10/14/2021 - Donuts and Oatmeal with dried Cranberries


Super Moderator
Mar 24, 2009
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Now appearing in Wichita, Kansas
I just discovered Dried Cranberries.... these are sweet yet tart.... very yummy..... put some in pumpkin bread and goodness did that make the bread yummy... am trying them in the Oatmeal this morning.... as I believe raisins are evil..... this is a pleasant change.....
I texted HB's granddaughter, her Brithday is Nov. 1st asking her what she wanted for her birthday.... She's going to be 18... I got quite a list..... but it's good to go to the source.... right??
Getting the Covid booster today.... hoping for less of a reaction than the last time.

Happy Thursday ...
I love dried cranberries, Robin. They are really good in a salad, as well. Will have to try them in pumpkin bread, that sounds tasty! But I have to ask, why are raisins evil??

Greetings and Happy Thursday to all!!
Raisins are zombie grapes and their only purpose is to scar children who were temporarily led to believe that they were getting a yummy baked good. They cause trust issues.

Haha sorry I emphatically dislike raisins lol

Hope the shot goes well Robin.
A rainy morning so I walked just twice around before breakfast when there was a break. I walked two more
times after working at the library. When I went out later, I dressed too warm. The sun popped out when I
walked. It's cloudy now. More rain expected. The ditch didn't overflow from all the rain yet. Probably
because it's so dry.

I like raisins and dried cranberries.

robin, I hope your shot goes well today.

I hope everyone has a good rest of the day.

Just sitting down at my desk to have lunch. Yep, I have dried cranberries in my salad. I love them! The only way I like raisins is in my aunt's raisin cookies. You cook the raisins first before putting the mixture in between 2 pieces of rolled out cookie dough to be baked. If you've ever had Amish raisin filled cookies, these are very similar.

Yesterday was my last long day on the road in my northern county. Though I had to go back to 1 school for a half day today. This leaving at 6:30 or 7:00 in the morning to be at different schools in the mountains is for the birds. To me, getting back to the office around 6:00 PM is the worst part. Thankfully it is only for 2 weeks each October. However, I still have to work a lot more Fridays.

I have so much to catch up on here on the board, I don't know if or when that'll get done.
A long day for me. I had to go to my Wal-Mart town to take care of some business, then I went to Wal-Mart for a few things. I also went back to the little cafe on the lake and ate a hamburger and brought back a dinner plate for my niece. She has a lot of personal things going on right now and she likes cooking about as much as I do.

Maybe I should start posting a guessing game each day: "What did the rats use to make a nest under my car hood today?" Now I really am having to check it every morning. Today it was two chunks of dried cow manure and more than 29 pecans. I picked out 29 but there were a few more that I couldn't reach. I need to put the blower on the hose of my air compresser and blow all the small stuff out but I didn't have time today.
Good Evening,
Finally got a couple minutes to breathe at work today. I love raisins and craisins. My favorite cereal as a kid was Raisin Bran, and yes I know I'm odd, but when you spend as much time with your grandparents as I did, you pick up weird habits (my favorite drinks as a kid were Lipton Iced Tea with lemon and Canada Dry Ginger Ale).

My TV died this morning, one second it was fine and I was watching Dr. Quinn Medicine Woman, and the next it popped, the screen when black and it made a terrible high-pitched squealing noise. I'm so blessed, as an old friend from high school has a spare TV in her basement that she's going to give to me, she said the sound cuts out every now and then, but if you turn it off and back on it comes back. Beggars can't be choosers, so I'll gladly accept.

OC - oh my, sorry the rats are being terrible to your car.

Have a great night everyone.
manda, sorry to hear about your TV. I'm glad someone has a spare one you can use.
Despite all you think you might have to deal with when you lose a family member, parent, spouse, sibling, etc. you are never prepared for what all it entails, nor expect it. Hard to cope.
Very gloomy weather the last few days, dark, overcast, humid, depressing. Very windy during the night and a.m., then it died down for a bit, resumed a while ago.
Flowers in the little mum pots arechanging, soon will no longer be able to make one smile. People next door took down their goldfinch feeders, their mum plot disappeared, am guessing they are preparing for their trip down south for the winter. Yep, the signs are everwhere that before we know it, brrrrrr is here. Heck, wore my winter jacket today when I went for the mail........in my CAR! only 50 today.
Poirot, it was 51* here this morning. I was wearing my jacket when I started out to town but on the way, the sun came out so I had to shed it. (I did wear it inside Wal-Mart though)..... Well, I guess I'd better start putting out birdseed. I imagine those goldfinches will turn up here with their gray winter feathers, looking for a handout. I hope something comes along to bring you some cheer.

Manda, if you're odd, I'll keep you company. I've always liked raisins and Raisin Bran too, and I grew up on iced tea with lemon, but then so did almost everyone else in Texas. We drink it year round here. I don't know if you could even get hot tea in most restaurants...... God bless your friend who is giving you the tv!