10/21/21 - Donuts and Storms


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Feb 13, 2008
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Steelers', Pirates', & Penguins' Country
Good morning everyone. The full moon was very very creepy when I took the garbage out to the tote at 5:30 this morning. Thank goodness I have a flood light in my yard or I never would've ventured out to do it.

I'm leaving in a few minutes for a school in another part of our county. I sure hope I can get back to the office before the monsoon rain, hail, and high winds hit here around noon. It looks like it is a straggling tail from a massive storm that's been going over Ontario. The worst part is it is supposed to last for the next 4 to 5 days. You know how much I just love rain. :sarcasm:
Another sunny day. It will be close to 70 this afternoon. I'll be outside after lunch.

A busy day at the library. I was shelving books and realized there was something amiss. I asked the librarian
"did you take off books?". She said they took off two carts of the adult fiction. I wasn't surprised. Last week,
I couldn't get three new books on the shelf. I talked to the head librarian about getting a new shelf, but they
are expensive. I guess she figured out books would be easier to take off.

So, I was busy after getting the returned books shelved. I took time to rearrange the books shelves since so
many are gone. I got from A to part K. I'll finish up next time. Also, the new person is still putting items on
the shelves and I'm having to fix her mistakes. And since kids are back in the library after school, I'm finding
other things that need fixing. The main reason there isn't room on the shelves because they keep buying
new books.

rs, I enjoyed looking at the moon when I took my walk just after 6 this morning. I hope you can get home
before the rain and your basement will stay dry.

I hope everyone has a joyful afternoon.
The Moon was amazing last night... wouldn't know about early in the morning.... we had planned to go watch the meteor shower but my lack of sleep the night before made staying up till 3 am just too difficult.

Not much happening around the Scottsdale house.... Need to start wrapping the gifts that have arrived so I can get ahead of the onslaught and not be overwhelmed later in the year. I picked up house pants for the kids on clearance in January, and I shop through out the year.... that way I'm basically done when the crush starts. This year it looks to be wise as some of the stuff may not be on the shelves. eek...

rs good luck with all the rain....
kat good luck with the removal of books, where do they go when they are pulled from the shelves?
kris hope everyone is staying safe and no lingering effects from their illness.

Good Thursday to all....
Good Afternoon,
Another exciting day of training, the class is working in the systems more now, so I'm able to sneak in an type, while looking over their shoulder to make sure they are doing things correctly. It rained here from last night through until about mid day, it has stopped now, but it's cold at 46*.

RS - I hope you made it out and back safely, and that your basement stays dry.
Kat - I think I'd be super frustrated with your library work.
Robin - I've been shopping for months too, not to avoid the crush, but to make budgeting easier. Good luck with wrapping.

Have a wonderful afternoon.
They sell the pulled books, movies, etc. Next weekend, the library is having their Friends of the Library sale. I'm
sure some will go there. A woman moved from Texas. Instead of leaving things behind, she donated a lot of
books and DVDs. One reason, we ran out of space. They weeded books last year and it's usually not done every
year. When people give books and things for the book sale, they are checked over. They keep some of them
if they are nice and not in the county library system.
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Early doc appt. went o.k. Funeral parlor knows death certificate has been signed, sent out, but.....won't receive til next week Tues. or Wed. Got a call from a niece I have not seen since she was little girl, nice long chat. She was passing thru town, no idea why she was up this way, probably color tour......lives in very southern part of this state.
When I moved here, Kat, I donated a lot of books to our library here. Just did not have room here for them when I downsized moving into town. My enthusiastic daughter was helping, and I lost a few I would have kept (like my dictionary, & Atlas, lol), I had belonged to a couple of book clubs, was avid reader, so had quite a lot.
Our high today was 47! Yes, I mean the high......they say 26 tonite. Brrrrr.
That’s too cold for me right now Poirot.

It’s conference day and I also got to pick up midterm grades for the older two. Siege is A’s and one B and she moved up a spot in rank and is now 6th in her class. Bella’s doing good too, A’s and B’s.
when my mother passed she had bookcases some shelves double stacked of books. She had read them all. The Library wouldn't take them they said they didn't have Library binding. Goodwill wouldn't take them, well they would take 1 box only, we had 20. We ended up driving up and down the San Francisco Peninsula looking for Goodwill or other donation boxes and slipping books in. Couldn't find anyone to take them. We had already picked through them and took the ones we wanted. We did have to leave a couple boxes by the trash for pick up. That was very sad. Before I got my kindle, if I finished a book on an airplane or at an airport, I'd leave it on the seat for someone else, I'd carry it off the plane the flight attendants didn't need something else to deal with. The woman we hired to be with my mom her last week, took all of her clothes, she had family in the Philippines and all of my mom's clothes that we didn't want, were sent there. She was so excited and didn't expect us to do that. We were packing them up and she walked in to help we asked her if she wanted anything she was shy and took a nice blouse and skirt. My brother asked if there was anything else. That's when we found out that this bounty could make a difference for her family. So sure take them rather than Goodwill.

Kris congrats on the kids grades...
LOL, too cold for me, too, but up here, it just gets worse, so I should be happy with this.....NOT!
You know, I have a stack of Reader's Digest mags......I used to be able to take them to the waiting areas at the clinic, auto service, etc. but once the Pandemic hit, all mags, books were removed from waiting areas. They have no name on them, so folks can take home if interested in something. But now, that stack just increases every month. LOL.
Today I went to get my mail at 3:30, and again at 4:45. None. Today is day my local paper arrives, so it should have come, at least that. Nope, nothing. It is dark here, I am not going out to check again. The Post Office is getting worse constantly, no wonder in trouble, as folks rely on it less and less.
Just got the all clear here. We had heavy rain, wind, and tornado warnings, code red alerts for several hours. Several tornadoes touched down all around here in both Ohio and Pa. I finally had to come out of the shower because I was getting claustrophobic from sitting in there so long. The sirens were still going off, but I just couldn't do it that long. The scariest part was when the meteorologist was showing my road on tv, and saying a tornado was coming straight at us!!! Luckily for me , it dissipated about a 1/2 mile away. It stopped right before it would've hit a Catholic school and nursing home that are together on the same campus across a woods from my house.