everett says Lucas contacted us. Chad says he got the call. Everett was there and they didn't tell anyone. Everett says no one in office when call came. Jada says are you sure, Mr. Stein? (I keep thinking Frankenstein) Everett says Lynch. Chad says no one followed them. Jada wants to know why they saw Clyde after seeing Lucas?

Johnny is surprised Holly is home. The doctors in Italy felt sure Holly could fly home to the states. Johnny says Holly must be on the mend. Nicole says Holly is breathing on her own. Johnny asks what happens next? Nicole says we have to wait for Holly to open her eyes. Nicole asks Johnny about Paulina's surgery. Johnny says surgery went well, but she had a heart attack.

Johnny says he has other news that happened today (actually yesterday). He says he and Chanel are husband and wife. Paulina's happy they got married. Nicole says they will pray for her. Johnny says they kept ceremony small because they didn't want to overwhelm Paulina. EJ gives Johnny his blessing, and then asks Johnny if he and Chanel want to move in? Johnny says they haven't discussed living arrangements. He says they may want a place of their own. Johnny and EJ hug, then Johnny leaves to see Holly.

Everett says they did see Clyde, but not as part of a murder plot. They went to see him as part of their article. Chad says they wanted to write an article with different views and saw Clyde to get the facts. He tells Jada that he wants pain and sorrow for Clyde. Jada looks at Everett and asks if has connection to Clyde? Then she wonders who he has a connection with these days, Mr. Stein?

Chad gets a confused look. Everett says he has no connection. Jada keeps pushing since was Lucas shot at after they saw Clyde. Jada says she's going to sit here until she believe what Everett tell her. She says she wants them to stay while she makes phone calls, then leaves. Chad wonders why Jada is picking on them and she calls Everett by the wrong name and give him dirty looks? Everett says he has something to tell him.

Johnny enters Holly room. He says they missed her. Johnny says he missed the smell of the macaroons chef made for her, then says they're behind on their fencing lessons and he misses her so much. He says things are hectic and he will visit her again soon. EJ and Nicole come in. Johnny says he hopes Holly heard him. Nicole says she did. He says he wished he talked to her before it happened. Nicole says that's ok. EJ says it's Tate's fault. Nicole doesn't want negative talk around Holly.

Abe tells Paulina that she can't leave now since they just got back together. He asks if she needs a pillow or blanket? Paulina wants Abe to promise her something. She wants him to take care of his girls. Abe promises. He says she will be there for her girls and their children. And he will be there by her side.

Nicole, EJ and Johnny enter the DiMera living room. EJ asks Johnny how married life going? Johnny says he's a lucky guy, then says he needs to change and get ready to go back to the hospital. He's glad he could visit Holly and Nicole. EJ says let them know if he needs anything. Nicole says they will pray for Paulina. EJ and Johnny hug.

Chad and Everett alone in the room. Chad questions Everett (Everett told him off screen) about his name not really being Everett Lynch. Everett says he doesn't remember things before his accident. Chad says you remembered Stephanie and got back into her life. He says you remember Stephanie, but not your wife. Everett says he doesn't remember being married and with Jada. Then he says his name is Bobby Stein. Chad says he doesn't believe him and has been lying since he came to Salem.

Chad keeps calling him Bobby. Everett says Everett. Chad wants to know how Stephanie is dealing with it? Everett says they are working on it. Chad says Everett says it's his fault she broke up with him, but Everett says it's Chad's fault she broke up with him. Chad keeps yelling until Jada comes in. He says he's sorry what Everett did to her. Jada is glad Chad knows the truth. Chad looks at Everett and says he makes him sick. Chad then asks if they are done? Jada says yes, but don't leave town. Chad says Salem is his home and leaves.

Chanel's by nurses' station when Kayla comes up. Chanel says she's trying not to worry. Kayla walks off. Johnny gets off the elevator. Chanel's crying and tells Johnny that with her mom's heart attack she might need a new heart. She doesn't want to lose Paulina. They hug. Johnny says we'll be there for her. Her phone rings. It's Eli. She doesn't know how to tell him.

Everett and Jada are in the interrogation room. Everett says he's sorry that he doesn't remember them together. Jada doesn't care. She wished she could stop thinking about them. She tells him they met at the farmer's market. He asked if he should wash tomatoes before you eat them. Everett wants to make things right. He's seeing Dr. Evans. He wants to remember, he's trying. Jada wants to forget she ever met him. Forget everything. She goes to door, then tells him not to leave Salem.

Abe and Paulina are talking when Johnny and Chanel come in. Paulina greets them as newlyweds. Chanel tells them they have good news. Eli called. Lani has been released and they're coming tomorrow. Everyone is happy.

Nicole is by Holly's bed talking to her. EJ is there too. Nicole can't wait to see her eyes. EJ says Holly has the same fighting spirit as her mom. He knows she'll awake soon and they will embarrass her with affection. They kiss her goodnight and turn out the lights when they leave. The camera pans to Holly's hand. She moves a finger.
When I saw the show today, Jada kept saying Bobby to Everett. it reminded me of the song I heard last week.

I saw the musical "Company" last week. The main character is Bobby and they sang this song several times. The
version I saw Bobby was a woman.


It's really showing the filming out of order. The continuity has never been great, but come on. Johnny and Chanel got married earlier today? Harris got shot on Valentine's Day yet it's the 16th of February (in East Salem) and he's been in a coma for such a long time. Tripp and Wendy were kidnapped around the same time Harris was shot on Valentine's night?

But pointless filler. But Paulina should be happy she's in Salem, as hearts quickly come available and there's never a scar or drugs that one has to take to counteract rejection. Lord help her if she lived in Chicago or Miami.
Seriously, should Jada be interrogating Bobby/Everett? Looked like she was playing "good cop/bad cop" without a good cop. In my opinion, she shouldn't be on the case.

I agree, why were those machines beeping? I didn't see any tubes going from Holly to either machine.
Did research since Paulina just had cancer surgery, that would disqualify her for a heart transplant but then the site could be wrong.
This is a soap, nothing would disqualify her from a heart transplant in soap land. Remember, the soaps routinely raise people from the dead, people who have been dead and buried for years. People have transplants with no scars and never have to take anti-rejection drugs. People come out of comas, looking beautiful and walking/talking normally. People recover from major surgery/near fatal injuries, and are up walking around within a day or two. So real-life rules wouldn't mean a hill of beans on a soap.
But pointless filler. But Paulina should be happy she's in Salem, as hearts quickly come available and there's never a scar or drugs that one has to take to counteract rejection. Lord help her if she lived in Chicago or Miami.
When it comes to hearts, all things are possible in Salem, including a scenario where Brady has now remarkably regrown his own heart, meaning that Love Doctor Jonas’s magic ticker is now available to save Paulina.

Angry Jada’s hostile behavior toward Everett/Bobby is getting ridiculous. Next she’ll be grilling him on whether he was in Dallas the day President Kennedy was shot. Speaking of Everett and his beard, it would make for a good scene if under hypnosis with Marlena he says: “I’m at Salem Beach and two hunks are mocking me for being a nerd,” or ‘I’m at the beach with Willow Stark and … OMG … she’s just fallen and hit her head on a rock.”
When did they say anything about Brady having his own regrown heart
Brady never regrew his heart. This is just a hypothetical. It’s not all that far fetched since Philip unofficially regrew his leg and Brady and others have no surgical scars.
I vote for Clyde or Everett
Clyde would be a less than palatable choice, but any port in a storm. Imagine if this happened and Paulina suddenly developed a taste for squirrel stew.
Ahhh, Dr. husband's best friend, who lived next door, had a heart transplant. Yep, big scar on the chest. But then he did not have Salem's wonder docs, who leave no scars, follow-ups, therapy, etc.

Told our friend that scars eventually fade somewhat (as mine did from gallbladder surgery) but it takes some time.
Chad's talking to insurance adjusters and contractors
Why is he doing this? Don't Jennifer and Hope own the Horton House? Why on earth would this job fall to him?

Oh gracious, Salem Hospital has 3 patients and only 1 doctor. Hopefully Kayla doesn't have a breakdown from the overwork.
Johnny that with her mom's heart attack she might need a new heart
No problem - just take Stefan's/Jake's. He's not using it.

Seriously, all the Rolfenstein stuff and you think we'll worry about Paulina's measly heart attack? Salem is unusually full of folks using someone else's heart.