1/21/24 - Donuts and the Teens but nothing to do with teenagers

Wilde Woman

Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2009
Reaction score
Queens, NY
It is currently 17 degrees. I think today is the final day of the cold snap. We will actually see temps in the 40s and 50s later this week, but with a lot of rain. I guess I won't mind that after the intense cold. I know I am not in one of the colder states. Many of those on this board often endure single-digit temps, and I empathize. I hope there is an early Spring this year.

Last night watched the final Magnum PI (On Demand). That show got kicked off CBS for no good reason, but NBC picked it up, only to end if after five seasons. This was a wonderful show with a great cast, and I wish them all well in their careers.

Got a big laugh when I was watching an Australian movie, also last night. The prison was taking away the one television set they had, and while it was being hauled away, Days' intro was playing while there was a voice over by one of the inmates. He said something like this (there was more but don't recall what): You can take away our humanity, but you can't take away our Days of our Lives." Love it!

Wishing all a lovely day.

And we were 10 degrees less than you, WW, this morning......getting a small warm up, too this week, tho low 30s is what they say., today it might get to 19...no sun so far. Was 7 above...........which was nice to see as it was above and not below. LOL However, we also got wind, which is gonna increase......Heck, tis only mid-January, we got Feb & March yet before it really gets better. :)
Was 0° when I got awake enough to check (about 8 am). Some friends posted on FB that it had been below zero during the night. 18° at the moment. 50s by midweek but a lot of rain next week. Hopefully the melting snow and rain won't cause flooding. We are "on" a river and get high water and minor flooding periodically. About 3 years ago we had a major flood. Damaged/destroyed a lot of buildings and homes. It came within less than 1/2 mile from my house, but the way the road is, I was not in danger.

But I'll take 50s and rain over this nonsense. Those of you who live where these cold temps are not uncommon, "bless your hearts."
Morning all.... It's already warmer today than it was yesterday at least number wise..... actual going outside in the pleasant and well noted Kansas wind is an entirely different story.... so while the numbers say warmer the feels like says colder..... boo hiss.... I still have snow in the yard, well at one point it was snow now it's just ice blobs from the January 8th storm....and lets not even talk about the beginnings of the bobsled track in what was at one time my driveway....
But the 49er's eeked out a victory last night..... I watched the first two episodes of Death and other Details on HULU (it's a weird show)
and most of the evening had a text conversation with my former neighbor about the guy currently living in my "house". He is at my "house" for the Barrett-Jackson car show and auction. Neighbor thinks that's why the for sale sign came down didn't want the guy bothered by folks wanting to look at the house. Some times neighbor's tin hat is showing.....

Happy Sunday......
It was close to 30 when I finally went out to walk this morning. Wind chill cooler than that.
I got three times around walking fast since church starts soon. Ice/rain start after midnight.

robin, is your old house for sale again?

Wilde Woman, it would be nice to have an early spring, but remember it was too hot last year.

I hope everyone has a restful day before the rain and warmer temps come this week.
Yayyyy, the sun finally came out, but honestly, tis very windy, in fact, the wind is picking up snow from the ground, and blowing it straight south, the pine branches on those big trees are dancing up and down, back and forth, really rockin and rollin. LOL
robin, is your old house for sale again?
When we moved out, the landlord put the house on the market about two weeks later, he sold it as is. Someone purchased it took it to the studs and then redesigned the house and put it back on the market. No one nibbled, so they put it on the AirBnB site and tried to make money renting it out. Only two people rented the place and for just a weekend. Neighbors were told the house was going to be rented to traveling Nurses. But no one has done that. So they pulled the house from the AirBnB site and put it back on the market. According to realtor.com and zillow.com the house is again off the market. I'm not sure who has pockets deep enough to spend 460k on a house, gut it, rebuild it and then let it stand vacant for a year, but maybe they do.

My neighbor keeps me updated on "my" house. It was never really "my house" I did live there 17 years but never owned it.....
robin, that's interesting. I know the people rebuilt it and you mentioned they were going to use for traveling nurses. I guess that
didn't work out for them. I don't think they can count it as a tax write off if no one stays in it
the current owners have it on the market for 715 thousand dollars.... the other 3 houses are in the mid 400 thousand dollar range so it's overpriced for the neighborhood, it's south wall is on a very busy street with constant street noise..... the big plus is you only have a neighbor on one side the other is a containment pond for flooding...... and there are no HOA fees....
never heard the expression "took it to the studs", but that is what the people who bought my lake house did. I truly was shocked at the why.......kitchen was on far right, living room in middle, bedrooms on left, two sun porches in front, one in front of kitchen, the other, a larger one, mostly in front of bedroom, but about a third in front of living room. They switched the living room and put kitchen in middle, no idea why. Was told wanted view of lake, but both kitchen and living room had views. Just was odd that all the electric, water pipes, gas lines had to be rerouted to the middle of the house, probably phone lines which were underground, as well. Plus septic........
I know they wanted to be closer to the lake, but zoning laws would not let a home be built any closer. Actually, the house itself if grandfathered......can't even add an addition either side or even front. Yep, so they went UP, for 2 people the place was plenty big.....but....folks have their own ideas.

Robin...........it appears the idea the buyers of your previous place had did not work out at all. But if they have that huge price tag on the place..........the others owners of the other ones for sale may benefit , with theirs being so much lower in price. Sometimes realtors talk folks into agreeing to a higher price so they can "negotiate" better?????
Usually when I know of people over-pricing their property it's because they aren't in great need of the money and it doesn't matter that much whether they sell it or not, so if they can get a remarkable offer for it, they'll take it. Otherwise, they'll just wait.

Looks like last night may have been our last one for below freezing for a while. I hope! It's 38* now. I'm very happy to be above freezing but strangely enough, we had full sunshine throughout most of those unusually cold days, and now it's completely cloudy and feels very cold with the wind. Like some of you, we're expecting clouds and rain chances for most of the week, but it looks as though we're right on the edge of it so may or we may not get any.

I headed out to church this morning and was delighted to find cows at the county road. My main herd was across the road looking longingly through the gate toward my direction. The heifers were on my side of the road with the same expressions of anticipation, as they looked through this gate toward the herd. Some heifers were about to get on the cattleguard to go out. I was so happy to find this situation because we'd been wanting to move the heifers out of here and put them with the rest of the cows but the others were in another pasture 3 miles away and getting them to come all the way over would have been complicated, due to mud holes, water supplies and such. To have them make their way over here and to find each group right there at the gates was more than we could have expected. I called my niece and found she was already at my hay lot but she didn't know the cows were nearby. So she came with a bale of hay and the heifers followed her across, while I opened the gate. Problem solved! Thank you, Lord. The heifers had been getting out in the road increasingly, which is dangerous. Also, this will save on our dwindling hay supply and it will minimize the time it takes to feed....AND I can once again have the luxury of watching an unmolested wind sock and keep water out for the birds and small critters. Last night they tore 2 or 3 streamers off the wind sock and pulled the heated water pan out from under the water tower and emptied it. No more of that nonsense for a while.
OC, they haven't reported what happened but now they're saying 61! They have quite a few more that survived but thankfully some near by ranchers are caring for them.
Mrs. Clean, I know out here ranchers are quick to come to the aid of one another when disasters happen. I'm guessing it is the same everywhere. I'm glad some of the cows survived. Something like this is devastating on many levels. I don't know anything about dairy operations but I imagine people get attached to livestock that is handled personally each day, so it would be an emotional loss as well as financial. Raising free-range beef cattle tends to be less personal but in smaller herds like mine there is more familiarity.
This family was very close with their free range cattle. I heard the poor woman on the radio this morning, she brought me to tears.

Poirot, they haven't said what started it yet. I'll let you know. I wouldn't doubt it's because of heaters since it's so cold here.