10/4/16 - Donuts and Birthday cake


Staff member
Dec 29, 2012
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Happy Birthday, Sparkster

Wishing you a happy, happy birthday, Sparkster!

We have only a 20% chance of rain today. Sure hope it holds off. We need another day or two of the dozer work, and also my mower guy has agreed to come today. He usually mows only Fri.-Sun., since he has another job. Yesterday I came upon a big rattler right next to the wheelchair ramp. I don't know how long it was, since it was all coiled up, sunning, but it sure was big around! I came into the house and got my gun but by the time I got back out, the snake was gone. I don't know if it left the area or is still lurking in the yard somewhere, but I'm going to be very grateful to get the tall grass and weeds mowed down!
Good morning everyone,

Looks like it'll be another overcast day here, and upper 60sF.

Happy Birthday Sparkster!!! Have a brilliant day!
OC, I love hearing about you getting your gun when there's rattlers!:rotfl: Sounds interesting. Usually in CA, shovels were the weapon of choice. But staying a good distance away and using a gun is better to take care of them.

Going to school soon. Hillel club is tonight too, so I'll be going to that.

Have a nice day, all.
Happy Birthday Sparkster!!

JS - glad you got some sleep. I know I could never stay awake that long. Such happy news for your family member.

OC- Yikes, glad to hear that your lawn mowing guy is coming.

DaysD - enjoy the club meeting tonight.

Noel - hope you're feeling better

Today shall be thrilling. I get to go to the courthouse and file an eviction notice for our tenant who refuses to follow the rules of the lease agreement. We tried to be nice and just give him notice to go, but he's refusing to leave. So now we'll do it the official way and in 10 days he'll be gone with a police escort, if need be.

It shouldn't be that hard to smoke outside, sheesh. Even my husband does that. Oh and he moved his girlfriend in without letting us know or getting permission, not cool, not cool at all. Let me just say, I'm very grateful that my work is nice and flexible and will let me take the afternoon off on super short notice.

Have a great day everyone!
Hey, Sparks.........It's your day.......but you have not aged a bit.....Enjoy!


Sun finally came out, but clouds have moved in as well, bit windy today...there is a carpet of brown pine needles on my roof.....Yep, tis the season. LOL
It sounds like you are making a wise move, Manda. The tenant is crossing too many lines. I hope it goes smoothly.

J.S., I'm glad you made it until 8:00. I struggle with that, when I get my sleep all messed up. What good news about your relative! My aunt had many miscarriages and then a stillborn. Finally, she had the precious little girl, who is the cousin who came to visit with my daughter last weekend.

Degrassi, women around here often use a hoe on a rattlesnake. My niece keeps a flathead hoe in her truck all the time for that purpose. I've used a hoe, but honestly, it creeps me out. I even used a sledgehammer once. A gun is just cleaner, though it can be a little tricky. A shotgun would be ideal but I don't have one. I hope you enjoy your Hillel club meeting.

Poirot, clouds and wind here too. Thank goodness I don't have pine needles!
Hi everyone. Checking in siince I'm back from my rural school early.

Work is starting to follow the new federal law for 2017 that says you can no longer eat at your desk. Salary folks must also get paid over time for anything over 40 hours per week. ( So far 29 states are fighting that in federal court. ) I'm sittiing at a prep table in our department area using my tablet to check in here while I eat.

I stepped off my front porch yesterday morning in the dark, and ran smack dab into a doe who was standing in front of my porch eating acorns. The other does and buck made awful grunting noises as I backed up onto my porch. I had to wait for them to finish before I could leave for work.
This morning, I turned on my outside flood light and made a lot of noise so they'd move away from my porch and car before I went out. They moved alright.......about 10 feet away. At least they let me get in my car.

Happy Birthday, Sparkster!

Good luck, Amanda. You need to get rid of that tenant. There's no telling what else he's been doing that goes against the lease.

Rattlesnake!!!! No thank you. I'll take my deer, turkeys , squirrels, and rabbits.
JS - I'm ready to be out of the rental stuff too. Our house was set up as a upper/lower duplex when we bought it, so we kept the tenants to help fix it up. But after 10 years, I'm sick of having strangers living above me and the headache that goes with it.

Since you are all experienced smart people, do I need to bring a notice with me to be filed and served or will they do that for me at the courthouse? This is so not my area of expertise.
A busy morning at the school library. I only have biographies left to check in non fiction.
I found a whole collection of books that didn't have pictures in the computer. I found a few
pictures on eBay. Author is British so I used Google to get to the UK version. I found a few
more pictures. The librarian took pictures of the rest and I posted them in the catalog.

manda, sounds like you made the right decision. Good luck with it. You probably should
call the courthouse about notice. On TV, they usually have a person no one knows giving
the notice about divorce, etc.

JS, I'm glad you were able to get a good night's sleep.

rs, interesting the deer where you live aren't afraid.

OC, I hope you get your dozer work and mowing done before the rain. It's supposed to
rain here tomorrow.

I hope everyone has a good rest of the day.
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Hello everyone. Happy Birthday to you, Sparkster! I hope you are having a wonderful day!

When the Treat Wagon came by today, she had a new girl training with her. She was explaining all about Remmy to the trainee, lol. I told the new young lady not to feel obligated to give Remmy treats. It was really funny, though!

They moved alright.......about 10 feet away.

LOL, maybe they've been talking to Brave Squirrel!

Ack concerning the rattlesnake, OC. At least Sneaky Snake was harmless. I've seen no signs of him since I let him out the door. I want to believe he got in my house, just couldn't find a way out and is now happily basking in the sun and slithering through the grass!

Take care folks.
kat - this isn't the decision I'm contemplating, this one doesn't even come close to the other. We gave the tenant a notice 15 days ago, he refuses to leave, so now we have to file through the courthouse. We have him served, and once filed, he'll have 10 days to leave or be removed by the police. All of which was explained to my husband by the officer who came last night, after my husband tried to have him removed yesterday.

He's not named on the lease, as we didn't have a chance to add him before he started breaking rules, so we can have him removed as a trespasser which is why it will only take 10 days and we don't necessarily have to wait for a hearing. In the case, I guess it's a good thing that I have a very hectic schedule. :rolleyes:
Happy Birthday, Sparkster!

OC - I hope your rain stays away long enough for the mower to cut the grass which will hopefully rid you of rattlesnakes. I couldn't do it! I would not leave my home! I keep trying to tell myself it's just part of life for you, just like we have bats ,I guess.

JS - glad you got some sleep! Good news too. Babies always put a smile on my face.

DaysD - have a good day at school and I hope you enjoy your Hillel meeting tonight.

Manda - good luck getting rid of your renter! I have heard stories from friends about their renters but they still do it?

We have rain today - YUCK! Rain and getting darker earlier is just not my favorite time of year. Supposed to be rain the next 2-3 days!

I hope Noel is doing better
I don't like fall or winter either. Last winter was ok since we didn't have a lot of dreary days.

manda, good luck on having the tenant leave and making your decision
Shan, bats might scare me even more than snakes! I don't care for fall either. It signifies the beginning of the end.

J.S., funny about your friend being afraid he'd shoot his car. Hope he had a lot of patience, waiting for a snake to move. They only move when you don't want them to.

Squirrel, a law that says you can't eat at your desk? That should solve a lot of problems. :rolleyes: (Or maybe it's a good thing for you)? Your deer are getting a little too familiar. I think that would make me uneasy!

Kat, maybe you should rethink trying to get close to the deer near you. They might be kin to Squirrely's deer! Your work at the library is interesting. I never had thought about all the work that goes on behind the scenes, to get everything organized.

Kt, I'm glad Sneaky Snake has left the building. Yes, I'm sure he's out there basking in the grass! I just know he is. He's gotta be.

Robin, I hope you had a peaceful day back at work.

Missing Noel. Hope you haven't had a setback, Noel.
Happy birthday, Sparkster. I hope you have a great day.

It's a nice sunny day today with a high of 75 degrees. Unfortunately, I have errands to run and a stop by the hospital, as my mother was readmitted last Friday. She had been doing so well at home for about a month after leaving the skilled nursing facility, but then she got sick. Tests have shown that she has kidney stones again with blockage which is why she got sick.
I echo Kat's suggestion about calling the courthouse......Clerk of Courts office should be able to give you the answer.

Clouds are building, yep, there is rain in the forecast, but actually, it has been raining pine needles all day long, and I do mean raining.....the pine needles, brown ones, just falling like mad. But we have such huge old, old pines all around us, it is no wonder. I cannot believe how fast the leaves have changed. We are nearly full color already, the maple in front by the lake was completely green on Friday, & is all golden orange now. We are in 40s at night, 60s even 70 the last few days. With the sun out, the trees stand out more, are so pretty and bright. Mostly Birch, oak, maple and Popple. The pine drop those brown needles, but really stay mostly green, which is nice in winter with snow on the branches. Not looking forward to snow, though. Nope, to me, winter is just too long up here, therefore, depressing. LOL