10/25/21 - Donuts and a cool down


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Dec 29, 2012
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It's in the high 40s this morning. The high will be in the 60s today. Since I'm at home today, I'm
taking my walk around 8 this morning. My area didn't get the severe weather.

I raked seven cans of leaves yesterday so I'm not working outside today. I need to clean inside
my house.

I hope everyone has a good start of the new week.
We are also in the 60’s today. Had a decent storm overnight that dropped temps a bit, but didn’t do much damage. Rain expected later this week.

Siege has senior pictures tomorrow so I’m hoping it stays dry for those since we wanted some nice outdoor shots.

I’ve got some housework to do today as well.

Kat - good job on the raking
Good Morning,
Cold and windy here today, supposed to get up to 51*, currently we're at 44*. I believe we're supposed to get rain later maybe.
I didn't like Gena's school pictures, this year so when we went to winterize our garden plot, we did a mini photo shoot around the office grounds. Here's one of my favorite pictures.

I took a poll on Facebook to help me decide which to have printed at Walgreens, they should arrive next week.

Kat - That's lot of leave, wow.
Kris - I hope the photo session goes well tomorrow.

Have a great day everyone!
Good afternoon everyone. A chilly day here. Rain disappeared while I was in School so a bit of sunshine until the next round of rain hits around dinner time.

Just came back from HR to take them copies of my vaccination card with the Pfizer booster shot added. I have no idea why they need 3 copies. Seems like over kill to me.

Screened babies today before doing the preschoolers. The babies were just too darn precious. I would've spent more time oohing and aahing over them if they'd been last instead of first to be done.

I voted on Facebook for the picture that Poirot posted because of Gena's smile in that one. Though all of the photos were really nice. I don't think she can take a bad picture.

kat, it seems like your outside work never ends during the year.

Kris - I'm sure Siege's senior pictures will be beautiful. Has she gotten her strength back after this last round of being sick?
Good morning....... breezy here... the palm fronds are moving around .....the rain in California was amazing yesterday..... one of my Sacramento sons said it started about 3:30 am and by 5 pm it was still pouring..... he put a coat on and took the pup out for a walk, both got soaked... only one really enjoyed it....
Manda both pictures are great..... Gena has such a great smile.....

Happy Monday to all...
Robin, there you go, making me laugh again. Only one enjoyed the walk in the rain!

Kris and Manda, what fun--school pictures! I know you got great ones of Gena, Manda, and I'm sure Siege's will be good too. I look forward to seeing them.

Kat, I can't even wrap my mind around raking all those leaves. It was 50* here this morning, will get in the 80s*, then a cool down with possible severe storms tomorrow evening.

Squirrel, I'm sorry you keep getting pummeled with rain. I don't know how you screen babies but keep up the good work!

Poirot, I'm so sorry about your friend. You've had such a difficult and sad year, it's no wonder you are having tummy issues and insomnia. God bless and comfort you.

The welder arrived with materials to build my carport this morning and has finally gotten started. When he started to put down the plates to hold the supporting pipes/posts, he discovered he'd been given the wrong size bolts. He comes from my Wal-Mart store town, 40 miles from here. He came and asked me if my community has a hardware store. I had to stifle a chuckle. The center of the community is 5 miles from my house and it has a farm store, which is basically a gas station and not much more. It also has a feed store and 2 churches and that's it. He was not happy that he had to go back to his town (80 miles round trip) for the correct bolts). He has a very young helper--looks like a teenager. They both are afraid they'll see a rattlesnake. I told them if they did, to come get me. :rolleyes: The young guy was dodging, as though he'd seen a wasp, and probably did. I would think they'd have jobs in the country a lot but I don't know.....
When I graduated H.S. they had taken pics for the year book...I think seniors had about a dozen different ones to choose from for personal......and the year book. Well, I chose, was great. But somehow the absolutely last pic I would have chosen, one that I really did not like, is the one that appeared in the yearbook. I have no idea why or how. LOL. My mom was floored......."but we chose the same one for home as yearbook"......Such is life. LOLOL
I hated my senior yearbook photo, my dad and step-momster refused to use the one I wanted and picked one that made me look like an old lady, complete with high necked white lacy blouse. Oh well, Gena will be stuck with the school done pictures for her yearbook, but at least she can have a better one for the family.
one year when I was working at the elementary school my kids attended, I was directed to take the class to the photographer.... we had one kid who wore a full face batman mask, along with the cape..... he wouldn't take it off.... I was directed to assist him in taking it off, but he refused and even though I promised we would take one with the mask and one without, and I'd help him... it was a no go.... so in this boys cumulative folder his 3rd grade picture is of batman.......
The sad thing.... had anything happened to that kid and the police gone to the parents to ask for pictures which they wouldn't have, they spent money on all the wrong things.... they'd have come to the school to have a picture to release to the television stations and paper and all they'd have had was batman....
Luckily he remained safe and close to home.....
Well it's 85 degrees here now. in the 60s this morning. It's not unusual to change 30-40 degrees during the day. Have to layer or suffer. Supposed to have rain tomorrow evening and Wednesday morning. I'll believe it when I see it. However, as my father used to say "we don't need a cloudburst or a gulley washer. What we need is a good old-fashioned sizzle sozzle".

Have a good evening all. On my way to Choir practice and Chime Practice.
Ha yeah my school pics always sucked. These are outdoor pics with a local photographer so I’m really hoping they turn out well. We are going to go downtown to the national park with all the fall trees for some of them