10/19/21 - Donuts and sunshine


Staff member
Dec 29, 2012
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It's a beautiful fall day with sun and temps in the 70s.

I raked four cans of leaves this morning. I'll be doing the summary this afternoon.

I hope everyone is a having a fantastic day.
Good Morning..... The BEAST has just informed us our neighbor has started her car.... she has been gone all summer..... good to have her back but not if she is going to leave to go shopping or things... the BEAST can not be disturbed (any more than he usually is that is) as an example Today he needed to get a ball that rolled under an ottoman in a corner and so I moved a piece of furniture allowing him access and he darted in snagged his prize and ran out to the living room..... then he was back.... 3 more snags and runs..... I guess the ottoman just eats toys and he can't get to them the open way because the BIG RED ball is there.... Hunny Bunny's exercise ball that he needed for PT it is stored under the table and to go under the table by the big red ball is super dangerous I guess..... I have no idea......the BEAST is weird.....

Yesterday a lot of running around.... today I'll try to stay home and read..... did get a great picture of the area by our cabin late last night.... it had snowed and was cold enough to remain on the ground!!! As there is still fire burning and spreading to the dry grass that didn't burn this should help put the fire out. Sadly now bears are a huge problem at the homesites. Not enough food for them they are all now garbage and small pet eaters....fingers crossed this changes by next summer....

Happy Tuesday.....
Hi all, s urprising how much time one spends trying to get rid of clutter, old letters, etc. Hubby had a huge file from when his mom passed away in 1986. Without going into all the sordid details, while she thought she had her affairs in order, & things would be taken care of the way she wanted, that did not happen, friction among the 4 sons, 2 of whom ended suing each other & more darn junk. One brother hid the directive to have my husband handle everything, thus did so himself, (we stayed out of it all). Upshot is, all was eventually admitted, Bill was sent copies of every dang thing including court documents, letters, blah, blah. (we had stayed away and out of it all). I was reading it all for the first time, lol. It will be shredded, guarantee you. This was/is the last remaining brother now, two eldest passed away several years ago. I don't think hubby ever looked at these, maybe glanced at a couple.
I was to go to dinner with a friend, but she wanted to go very late, that is not for me. Gets dark so early now, in fact she wanted to go golfing from 4-6, I would just ride along in the cart (I gave my clubs away when I moved here. Nope, too late, heck the sun has disappeared , it is 5:25. So, we will do this tomorrow. earlier. Ha.