10/16/21 - Donuts and fog


Staff member
Dec 29, 2012
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It was foggy by my house this morning. There wasn't a fog alert. I went shopping early, because of the game today. When drove to town,
the fog disappeared. The heavy fog only by me since I'm close to a river.

I'm going to take my walk now since it was in the 30s this morning. The sun is out now and the high will be in the 60s. No plans to work
outside this weekend.

I hope everyone has a peachy day.
I'm suppose to get a package today via the post office. It left Kansas City which is 4 hours north of me.
They sent it to Oklahoma City then to Dallas. This is not how the post office is suppose to work.
Yep, EXACTLY! Mail a card to a friend right here in the same town, just 5 minutes away by car. It goes from here, to Minneapolis, stays overnight there, returns back here via Milwaukee first. Takes 4-5 days for her to receive it.
Good afternoon everyone. It is a rainy soggy mess here, but the monsoons stayed to the north and south.

Laundry is done. Also stopped at the bank and little Italian grocery store on the way home. Decided to skip the craft show at my high school since I don't need anything. No point in getting soaked walking from the football field's parking lot just to "donate" a $2.00 senior citizen entry fee.

Since February many of the more local mail sorting facilities have been closed. All of my mail has to go through Pittsburgh now.

OC, my cousin found something new, well new to us, to keep the critters from nesting in her car engine. Grandpa Gus is the brand. She bought it at Tractor Supply, but found many more of their products online. It seems to be working so far. I'm going to get some of the bags and spray for my car.
Yes, my mail goes from here to Dallas before going anywhere, even to here.

Kat, thanks for the pictures of Angela Lansbury. She's one of my favorites.

Squirrel, thanks for the hint on Grandpa Gus. I will check it out. The last time I put out the repellent packets (I forget the brand), the mice ate the stuff! So many of the remedies recommended have peppermint oil. A couple of years ago I was spraying pepperiment oil on my vehicles, inside and out. It may have helped a little bit at first but rodents are so stinking adaptable, they get used to anything after a while. Yesterday I was talking with my well pump guy and he suggested spraying fox urine. I plan to try that. I'm sure it can be found at Tractor Supply or Amazon.

It was 40* here this morning. I tried resisting turning on my heat for a little while but not for very long. I think it may reach the low 80s*. I haven't been outside but I need to go check my car and go to the mailbox. I woke up around 2:45 this morning. Got up twice, tossed and turned for hours, finally drifted off and woke up at 8:30, didn't get up until nearly 9:00. My head hurts, I have a heating pad to my back. I need to cook some chicken breasts. Going to go back and look for the recipe Manda described some days ago.
Heck, fell asleep on sofa around 9, woke at 12:30, went to bed, and I am still awake. I did sleep, I think from around 4:45 to 5:45, but laid in bed, tossed & turned like O.C. all night. Finally told myself it was useless, 6:30 got out of bed. Am sooooo tired. Thus don't want to do anything, tho I did take the garage to the dumpster, and got the mail. Checked expiration dates again on all items in my frig.....(I had disposed of several things a couple months ago......am good for now. )

For O.C.......and ugh if this is what you deal with.........https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IamADzLoE6I
I don't get recordings of how many mice are in my vehicles at one time but for a long time I was setting traps every evening and catching one or two each night. I need to start setting them again. But what's been under my hood lately are rats--roof rats. I may try the Grandpa Gus, even though the guy in the ad is right about other steps that need to be taken. My main one right now is trying to get into a position of cleaning out the place that draws them, next to where I park my car.

Poirot, I hope you can stay awake until bedtime tonight and sleep better through the night. I hope I cant too. I haven't gotten a thing done all day.
Oh Lordy I am pooped. Decided to clean my bedroom with the Rainbow. I vacuumed it 5 times and then cleaned stains and then carpet cleaned it. I need to do the extra bedroom tomorrow. That was more of a job than I thought. I also need to mow my yard tomorrow after church. Thankfully I have a small yard so it only takes about 30 mins.

Something changed with the mail system on Oct 1 so its going to take longer to get mail. I got a notification from my bank about it. Not sure what the change was tho.

I may have to go to bed early....
The man in charge of the post office is making the mail delivery slower. I think they are using
"snails" now instead of planes and trucks

My package arrived at the Dallas airport before 7 this morning. It's still waiting on the snail plane.