1/28/2024 - Donuts and a big shiny thing in the sky


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Mar 24, 2009
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Now appearing in Wichita, Kansas
Today is the first day in the past 3 weeks that has dawned with SUNSHINE...... it's been foggy or cloudy for most of January......
What a difference it makes in attitude to see the sun...... it's also going to be warmer...... HB wants to get on the roof to take the lights down..... LORD is that a bad idea..... I'm trying to get the guy who put them up to contact me but I think he turns his phone off during the weekends.....

I hope everyone has a great day.......
Another cloudy day here. The sun is trying to peak out. It should be out this afternoon and the
high in the 40s. It's going to be in the 30s in the AM and close to 60 all week with sun. Next
Sat, more rain.

I did studying before I took my walk. This afternoon, I'm going to watch more skating. I'm
glad there were some males in the synchronized skating groups.

robin, enjoy the sunshine.

I hope everyone has a relaxing day before the busy work week.
Yet another nasty day. 39 currently, been raining all day.

Robin: It has been proven that the appearance of the sun elevates our moods. HB needs to stay off the roof!

Kat: I hope you get the sun we don't have here. Enjoy your walk.

Happy Sunday to all, despite many of us not seeing the sun right now.

Our very short warm-up has ended. Rainy and quite chilly. Computer says 38° with rain/flurry mix right now. "Arthur-itis" is visiting today. Left for church in my light weight jacket. Should have worn a heavier one. "Froze" all through services. Enjoy the rest of your day!
Kat, I hope the sun has already made it out for you. Once again, our forecast is about the same, only the sun has been out all day here.

Nameless, I'm sorry you miscalculated on clothing. I went the opposite direction and overdressed for church. But I'd much rather be too warm than too cold. Hope "Arthur" doesn't hang around too long.

Robin, I'm with you on the sunshine....so very nice to see it after the less agreeable weather. Oh boy, you have your hands full trying to keep both Vinnie and HB out of trouble. I sure hope the guy who hung your lights comes to the rescue. Otherwise, I am doubtful you can talk HB out of his mission.

Wilde Woman, I never realized it rains so much in New York City. But I do recall being there in the rain years ago. We were visiting my husband's brother's family in New Jersey. I had a 2nd cousin living in Brooklyn who had been writing a family history. I'd had visits with his parents over the years but had never met him before. However, I had been sharing my collection of memories and family history with him by letters, then e-mail. I had a small family heirloom I wanted to give him so I asked my brother-in-law to drive me there to see him, which he graciously agreed to do, God bless him. It was Labor Day Weekend, and as I said, raining. I was so clueless to the implications of what I was asking. I'm sure he would have preferred eating a bowlful of broken glass than to do that but we all loaded up and off we went. To this day I literally cringe every time I remember asking such a thing of him.
No sun here, either, tho it was supposed to show up for a bit. 34° and they had said 38 for today. LOL Ran out for the newspaper, (boy, getting smaller and smaller, while price goes up and up. ) usually always wear a cap, but thought it would be warmer than it turned out. brrrr plus nose began to run from the cold. sigghhhh. I don't put TV on during day, and especially Sundays which is all sports, not my cup of tea.
OC: Like the rest of the country, weather patterns have changed drastically. We didn't have this much rain in the past, and we used to get a lot more snow. Not complaining about the lack of snow at all. But it is very depressing to face so many dreary days.