10/2/21 - Donuts and clouds


Staff member
Dec 29, 2012
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It's been cloudy all morning. No rain so far. There's a chance of rain late this evening. Then no rain
in the forecast for over 10 days.

Kris, I hope all is well at your house.

Poirot, I hope you were able to find another doctor to check on your leg.

I hope everyone will have an enjoyable weekend.
Morning all.......so foggy here this a.m., tho starting to clear up, we are to get occasional rain showers today & tomorrow, but.......who knows?
I did try to get an appt. with another dr. but "the schedulers" are not working over the weekend, call again Monday, go to Urgent Care if it gets too bad.........so, will continue to try and stay off the leg, keep elevated on a pillow, use the cane, Tylenol & Aspercreme are my current steady friends, lol.
Did get to take a quick shower this a.m. but sat most of the time. However, during Day, is hard to stay seated.....Things to do. Sun is trying hard to come out, so....guess the rain showers will be elsewhere.
Good Morning..... This was to be a busy day but my right leg is saying "hold yer Horses, missy" I've rubbed in the cbd and taken over the counter Advil in the hopes that I can do SOME walking today...... at the moment it's not looking good.......
Summer hanging on...... in the 90's this weekend and into next week with maybe the last 100° day of 2021....

Good Saturday to all....
Good morning. We've seen the last of rain for a while too. Supposed to get to 85* today but humidity is up so it feels hot and muggy. Now I think I understand why the 80s* feels so hot to some of you. It's all about humidity.

Manda, thanks for the instructions on how your mom cooks chicken casserole. It sounds doable, though I'll need to get some croutons. I can't even make any because I haven't bought any bread in a month of so.

Poirot and Robin, it sounds like you may not be able to do much besides pamper your aching legs. Poirot, I hope the beginning of the week will open up to some help for you. Seems like yours ought to be feeling better by now. Robin, I know you have ongoing problems with yours. I hope you can get some help soon too.

Kat, here's wishing you a good day, and everyone else out there as well.

Guess what? I caught my rat! Well, I caught a rat. Can't be sure if it's the same one. He's in the trap I set. I thought we were going to put out hay this morning so I was going to take him along and let him out somewhere but something came up and my niece has to make a quick trip to the city (65 miles from my place) so I'm going to ride along with her and we'll set the rat free down the road, far enough from my house that he can't find his way back.

Gotta run. Will check in later.
Wow! I think leg/knee problems are the "ache of our days". My orthopedist told me at the first of the year that I needed both knees done, but due to circumstances, it has been put off. However, I don't know how long I can hold off. I AM JUST TIRED OF SURGERIES! One thing DOES help if it is mainly in one knee (I always felt my left one going out regularly), is to keep your knee slightly bent at all times but especially when walking. Doesn't have to be much. I have been very conscious of doing this when I walk and it works. I also put a pillow or something under that knee when sitting with legs up--just don't keep it straight. Hope this help some of you.

This has been a busy day for me. I have a large home. I managed to dust and vacuum all the bedrooms, living room, family room and kitchen. Did 3 loads of wash, made chili and cleaned the kitchen. Also packed more things for the local Methodist Church for their Garage Sale to raise money for their Mission Trip in Guatemala in January. Have more to go and they already picked up a load.

Waiting for one of my sons and his daughter to help move a few things. Bree will finish vacuuming the office and do a few other things. Unfortunately, I am tired. I am stronger each day and try to take it easy, but I want my house done completely before starting Christmas decorations.

Poirot, so sorry for your continued challenges with your husband. You are so in my prayers. I'm sending you hugs also.
Nana, I couldn't get done in a week what you do in a day! It almost makes my head spin to read about it. Your suggestion about keeping the knee slightly bent is good advice. It's also helpful to not bend the knee too far. This has been a hard one for me to learn because until about 8 years ago, I squatted with both knees completely bent, to do anything that required reaching down to the floor. After I hurt my knee changing a lawn mower battery, I asked the therapist when would I be able to squat down again and she told me I should never bend my knees that far anyway. Now I try to exercise the muscles controlling my knees without bending them too far. When I do go too far down with it, I have excruciating pain in that knee to remind me.