11-15-17 - Donuts and Rain


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Dec 29, 2012
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A rainy morning here. I had a chance to get out at 5:30, but too dark to walk. When Goldie did
get out, it started raining harder. We got soaked. Hopefully, we can get out again today since
we only got one time around. I have car appt at 9. Cable man this afternoon.

I hope everyone has the best day they can.
Happy Birthday, Tropical Breeze

I believe I can also speak for Noel when I say that waking up to dark and rain would be a delight. However, today dawns sunny and cool but yet again upper 80's. Tonight is the big winter auction for the club, so it will be a late night.

Have a great Wednesday.

Happy Birthday Tropical Breeze.

Good Morning,

It's raining here too. It would be a perfect day to lay in bed and read a book. However,, I don't think my boss would like that very much.

Kat - hope the car appointment goes well.

Robin - I'd send you the rain if I could. I'm so over the rain.

Happy Birthday Tropical Breeze!


Tonight I'll be delivering candy from Gena's Girl Scout Fall Fundraiser and then choir practice after that.

Have a great day everyone!
Happy birthday, Tropical Breeze.

Hello to everyone. I can't shake this migraine. It's not as bad--yet--as it was a couple of days ago but the constancy (is that a word?) of it is dragging me down nonetheless. (Noel, thanks for saying a prayer). It's also been a rough couple of days and nights with the husband, which doesn't help with the migraine.

I'll crawl back in my hole now. Wishing all of you a good day.
Good morning, well, we had a warm up, and 98% of the snow is gone. it has drizzled some, and we have rain in the forecast....but then maybe snow by weekend. Sure weird weather. We were up around 38 yesterday, may do 40 today. LOLBut, tis really windy.

Happy birthday Trop.......hope you are having better weather your way, but whatever, that you have a special celebratory day.

My son brought me a beautiful, just made, smells great, real, pine wreath ....his friend makes them. A bit early for me to put up anything, but guess I will get a wreath hanger for the door and have it outside. Feels soooo soft! Won't in Jan. when I take it down. LOL
OC...Hate that your migraines last so many days, and cause you such misery. Having experienced them for years, I understand, however mine usually lasted just the one day, all day. Does your doc have any help for you?

There does seem to be lots of commercials and info for migraines, but doesn't seem to alleviate the problem. I only know that mine alleviated when I stayed away from the known food triggers. Did not go away, just alleviated. I feel for you. Truly.
Happy Birthday, Tropical Breeze!

Good morning everyone.

I'm not missing the rain from home one little bit, and I'm loving the sunshine for now.

We went out to the Whitewater Wilderness area yesterday. It was interesting to see how the snow melt comes through the mountains to replenish the underground water in the desert. Now it is helped along by man-made structures. The canyons carved out by nature are beautiful. I thought of OC as I took pictures of the rattlesnake warning signs.
OC ~ When I was a teen, my migraines lasted 3 days. I couldn't function. I would just go to bed in a darkened room and wait it out. I wish you could do that, but I know that your life just doesn't allow for it. In hind sight, I now believe that in addition to those trigger foods that Poirot mentioned, I was probably dealing with chronic dehydration. I find some relief by drinking water with a little bit of Himalayan salt dissolved in it.
I know that everyone is different. One of my counselors at the weight loss clinic deals with traumatic brain injured patients. If they have a headache, they are taken to the doctor. No waiting no try this. 99% of the time they are dehydrated, and after getting fluids into them it helps.

I've never had a migraine. My youngest suffered from them. His wife does now. So as a caregiver, I know how debilitating they can be.

OC - I hope yours heads for the hills and you are able to get some relief soon.

Poirot - how I wish I could have an actual wreath. I so love the smell, but it just wouldn't last.
Happy Birthday Trop! Your cakes on here look yummy!

OC - I'm so sorry you have a migraine. My daughter got hers Monday night and she said she is just coming out of the fog. This one was a bad one. She couldn't see and was sick to her stomach really awful. I just wished there was something we could do for you people that get them to help relieve some of it. You are in my prayers, OC!

Noel - How are you doing today, any better at all?

We went to the Garth Brooks concert last night. I have to say it was the best performance I have ever been to. I thought Cher put on a good show, but Garth is much better! It started at 7:30 and we didn't get out of there until 11:30. We didn't get home until midnight and I was up at 4:30 for work. I'm just a wee bit tired. Can't imagine how he feels. He didn't stop.

Have a great day.
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Hi all~

Thank you so much for the wonderful birthday wishes and cakes. You all are so sweet. It's been a busy day so far.

Hubby is taking me to dinner and a show tonight. The Arcada theater is having a special tonight. There is a Frank Sinatra show and special dinner in their "Speakeasy lounge" so that will be very fun for a Wednesday night.

Take care all

Thank you again :)
Cable man just left. I got a new cable box. It's a lot smaller than the old one and
a lot of different. I use On Demand when I miss shows. This is what wasn't
working. He told me the techs were notified today the older boxes no longer
doing On Demand like it should. The remote is fancy. I'll probably just use
the numbers to change channels.

tb, I'm glad you're going to have a nice evening on your special day.

OC, I hope you're feeling better.
Happy Birthday TB! I hope you have a wonderful night out!

I went to Walmart today. While I was shopping, I saw a cell phone that was left on a display. I picked it up (it seemed pretty heavy) and took it to an employee. Duh, it wasn't a cell phone after all, but a store scanner, lol. At least an absentminded clerk got it back.