10-3-18 - Donuts and Tornado


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2008
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Steelers', Pirates', & Penguins' Country
Good morning everyone.

Yes, a very good morning for my town. However, a very bad morning for one of the towns where I worked yesterday. A tornado hit a nursing home (where I also provide services) one half mile from the school where I screened. Thankfully, none of the residents were injured other than a few scratches. Two were taken to a hospital due to their medical conditions while the other residents were moved to the school gymnasium / cafeteria. (The story with videos was on CBS national news at 4:30 and 6:00 this morning.)

robinsnest - I just read that your procedure was a success. Thank God! You had so many of us praying for you and your doctor.

Off in a bit for another school. This time going south in the heart of the Amish area.
Well good morning and first things first. Congratulations to Robinsnest on a successful surgery!! That is great news.

I'm on the train and the city of Edmonton has sent plows and workers down to Calgary to help with clearing the record amount of snow in a 24 hour period in 60 years. IN OCTOBER!?!?!? Thank you Edmonton. Up to 25cm (9.8 inches) of snow fell in 24 hours. IN OCTOBER?!!?!?! Traffic was chaotic, buses jacknifed going down hills, fender benders everywhere because no one has changed their tires from summer to winter yet. Needless to say my indoor beach volleyball league was cancelled last night.

After I got home from work I took a shovel and tapped all the snow off my trees so the branches wouldn't break, did some shovelling and then had a fire. My mindset is now in winter mode.

Have the best day you possibly can (author Katmouse)
Good morning.........oh, wow, glad you were long gone, RS, & also that no one was injured. Pitch dark here and it is 7 a.m. !!! Rained during the night, about 1/2 in. Street lights glisten on the pavement is how I can tell. In a few minutes the sky will start to lighten, hopefully. These cold temps seem so sudden.........but not as sudden as what Muzza woke up to yesterday! Heard it snowed a bit in North Dakota.....gosh that nasty S word. :)
Trust the rains in AZ have ceased, a shame the yearly rainfall is all in one day. (joking)
And truly hope Robin was able to get some sleep. And LS got to enjoy a sunset!
OC, hope YOU are feeling really good today.
Kat, enjoy the garden, as I think you have to be nearing the end of flowers. What do you do with the Canna bulbs? A friend of mine began planting hers in the woods. If they grew, fine.......but a nice surprise for those taking a walk, etc. during the summer. She never bothered with them after. Let nature do whatever.
Take care, all.
Just updating our snowfall record. I was reading a report from yesterday and thought we've had more snowfall in 24 hours than that and today I read that we had 40cm (15.746 inches) of snow in a 24 hour period. Crazy to think that's we'll over a foot. LOL!! BRING IT ON MOTHER NATURE!!!!!

We once had 26" on Oct. 31, Mother Nature definitely playing a trick............lol. However, Muzza, being for Calgary, it was Oct. 2, a whole month earlier, definitely beat that record. That will be a lot of snow to melt for you all. I thought I had read 9" for you - sorry cannot do the centimeter thing, lol- and it did look, from your pics, like a lot more than that. Smart of you to tap your tree branches.
Another warm/sunny day here. It's going to be close to 90. I'll be going out
soon to work in the flowerbed. Most of my flowers are still blooming since
we had so much rain in Aug and Sept. And butterflies are still here too.
I plan to go to town after lunch and sell some books. I've been trying to go
for two months now.

robin and Noel, I hope all is well with the both of you. I saw on the news last
night there was flooding in Phoenix.

rs, I'm glad you're safe from the tornado. I hope you have better weather today.

Poirot, I'm thinning out my Canna bulbs. They keep spreading in the flowerbed
and close to other plants. I had no idea four bulbs would do that. I'm going to
give away the bulbs I don't need.

Muzzaman, that's a lot of early snow. It's probably good you don't
drive to work.

I hope everyone has a good day and evening.
Good Morning ya'll. :)

Yes the rain ended yesterday afternoon, the clouds all burned off, and the glaring globe raised temperatures to 88F on the west side of town. I mourned the loss of a totally cloudy day with sprinkles here and there. Temperatures are forecast to be 88F plus going forward for 10 days. Oh, joy. :sarcasm:

Robin: a relieved nurse here rejoicing that your surgery was a success and you were able to rest a bit. Onward to better health friend! Both you and HB can celebrate with a mid-winter hike in a month or two!

RS: so glad you are safe but what a frightening scenario. The sound of a tornado alone is so frightening. Thanking God none of the nursing home residents were severely injured. Sure hope your weather remains calm going forward.

Poirot if we get no further rain this will be the total for 2018. Hope your hubby feels better today and your work to do list is a little shorter today.

Kat: as I recall your garden was still pretty last winter until heavy snows. Just love watching your youtube videos too!

Muzza: that was some snow! Your 'winter mode' is pro-active and that is always a good thing. Hoping the weather going forward this weekend is more to your liking.

Manda: hope Gena received a good report from her doctor!

Wishing everyone a good hump day. Onward to the weekend!:clap:
Poirot, 26" is a lot of snow in one fall. WOW!!

Katmouse, I planted some canna bulbs in the spring knowing I was too late. I left them in the flower bed and will see what happens in spring 2019. I also planted some sort of lily I think and something else. All bulbs.

Noel, sounds like a lot of rain fell in a short time. Hopefully enough to give the ground a good soaking.
Morning..... spent the night in the recliner... had to sleep with my head elevated and NOT on my side so I chose the recliner as it sort of stops easy side sleeping. I did pretty well sleeping.... I did bleed again during the night.... bruising is starting now.... cool......
It rained again tonight....2.28 at the work location 2.87 at the location closest to the house.... that is within the past 24 hours.... oy....

So looking forward to the Presidential alert that is expected today..... :sarcasm: I understand the Amber and weather alerts but am unsure what a "national" alert is supposed to accomplish.... but then I'm just a girl.....

Thank you all for your thoughts and prayers for my surgery...... it helped.....

Happy Wednesday.....
Good morning. It's surprising and nice to see so much activity on here this early. Sorry I don't have time to respond to everyone but I did read and enjoy the chatter.

Robin, having had two cancer surgeries on my face, I am feeling so relieved and thankful yours is behind you and that the outcome is positive! You're going to look abused for a few days but it's a small price to pay for getting rid of that nasty business. I hope H.B. will do all right if you need to take any time away from the attention that would normally go to him.

Squirrel, I'm so thankful you missed that tornado. I've narrowly missed two devastating ones in my life and it is a sobering feeling. Just hearing about one hitting that nursing home you visit is sobering to me. Yesterday they were testing all the fire alarms where my husband is and I was sitting there wondering how they would ever manage all those helpless people if a disaster were to occur.

Poirot, I'm not sure it's much of a stretch to say Phoenix gets all of its rainfall in one day. I loved the idea of your friend planting the extra bulbs in the woods. Years ago I dug up a bunch of flags (irises) my parents had planted back in the 1950s, as they were so crowded and packed with hard-to-remove weeds. I just threw them out in the pasture across from my driveway, literally on top of the ground. They took root and spread all over the place and are still there.

Sure wish the clouds could have lasted longer for you, Noel. I know I enjoy cloudy days when they come. We've got sunshine and will reach 90* again today.

I have to get busy. A good day to all of you.
Lilo: we're counting down to your birthday with you, but brownies are optional!

Robin: loved reading your good report. Your area received over 50% more rain than the west side of town. Don't float away into the desert!

OC: hope your post means you are feeling much better today.
O.K. ....for all who live "south"

Yep, mosquitoes are still out here. I keep forgetting to use spray. I never wear
flip flops, but I'm not wearing shoes inside again :)

I decided not to go to the bookstore today. It's too warm to carry all the books
since there isn't much parking by the store. So, I'll be going out again in the
flowerbed after 4. I remembered to put sunscreen again today. I don't if my
eyes are watering because of that or I'm allergic to something outside.

Noel, the high is only going to 88 for a few days where you are? That's better than the other.

robin, are you staying home today? One good thing about not texting I won't be
getting that message today

OC, I hope your day goes well.

Muzzaman, thanks for the video. I'm assuming driving after smoking is going to
like driving after drinking. A big NO NO.
Morning Everyone,
This morning has zoomed past and I didn't realize how late it was getting.

Robin - so glad your procedure was a success, now to the healing.
RS - how scary, I'm glad you and all the residents are safe.
Noel - glad the flooding hasn't affected you, I thought of you and Robin when I saw how bad it was on the news this morning. - Gena has been prescribed another stool softener, to make things easier for her. It seems to be helping already.
Muzz - that's a lot of snow, but this morning looks beautiful from you picture
Poirot - I wear sandals as long as humanly possible in the cold.
Kat - lucky, I wish I still had blooming flowers.
OC - I hope you're feeling better today, good luck with all you need to accomplish.

Have a wonderful day!