10/11/21 - Donuts and no mail


Staff member
Dec 29, 2012
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I missed out on the bad weather last night. The weather man said there would be high winds and
take off everything on your porch. I did that in my PJs. I got my cat in too. It was windy when I
went to bed, but no branches or things in my yard. It's been awhile since the cat slept in at night.

I went to town this morning to shop. I had Kohl's cash and coupon off. I returned two items and
received more Kohl's cash. I used the Kohl's cash to get a puzzle. I did a separate checkout for a
long sleeved shirt. The best way to use Kohl's cash is use it for one item.

Remember no mail today because it's a holiday.

I hope everyone is have a good day.
Good morning.... our weather guesser has told us that if we have Seasonal decorations out to bring them in today or be happy to share with the neighbors.... I have some out but if they do take off to a neighbors.... I will survive..... I have a pirate and a spider windsock up.... the witch has already blown down... I got them as a fund raiser the kids did in ELEMENTARY school so they are at least 3 decades old.......
I spoke with my youngest last night and his "puppy" is now 57 pounds picture is of him sleeping next to my son who sits on the floor with him because Theo isn't allowed on furniture. Theo is totally relaxed

The other big news weather wise for us is we are going to be cold tomorrow.... only 70 degrees.... if we make 70 it will take a couple of days but we will get back to the 90's by the weekend.

I hate no mail days even though I usually don't receive anything of interest anyway...... but I am glad the postal workers get a day off. NO gripes there....
Hi everyone.....I hate making holidays on Mondays...tomorrow is Columbus Day, not today. Oh, well. We had big winds yesterday late afternoon, early evening, but they eventually died down. Cooling off a lot......high will only be 63 today. WAs very overcast & they are still forecasting rain, despite the sun going in and out for short periods. Wish I could sleep better.
Well, now trying to deal with ins. HATE they change names, get bought, merged or whatever, moved, as is difficult to find a correct address. However, cannot do anything without a death certificate anyway. Even S.S. waiting for call from funeral director as to how long I may still have to wait. Woke at 2, fell finally back to sleep after 3 but awake at 6..Never got a chance to read sunday paper, so will do that today. Finished putting away the rest of the laundry in the dryer........so that is done now. (Still have towels, but that can wait. )
We are to have highs in low 60s & 50s all week. Leaves are blowing around all over the place, coming down from the tree. Some are bare already, some only 1/3 to 1/2 down. Colors definitely fading away. Gee one would think it was nearing the end of autumn, wouldn't one.......at least up here. LOL
We apparently just had rain overnight - it was gone by the time I loaded kids for school drop off. We are in the low 70’s today.

Thanks for the reminder about no mail today, I had forgotten that.

I use my kohl’s cash the same way. One transaction at a time.

All of my kids returned to school today and hubby went back to work too. Good thing I have the pup and cats to keep me company.
Glad none of you had tornadoes.

We had very little rain but some stiff wind, late yesterday. Electricity went off for about half and hour. Got a break today, sunny and calm but more storms starting tomorrow. It was 52* this morning. I was cold inside my house but it has warmed up now.

Poirot, my experience has been that the death certificates take longer than one would expect. I hope you ordered enough. Things tend to come up later that we didn't anticipate.
Yeah, I said 2 dozen, but did not realize they have to be originals, thought a copy would suffice. Dr. probably hates signing so many. I just learned a few minutes ago he has not even signed off on one, as has not decided "cause of death". !!!!! (and from another state, takes even longer!)
For one of my dad's life insurance plans.... one he kept and kept paying money into every year, most likely because it was very inexpensive he never changed over to my stepmother. The chief beneficiary was my mother or any children left..... so for that one I needed not only my recently deceased father's death certificate but my mothers!! she had been gone for decades...... I had a real copy of her death certificate and after going to two banks was able to get them to make a photo coy and then notarize it to make it "legal".... We each got a surprise bonus of 6k we didn't expect. of course stepmother wasn't pleased.... but who cares.....

The entire "death" industry is really challenging to work through.... makes you wonder just how folks are able to get claims paid without going through all the work.....
Good Afternoon Everyone,
Super busy day at work, I've spent most of it in meetings to prep and plan for the 9 new hires we have starting next week.
Currently it's 65* and has rained on and off all day. We're running on overload over here, Gena's class started rehearsals for their class play today, she's in charge of costumes, so she wouldn't have had to stay today, but I didn't know that until after I cancelled her being on the bus to Boys & Girls Club.

Sorry I can't reply to you all, just too much to do.
Poirot and Robinsnest: Yep, the name changes, etc are ridiculous. I have one for my husband and its gone through 7 name changes plus the addresses. It's ridiculous. The death certificates I needed took 6 weeks and my marriage certificate (another state) took 4 weeks. Beauracracy (sp) makes deaths even worse than they already are. I've been working on them since July and still waiting on some. I have to go to court for Probating the Will before one company will accept it. And I'm the only beneficiary!