10/8 - Different day, same story


Staff member
Nov 23, 2006
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Sorry folks, more gobbledygook this a.m. I swear it looks like a huge cloud of colored confetti. But....guess what? There were occasional nano seconds of voice. No idea who, what, etc. as truly it was nano second. But I could swear one time was Stefano....and another time the confetti parted for a mili second and I think I saw part of the top of a bandaged head. LOLOL.

Could it really be sun flares causing this????\\'

We are heading into winter, and then I don't get the show at all when it gets really cold at night.
That's too bad, Barb. I really miss reading your summaries.
Perhaps it has something to do with EJ's tantrums?!! Every time he has a temper tantrum and makes the machines go off, it disables your recorder!!
My husband just last night was telling me that there were a couple channels on our DirecTV that were black, and there was a message saying that they were affected by sunspots...oy.

I miss Barb's writeups as well...after reading them for so many years and knowing what to expect, I kinda don't like watching it the old fashioned way-not knowing what's gonna happen! :confused:
I work on a military base, and the office TV gets some military network, which included the local channels. The TV has been acting wonky since some time last week. First we lost all the local channels, then we lost everything except a couple of military channels, 3 or 4 sports channels, AMC and Encore. Monday and Tuesday, everything was fine, then yesterday and today we get absolutely nothing.

We just got the TV up and running the week before last, so I've only been able to catch half of Days (30 min lunch break) for a few days out of those 2 weeks. *sigh*
Like Trish W., I'm so used to reading the Days Ahead that it feels weird to watch an episode without knowing what's going to happen!
I have Time Warner and I have my DVR set to record the Days series. It didn't record anything at all yesterday for that time slot. I checked to make sure it was still set for today and everything is still set for the next 2 weeks at least. I will see tonight if it records today.
Barb, thanks for doing this for us... giving up your time to take care of us...

I'm sure the other posters are correct, it's just the digitized world is tired of the EJ emotional blackmailing of Sami story all over again.....so it's self destructing...
I too appreciate all that you do for us. I miss the days ahead but will sometimes catch it in the evening on dayscafe when you dont have it, if I remember to look.

Another thought - what does your satellite provider say about the problem? Do they offer any solutions?

Again, thank you for all that you do.
Well dang it all. You have us so spoiled Barb. I enjoy your write up with all the little quips and flips. I have watch the last couple of days and EJ and Stefano have not been on.

Thank you for the time you take Barb.
As I am now caught up, I can post a small summary of events later tonight.
I was going to do it the other day for one of the episodes so I started to watch a few of my backed up episodes but still didnt get that far. But I am totally caught up now and will recap today's episode for you all!

I don't know the time differences, but it will be somewhere around 8:00-ish my time when I get to post it. It's 2:36 right now.
Hi There.

It opens with Chloe opening the door and Melanie hitting her. (I can't even bring myself to call that a slap.) She is dumbfounded and Melanie tells her to cut the crap. You cheated on Daniel and Chloe looks shocked. Chloe denies it until Melanie tells her that She overheard Nathan and Stephanie talking about it.

Sami and Will discuss that she told Rafe she knows who shot EJ, but that she didn't tell him it was her. I think Sami looks great today!

Kate and Lexie have tea at DiMansion. Lexie tells Kate how Stefano wouldn't live through losing another son. BUt is happy EJ is going to OK.

Arianna interrupts Stefano and EJ. Stefano leaves and EJ tells Arianna how being in there gives him lots of time to think and asks her if she thinks that Sami or William could have shot him.

TY TREADWAY finally shows his face. Another yummy doc for Salem U!
Carly, Daniel have a short scene. Nothing interesting.

Melane and Chloe keep hashing it out. Chloe tells Melanie that Nathan is lying. Melanie throws in the whole cheating with Lucas thing and Chloe keeps denying it until Melanie yells at her to Prove it to her. How can she prove it? It's their wedding day and she wants to marry Daniel.

Chloe tells Melanie that if she runs to Daniel with these lies that it will put their relationship to the test because he would have to choose between the two and Melanie better be very, very careful. This could all come back on Melanie. She does not have to prove she is faithful and that Melanie would have to prove that she did cheat on him and had no proof. Chloe talks about them getting married that day. Then Melanie realizes about Father Matt not wanting to marry them and that it was awkward for them in the park. Melanie threatens to call Father Matt to see what he is doing that day as Chloe used the excuse that he had a prior commitment. Melanie picked up the phone and Chloe grabs her hand and says don't. And Melanie says "I guess I got my answer."

Rafe is still MIA and no one knows where he is. Then Lexie shows up at Sami's and says they need to talk about EJ.

Arianna and EJ talk rationally about why they think it could be Samanther or William. He tells her he is worried that Stefano will hirt one of them because Stefano deals better with vengeance then worrying about EJ being in the hospital.

Carly and Daniel talk on the Pier. He forgot the marriage license. Then he tells her he is worried about their daughter.

Arianna goes to Sami's but Sami is not there cause she went to the hospital to see EJ. Arianna tells Will she came to apologize to Sami.

Chad shows up at DiMansion. Kate lets him in and he tells her he was thinking about he paid internship at DiMera Enterprises. But he has a few conditions. He want to take it for the money and great opportunity but he doesn't want her to think its because he is interested in her. She made it perfectly clear she is a married woman. But he doesn't believe that. Get over yourself. Offered him the job not for her sake, or his sake, but for Stefano's.

EJ and Stefano are talking about how he wants ROman to arrest Sami and then he can get the kids. Sami walks in and tells Stefano that Lexie wants to talk to him. Sami never brought kids cause they were upset. EJ understands. He says he knows why she is angry with him.

Melanie is not returning Daniel's phone calls and he is kind of panicked about it on the pier. Melanie tells Chloe she hoped she would scream and yell at her, throw her out so that she would know that Nathan was lying, but she didn't. Chloe has the love of someone like my Dad you slept with someone else. Chloe says sorry. Melanie tells her its too late. Chloe tells Melanie that Vivian tried to poision Melanie to get back at Carly and then tells her that Vivian then set her sights on Chloe. Tells her about the whole situation. She almost told her that it was Philip but caught her. Melanie tells Chloe that Daniel is going to be devastated when he finds out and it is all Chloe's fault.

Carly gives Daniel a wedding gift for him and Chloe. To thank her for the gift they gave her, forgiveness. She expresses her gratitude to him. I have liked Carly's new hairstyle lately, but definitely not today.

EJ gives Sami a speech about how he was unspeakable cruel with trying to take Johnny away from her, etc. Nothing she could ever do to him or say to him will make him stop loving her. We're kinda the same. We shoot from the hip and ask questions later. Well, sometimes. He just needs her to know that he gets it. Why she did what she did in keeping Sydney from her. He forgives her for anything she may have done to him. He hopes he made her feel better. She wishes she brought the kids. Kisses his cheek and has to go get the kids. He says enjoy them while you can.

Melanie asks Chloe who she slept with. She says not important. It was a nobody. A one night thing. Realized it was a mistake and went their separate ways. Melanie asks her if she even knows his name? Does it matter Chloe says. Chloe's baby bump looks very small again. Chloe tells her that she had DNA testing to make sure it was Daniels. Melanie wants to see the results. Chloe doesn't have them. But Chloe tells her that she is not the only person who knows about the test.

Sami comes home and asks Arianna why she is grilling her son.

Kate lets Chad out. Chad wonders what's up with the fact that Kate offered him a job for Stefano DiMera's sake....Sami tells Arianna to stay the hell out of it and leave her son alone. Arianna says sorry a leaves. Sami slams the door. Sami tells Will that she may be Rafe's sister but she is not a friend of hers and to slam the door in her face. If Arianna wants to apologize she can write a letter.

Daniel makes Carly promise that she will always be a part of their lives. Don't hang back and feel like an outsider. They all want her to be a part of their lives. Carly cries. They hug.

Melanie continues to ask Chloe who else saw the results. She tells her it was Carly.

Glimpse of day ahead:
Lee tells Hope she bet she learned to be so careful when she was a cop, right?
Daniel tells Victor if he can't be happy for him to just stay the hell away.
Melanie yells at Chloe "There's more to this, isn't there? ISN'T THERE?
Thanks a lot, Missvicki. You sure did a fine job!

Lol at Chad being hung up on Kate trying to seduce him and her telling him to get over himself.

Rafe is MIA??

I wish Chloe had just strangled Melanie. I'm wanting to get inside the screen and do it myself.
Barb - we appreciate all the time and effort you put into doing the summaries and know that you experience trouble with the signal starting around this time of year. Don't worry, even with as spoiled as you have us, we won't send out the lynch mob :)

missvicki - THANK YOU SO MUCH for filling us in!! You did a great job!!