1/26/24 - Donuts and a Foggy, Soggy Day

Wilde Woman

Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2009
Reaction score
Queens, NY
Seems that rain has been the subject lately, alas. 46 ugly degrees, but still preferred over 20 degrees and a wintry mix.

That frozen pigeon feather is still stuck on the terrace screen. While it thawed out, it just won't budge. I will have to manually dislodge it when the terrace is dry again.

Wishing all a great and productive day.

Could you tap lighrtly from the inside ??? it might dislodge?

Yep, overcast, foggy, cloudy, whatever, more and more brown grass is appearing in a swatch under the row of huge pines out back. I have a couple errands this a.m. so have to get going. My tummy has been acting up a bit this a.m. no idea why, o/w I'd have been gone and back already. See ya later/
Morning..... We got snow January 8th and today January 26th the snow has FINALLY left the back yard and the common area.......But I'm still not seeing the sun.... missed seeing the full moon last night too...... we are to have rain later today and then into part of Saturday but then a week of sun and perhaps warmer temps..... sort of I'll believe it when I see it.......
Poirot take care of yourself.....tummys are not to be ignored.....

I have one more day of skate work, it's be great fun.... meeting people and just getting outside the house..... I hope to get dropped off a bit earlier than my shift so I can watch a bit of the skating today....

My clearance amaryllis after spending days looking dead and not a good 70% off purchase, has grown inches overnight.... these plants are amazing.... since is was a clearance plant I have no idea what color I'll be getting but since red is the most common that's what I think I'll get....

Happy Friday to all....
Could you tap lighrtly from the inside ??? it might dislodge?

Yep, overcast, foggy, cloudy, whatever, more and more brown grass is appearing in a swatch under the row of huge pines out back. I have a couple errands this a.m. so have to get going. My tummy has been acting up a bit this a.m. no idea why, o/w I'd have been gone and back already. See ya later/
Poirot - Yes, I can, or even spray with my water bottle. I don't need a souvenir from the pigeons!
Pouring down rain here! Yea! The "local" weatherman said if a system like this comes through in August it's likely to rain four inches, but in January we may expect half of that. I have over an inch in my gauge right now so I'm still hoping for two. The ground in and around my yard looks like a flood. I'm looking down toward my tank and hoping I'm not just imagining the level to look a bit higher. Having showers come down hard and fast helps. I can see water running down the cattle trails that lead down the hill to the tank. Oooh, big lightning!

Robin, I hope you get to watch some skating. Great surprise on the amaryllis plant!

Poirot, I hope you made it out and back home without any drama--of any kind!

Wilde Woman, best I can see, it's about 42* here. Feels cold but yes, as you pointed out, so better than that freezing stuff. I hope you're expecting nice weather for next week, like the prediction for here, and for Robin too.

I'm cooking some stew meat. Got it started too late for my lunch so I guess I'll have to open a can of something soon for that. I'm still trying to decide what to put in with the stew meat besides the onion and canned fire-roasted tomatoes and tomato juice I've already added.
What about a potato, OC? mararoni?
Went out, did the errands, am back, I think the sun is visiting elsewhere, as the U.S. seems to not be on it's travel agenda right now.....lol
I forgot to mention I hope all of you are staying well. Many of the schools in towns surrounding here, and even on down toward DFW, have been closed down this week due to illness from Flu, Covid, RVS (or is it RSV?), and Strep Throat. Ugh! I've avoided going to town for a prescription for that reason. I don't know if it will be any better by next week or not.

Glad you made it back okay, Poirot. Yes, I will add either potato or macaroni, though neither appeals to me very much. Oh, maybe I have some celery, if it's not too old.
It's a dreary day here with clouds and dampness. I got my walk in. Rain on Saturday.

When I took Fenix out, I took him out front to his and my yard. He left a deposit and I had to move it.
The side that's mushy is awful. It's so soft to walk on. It will need add more dirt one day.

I cleaned off half of my kitchen table this morning. I don't eat on so I put a lot of stuff on it. I put things
away. The other half is things for my Bible studies. I'll be doing that this afternoon.

OC, my friend gave me some leftover stew. She used ground beef instead of stew meat. There was only
meat, corn and beans. I added potatoes, corn and peas. I should have added liquid too.

Wilde Woman, I hope you have a nice weekend.

Poirot, are you feeling better since you've been to the hospital?

robin, I hope your day is going well at the skating rink.

I hope everyone has a nice rest of the day and good weekend.
It was cloudy and overcast all day. Thick fog this morning. Rain this evening...
I want sunshine
OUR WEATHER man claims sun will appear for a bit on Sunday, along with partly cloudy and then rain on Monday. but here I am, not far from Canada..........a long. long way from the south..my HOUSTON daughter moaning the lack of sun, too.
Oh, I agree, but amazing how this group recreated that ending, every move, had to take a lot of rehearsal.

Patrick, tho, took this dance and made it his own. And only his!