1/31/2024 - Donuts and Peace out, January


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Mar 24, 2009
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Now appearing in Wichita, Kansas
Good morning.... this month has at times seemed to be over a thousand days long and yet here we are the last day of January..... amazing.....
I'm headed off to work at a high school today for a couple of hours..... should be boring..... I've given up hope that they will have something for me to do.....
I did volunteer to help out at a Basketball competition in February......I took the late afternoon early evening shifts..... so that should be fun.....

I hope everyone has a quality Wednesday......
Another overcast day, 40 degrees, light wind.

Can't believe the first month of the new year is over today. Time flies, and life happens when you're looking the other way.

Robin: Maybe the new year will bring you more interesting work. Have fun at the basketball competition.

rfsexton: Hope you finish getting your bills paid and that your laptop reconnects.

Everyone enjoy your afternoon!

Another sunny day here. It's going to be over 60 again. I walked this morning and got
two times around.

I got to Bible study today. I did the small group discussion, but left before the lecture. I can
watch online later. My two lady friends are coming over to play games. It's been awhile
since we've done this.

robin, I hope you had a good day at school.

rf, I hope you were successful with paying your bills.

Wilde Woman, I hope you can stay in from the wind.

I hope everyone has a fine rest of the day.
Miracles do exist........after all these grey, over cast days, we got a change. LOL, yes, it was cloudy & overcast this a.m., but a little after 11, lo and behold, the skies cleared, turned a lovely shade of blue, that big yellow thing appeared...totally unexpected. PLUS THE Temp acutally moved UP to 41 !!!
Had a really bad night's sleep, or should I say LACK of sleep. Finally, around 3 a.m., I fell asleep, only to awaken at 5:30, and stayed that way. ! I try not to take naps, as they definitely will keep me from falling asleep at night. Hope tonight will make up for it. LOL
Got to think of something for dinner, as I have had chicken 3 days in a row, and there is still some left over delicious fried chicken in the frig from Monday's lunch out at a restaurant here that had a special, buy one, get one free on Mondays...my friend wanted to go. She got the plate with the smaller dark meat (we both wanted it, lol) and I got this huge chicken breast.....sigghhh.......it was so good, tho I prefer dark meat.
Love seeing the sun after all this time.........but still feels cold. Ha.
Finished the gig at the school.... 3.5 hours of watching kids walk by... but this time everyone was super friendly and helpful even though there wasn't anything for me to do.... I did make student Id's the first hour but then the lady who took the money left for the day so the kids had to go to a different office.... oh well...... I didn't even have a phone to ring that I could answer...... now I'm home and will leave shortly because it's nice and warm and I need gas in the car, I needed gas last week and it was in the 20's (f ) and windy so today when it's 66 I'll fill up.
Tax forms keep coming in the mail..... guess I should start thinking about that dreaded task...... maybe.....
Forgot to mention. Last year, 1/31/23.. up here, it was 18 below zero. Today, same day of the year..........it is 41 above zero. a 60 degree difference.......plus snow almost gone. Mother Nature sure changes her mind a lot, doesn't she. LOL
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Plus 4 Celsius here when usually we are minus 30 this time of year. Hateful January is almost over, my least favourite month of the year. It did go fast as I spent ten days of it in Mexico

Subway and Mexican potato chips for 'dinner'. Bring on February!
I had a good day. A rare occasion of sleeping almost eight hours and waking up without a headache. Then a couple of other unexpected good things happened. Also it was another beautiful day--sunny, not much wind, in the upper 60s*. I spent the morning in the kitchen and in the afternoon I spent some time outside, cleaning up more shattered deck railing. What makes it tedious is that the railing is wood painted white so there are strips and flecks of white paint scattered everywhere in the dead grass. I finished cleaning up what's been on the ground for a while, then tore down as much as I could dislodge so it wouldn't end up all over the yard too.
Now I have to eat supper and wash up the dishes I used when I cooked this morning.
Brisbydog, we're having homemade hamburgers and ripple chips w/dip.

Going to get Subway tomorrow, we haven't had it for a long time.

Do you live in Canada?