10/18/21 - Donuts and staying home


Staff member
Dec 29, 2012
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Another cool morning. I ate breakfast early and walked about two hours later when
the sun was out. I'm going to do outside chores after lunch.

I'll be home today and tomorrow. I need to work on the flowerbed when I can. There
are a lot of weeds came up after the rain.

I hope everyone has a good start of the new week.
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Good morning all.......mite chilly this a.m. for us here, 33° & they say 70 will be here today. LOL. Sure is a huge rise, won't mind it, but once again, what to wear, what to wear. LOL. My wristwatch battery died, so I went to put on one I use on occasion (one has a gold expansion band, the other a silver) & that battery is also dead!!! eeek. So have to go out this a.m. for that. Dr. appt. this afternoon. Got some sleep, just a few hrs. Hate how much I wake up, 2 am went & put TV on, could not find something light and mindless, but Frasier came on, watched one episode, and suddenly the next one was nearly over, so.....back to bed, & I fell asleep at last, but 5:45 was wide awake. Ha.
Last night watched a few episodes of Postables on Hallmark Mysteries & Movies, Gosh I loved them. (Postal Employees who decide to track down recipients of undelivered/returned mail sitting in dead letter office). Of course they get involved in situations and lives they shouldn't, but gosh, sure enjoyed it. Want to laugh..Carol Burnett shows up in dreams/fantasy conversations with her grandson (she is dead, I guess, & was an Auntie Mame type woman, soooo fun)
Poirot, sorry you had such a busy night but at least you found something to laugh about. Watch batteries, hmmm. For many years I've bought cheap watches at Wal-Mart. Batteries go down after a while. They used to change them for me but quit doing it some years ago. So I started taking them to a jewelry store in town but they were charging me $9.00 to change the battery!! That's more than I'd paid for the watches so I can't bring myself to do it anymore. Last time I couldn't find a watch I liked at Wal-Mart. Got one I don't much like and end up not wanting to wear it. My niece said to change the batteries on my old ones myself, which I would be glad to do except I can't figure out how to get them opened up. So I hope you have better success than I've had, Poirot.

Kat, like you, I'm now thinking of changing my time habits for going outside. No longer trying to beat the heat but instead, waiting until it's a little warmer. I hope you get everything done that needs doing.

I'll be puttering inside today, except for checking under my car hood. I'm planning to go to my daughter's tomorrow for a couple of days so I have preparation and packing to do. Right now all I want to do is take a nap. I went to bed late and woke up too early
Good morning everyone. It was 46* when I came to work this morning. Now it is a beautiful fall day at 55*.

I just got back from taking a drive to my southern county. I wanted to figure out all of the detours (due to a bridge over the interstate being rebuilt) to get to the school I have to go to for the next 2 days. What a mess! I have to get off the first interstate, go in a big circle on several country roads, then get on a second interstate. Then take that interstate to a state route that the school is on. It'll take almost an hour instead of my normal 35 minutes. It may be longer if I get behind Amish buggies or school busses.

kat, I wish I had your dedication to walk every day. With my luck, I'd get hit by a car on my country road. No sidewalks here, and there are a lot of hills and curves.

Poirot, my doctor told me not to sleep in my bed when I go through cycles of waking up. Instead, I'm to lay on the couch with a good pillow and soft blanket. Then put on the tv with the volume lowered a bit. Read a book if needed to distract my brain. After a few nights, I sleep the whole night through again. After a few more nights of good sleep, I'm to start sleeping in my bed again.
I've been doing this ever since my Mom past away, and it seems to work for several months. When I get to the point where my brain "won't shut off" again, back to the couch I go. In fact, last night was my third night on the couch this time, and I'll be sleeping in my bed tonight.

My doctor said moving yourself away from your bed at night interrupts your brain's pattern of it thinking that is when it should be going over and over everything that is happening. It has to be "reset" to slow down to sleep.
OC, I hope you have an enjoyable time at your daughter's.

I change watch batteries myself most of the time. It seems the less expensive watches are welded shut so the batteries can't be replaced. Even my last Timex was a pain. I had it open, and changed the battery. Then the watch back wouldn't go on. GRRR The watch was about 10 years old, and I'd changed the battery before. This time I gave up, and just bought a new Timex for about $50.
Good morning..... strange things happening outside. I have no idea what but Vinnie is most upset. He is currently on the top of my chair "protecting" me. Actually using his 10 pounds to push my head in a direction that makes seeing things difficult. silly boy......
RS that is an interesting thing your doctor told you about sleep patterns...... it makes sense......
Poirot that is a big temperature change.... yes, what to wear indeed......
kat up before dawn.... walking and the working in the flower bed have a good day....

Lots to do today.... some may get done some may get to put off till tomorrow..... it all depends on HB and the beast.....

Good Monday to ALL
Good Late Morning,
Busy wrapping up the last minute details for our new training class that starts today. High temps for us today are supposed to be 67*, I don't know what it was when I left this morning, but it was cold enough that I stopped home to change shoes and grab my jacket after taking Gena to school, it's a good thing I drive practically right past our apartment on the way to work.

Poirot - do you have a Batteries Plus in your town, they will change watch batteries and don't charge an arm and a leg for them.
Robin - I hope whatever is upsetting Vinnie moves on soon.
Kat - Enjoy your quiet time at home.
RS - glad you made it out and back safely. Your doctor's advice makes perfect sense to me, I know I try to never do "awake" type activities in my room to keep it as my mental place for resting.
OC - Enjoy your visit with your daughter.
My day didn't go as planned. It warmed up before lunch so I went out and raked. I only raked in ditch
area by me. I took four cans of leaves to the man who likes to burn them. I'm going to rake again
in the morning. I'll work in the flowerbed Wed and Thurs afternoons.

Poirot, I'll have to check my library to see if they have the Hallmark series there.

OC, have a nice visit with your daughter.

robin, I hope you got some things done today.

manda, I hope the training class went well.
Oh, that is chilly, definitely for you. We never got to 70, did not think it would get to 70 today.....high was 64. Nothing exciting at the Dr. office. Just keep doing what I have for the knee area. Did manage to get batteries replaced in two of the watches. Was told they only replace batteries in watches purchased there! Policy now. So replied that a few years ago, 2 of those watches had batteries replaced there, both went out at same time. (My fav, because of the bracelet, ...well the original watch no longer worked, so back then, gal said to get new watch. Bought a Timex there, they took off the band, attached my fav, and Voila. LOL
Have noted a damp spot around the spigot outside the house in front. Neighbor told me to contact the manager, that was very odd. I have never used that spigot or even turned it to test in the 4 yrs. we are living here.
Wish I knew why so many things happen all at once when you don't expect, or have so many other things happening at same time.