Days of Our Lives - Tuesday, May 7, 2024


Staff member
Dec 29, 2012
Reaction score
41 minutes

It's a new day in Salem. New and old flashbacks.

Maggie and Konstantin are in the K-mansion den. Sarah wheels in Victoria. Xander follows. The phone rings. It's Justin. Victor's will has cleared probate and will be distributed according to the terms. Konstantin is too happy. Maggie says Alex probably knows too and is probably over the moon.

Theresa and Alex are having breakfast. Justin calls. Alex tells Theresa he's getting more money than he thought. She hugs him and says we're going to be set for life, then changes it to he will be set for life. Alex looks at her oddly.

Kristen's in the DiMansion living room. Brady comes in. He's taking Rachel to school. Kristen yells upstairs to have Rachel hurry. She asks if he wants to stay? Brady says yes. He will stay and take her school. Kristen gives Brady coffee. They discuss how Brady wants to spend more time with Rachel. Kristen says it's a possibility.

At John and Marlena's, there's a knock on the door. John thinks it's early and asks who it is? It's Steve. John lets him in. Marlena tells John she invited Steve since they have a plan. She says Steve needs to know what it is.

John isn't happy. Marlena reminds him Konstantin is dangerous and she wants John to have backup. Marlena says Konstantin wants to keep John and Steve apart. She reminds them they have a 40 year friendship. Steve apologizes and will do anything to fix it.

Brady tells Kristen not to throw out the possibility of spending more time with Rachel. They begin to discuss it, but Brady doesn't want to in case Rachel comes down. He gives Kristen the souvenir Rachel picked out for her. She tells him she won't ask for child support since he wasn't in Victor's will. Brady tells her he'll still pay. He will continue the visitation she allows. Brady knows she will mess up again and he'll get full custody.

Theresa is happy for Alex. She says they're due at Titan (didn't she quit?) and they should take day off. Alex agrees. He talks about buying expensive things with the money. Theresa suggests charities.

Maggie says Alex is probably happy with his inheritance, but says she would give it all up to have Victor back. Maggie plans to share her wealth. She plan to donate the bulk of the money to worthy causes. Konstantin's not happy.

John tells Steve that Konstantin turned him back to the Pawn. He says Konstantin has the same card Megan had. Steve wants to know why he wasn't told? John said he didn't remember until the other day. Flashback at the hospital when Konstantin turned him into Pawn when Marlena came. Present time. John tells Steve that Marlena came and quickly pulled him out of it. Doc and I figured out something was going on.

Alex tells Theresa they need to celebrate. He plans to get champagne and caviar. Then he remembers sparkling cider for Theresa. (He keeps drinking orange juice). Alex grabs his keys and kisses her. He tells her to chill glasses before he leaves. Theresa is excited about his fortune and they will do more than drink bubbly.

Sarah is proud of Maggie being generous. Maggie says she always planned to share her money. Justin is going to give more to charities and start foundations. She says she plans to share her wealth with Victor's family who were left out of the will, Brady, Bo, Philip, Justin and Xander. Konstantin is upset and says no, she can't do that.

Steve wants to know what they plan to do and how they know they Konstantin turned John into the Pawn? New flashback. John and Marlena are at home. John's anxious, Marlena hypnotizes him. She wants to know what happened with Konstantin? John remembers everything that happened in the office. He tells her about the card and listens to Konstantin's voice about Maggie. Present time. John tells Steve that Konstantin wanted the prenup he signed. John's worried Konstantin try to control him again. Marlena says they're prepared. (Yippee).

Maggie looks at Konstantin. Konstantin tries to explain, then Xander butts in and says Maggie should give all the money to you? Konstantin says he signed a prenup. He meant Maggie shouldn't give up her money without a lot of thought. Maggie says she has, for years. Xander talks to Konstantin, tells him that he's not a relative and it doesn't matter what she does with her money. Maggie wants Konstantin explain why he said what he did?

Theresa is getting ready for celebration. She opens another button on her shirt, and wonders where Alex is? Theresa texts and asks if he went to France to get champagne?

Alex arrives at the DiMansion. He walks over to Kristen and they kiss, with Brady standing there. Brady says to tell Rachel he's waiting her in the car. As Brady leaves, he sees Kristen and Alex kiss again, and shakes his head.

Steve asks how they are prepared? Marlena says they had to do something so John could resist the "power of the card". She says there has been advancement in deprogramming and it worked for Harris, so she contacted colleagues at Bayview to find out what techniques to use. John said they did them right here.

New flashback. John's on couch with Marlena. Marlena teaches John a mantra when he sees the Pawn card. "A positive presence defeats a negative past" John repeats what she says. Present Marlena says they went to Maggie's when she announced her engagement to Konstantin. When John and Konstantin were alone, he wanted John to steal the prenup. Flashback. John opens safe and gives the prenup to Konstantin. He burns it (didn't anyone notice the ashes?). Steve says that the technique didn't work. Marlena says contrary.

Konstantin tells Maggie he loves her big heart. He explains her big heart to make donations. Victoria cries so Maggie takes her out for a walk. Konstantin leaves. Sarah and Xander discuss how they both noticed Konstantin was upset when he knew Maggie giving away the money. Xander says Konstantin's a con man and a dangerous one. They discuss the prenup and how if it will stop him.

Theresa's chilling the glasses. There's a knock on the door. It's Brady. He hoped she'd be alone. Theresa's expecting Alex. Brady sees items for their little party. Theresa says they're celebrating his inheritance. Brady says Alex is at the DiMansion, hanging out with Kristen. Theresa figures out Alex sleeping with Kristen. She asks if Brady's upset? Brady says no. He's only seeing her because of Rachel. Theresa is upset, but she blames herself since she broke up with him. Then says one of her big mistakes.

Kristen tells Alex that was a great performance. He came by to get some champagne and he knew the best champagne is in the DiMera wine cellar. Alex tells her to wait. He says he'd rather celebrate like this and kisses her.

Sarah says Konstantin's reaction was off, but Maggie didn't care. They talk about each other and both say they're the love of their life. They kiss.

Brady asks if Theresa loves Alex? She admits she sort of is. Knock on door. It's Konstantin. He sees Brady and stops.

Alex and Kristen are in bed. Alex says he enjoys trying to make Theresa and Brady jealous. Kristen calls Brady the love her life. Alex says he cares about Theresa.

Steve asks how the technique work when the prenup got burned? John hands Steve a document. This is the original prenup. The one burned was a fake. New flashback. John switched papers earlier in the evening. Marlena says brilliant, huh?.

Maggie returns with Victoria. Sarah tells Maggie she wants to talk before they leave. Sarah wants to know what happens after the wedding? Maggie wonders what she means? Xander says will Konstantin get a job or live here with you forever?

Konstantin tells Theresa he came by because he needs help picking out a wedding gift. Brady wonders who's getting married? Konstantin says he's marrying Maggie. Brady is surprised, then leaves. Konstantin tells Theresa that Maggie is giving her money away to charity and Victor's heirs. He tells Theresa that getting Alex's half is urgent. Theresa doesn't know if that will happen. Konstantin says she needs to get Alex back in her bed or there will be consequences.

Alex and Kristen are still in bed. He says he needs to go home. Theresa has texted him. Alex says he can tell Theresa it's taking a while to find what he needs, then Alex and Kristen do it again.

Steve says they conned the Kon. John realizes Konstantin only came to Salem for one reason. Steve says for Victor's money. Now they have to tell Maggie everything. Steve says knowing Maggie, Konstantin won't know what hit him.
Flashback. John opens safe and gives the prenup to Konstantin. He burns it (didn't anyone notice the ashes?).
I wondered about that too? In addition to a piece of sesame seed will set my smoke alarm off if my everything bagel gets a bit too toasty. I'd hate to think what burning sheets of paper in an open trash can would do.

Good to know that John has finally be deprogrammed and they are out to get the Kon.

I'm very happy that Alex and Kristen have found each other. These two deserve each other.

Thanks kat.
I am so happy that it was all just a ruse with John. But why didn't they clue Maggie into it?? I'm afraid something bad might still happen since she is still unbelievably duped by him. He keeps showing his true colors and Maggie keeps saying "oh pretty." But when he burned what he thought was prenup, wouldn't Maggie have smelled it?

Kristen & Alex are disgusting. Good lord, she's 60. Kristen is just disgusting. I hate that she has a child, who in 10 soap years will be a terror.
I can't wait to see Konstantin get his. I hope they burn the pawn card so it is gone forever. I am also ready for Xander to be revealed as the true heir. Theresa can turn state's evidence against Konstantin.
So glad about John. His getting brainwashed all the time is just dumb. May this be the last of these kinds of plots. It reminds me of Hawkeye in Marvel. He got brainwashed into doing all this stuff, and when someone else tried to in another movie, he put an instant stop to it. Been there, done that, no.

Alex is officially the worst. I hope Brady and Theresa get back together, which they probably wouldn’t have done except for Kristen’s dumb idea. Today clairified that he doesn’t really want Theresa because he could have gone to the store, come home with drinks, and been sleeping with her. So much for wiser, more mature, post-Stephanie Alex.
I agree with TinaY - I hope Alex and Kristen's plot to tear Theresa and Brady apart, actually pushes them together.

The whole Alex and Kristen coupling is so creepy. But they deserve each other.

Not sure how Theresa is going to get out of the mess with the Kon man though. There is no way she comes out of it unscathed.
In real life, Kristen (Stacy Haiduk) is 20 years younger than Alex (Robert Scott Wilson). She is 56, he is 36. That seems to be really pushing least to me. She IS old enough to be his mother.......however Days (and other soaps) like to play "Let's Pretend" so we aren't supposed to be aware of it.

After all, Kristen's got a very young daughter, doesn't she? Yep, the 56 yr. old mother has a 9 yr. old daughter. LOL, come to think of it, Kristen is old enough to be the grandmother of Rachel..........tho a lot of actors really don't like becoming a "grandparent" on their show. Many feel it is possibly detrimental to getting some roles on other shows.
Today was a combination of great news and barfworthy nonsense. The good news is that Konstantin is doomed —- he’s a walking dead man. Thanks to the brilliance of Doc, the resilience of John, the strength of Steve, and the astuteness of the mighty Xander, kreepy K. is toast. Unless somebody foolishly takes pity on him, he’ll soon be sleeping on a park bench, covered by old newspapers.

Barf city was the brainless Alex in bed with the kreepy Granny Kritter. Victor must be spinning in his grave over the thought that the awful Kristen might soon be in a position to share in his fortune. Xander can’t be revealed as Victor’s true heir too soon.

By the way, what charities is Maggie planning to donate to? Here are a few possibilities.

Salem Raccoons Trust Fund, Salem Pawns Rehabilitation Trust, Salem Aquarium, Salem Opera Company (Chloe Lane, pres.), Mickey & Alice Horton Charitable Trust, Salem Bar Association Ethics Committee (Sloan is doomed), Salem Photography Club (Eric Brady, pres.), Salem University Hospital (Seth Burns, pres.), Salem Public Schools (Learned M .Goode, supt.), Salem Bodybuilders Association (Xander Kiriakis, pres.), Salem Alcoholics Anonymous (Brady Black, pres.), Salem Coma Victims Trust (John Black, pres.), Salem World Cruisers Travel Society (Julie Williams, pres.), Salem Sex Addicts Rehabilitation Fund (Alex Kiriakis, Pres.).
And that's the problem with SORASing little kids to ridiculous ages in a short time period.

When Eileen Davidson (Kristen) returned to Salem in 2012, she stopped by EJ's office. He opened the door and blandly said "oh, mother" indicating that Susan apparently dressed up as Kristen when EJ was little, since he was familiar with the look. Then Kristen said something along the lines of "I'm not old enough to be your mother!"

Excuse me, but you ARE! You literally pretended to be pregnant with EJ and give birth to him.
I have a friend from college who gave birth last year at 50. So a 56 year old woman can have a 9 year old. The age gap isn’t what bothers me. I liked Kate and Rafe. I somehow got through Kate and Jake. The men have had lots of age gaps. Victor and Nicole was no great pairing. They had to be 30 years apart—even in Salem years.

But there’s no math or science or psychology to explain WHY suddenly Alex and Kristen are sexing it up. The setup last week, “we better do it for real or your elementary school kid will know we’re faking,” was the thinnest premise in soap history. Alex’s threesome with Chanel and Allie made more sense.

Why are they doing this again? What did they think the jealousy was going to accomplish? And now they just can’t quit each other? Is Alex just a sex addict? I wish Victor was still around just so we could hear his reaction.

This is the worst plot development in years. Worse than the Nicole mask. More unwatchable than Konstantin and his awful accent. More confusing than Gwen getting on a plane, slapping on a wig, and walking back out as Theresa. More random than twin aliens falling out of the sky.

The utter pointlessness of this pairing confounds me. And what stinks is it ruined an otherwise decent show.

Okay, I’ve ranted enough. But the more I think about it, the worse it gets.
Thanks for the summary. This wasn't a bad episode! I'm glad that just as everyone is noticing that Konstantin and Theresa are acting strange, John, Steve, and Doc are coming up with a plan to inform Maggie and take him down. I want him out of town by summer.

Alex and Kristen are both so disgusting that I almost feel bad for Brady and Theresa. This is yet another storyline that needs to come to an end, hopefully before July 4th.