11/19/21 - Donuts and frost


Staff member
Dec 29, 2012
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There's a heavy frost outside this morning. It's going to be sunny and highs in the low 50s
this afternoon.

I'm staying in today except for walking. I need to catch up on studies and start cleaning
for next week. Tomorrow will be nice for raking. I can't wait <ha, ha>

manda, I hope you're doing well.

Wishing a good day and weekend for everyone.
Good morning..... set my alarm got up at 2am to see the eclipse. The threatened cloud cover hadn't shown up and was able to see the 97% bite taken out of the moon..... it was really neat....... then back into the house and back to sleep...... Vinnie was very confused to have everyone up after everyone had been asleep..... silly BEAST.....

Going to get a cool down next week, Thanksgiving will be our first 70° day if we believe the weather guesser....

Good day to everyone.....
Wow, where was everybody today? Getting ready for Thanksgiving already? I went to two towns in opposite directions. Several errands. It took most of the day. Last stop was the grocery store. The economic shocker of the day: A small bottle of pure vanilla extract was almost $9.00!!! Good thing I don't do much baking anymore. The shelves were not anywhere near empty, overall, but there were a few everyday items missing. This is the small, locally owned grocery store where I've done most of my shopping since Covid began.

Son's familly will be arriving late tomorrow, they think. I just found out his business partner and his wife will be stopping by for a short visit on Sunday, as they will be traveling back to DFW from far west Texas. I've never met them before but have heard a lot of good things about them.
Why do I think I checked in and I did not? LOL Managed to get some sleep last night at last, and tho I was awake at 4 again, the sandman was nice enough to return & woke at 7......yeayyyyy. Did not venture out today, except for mail, but found a sympathy card from my son's good friend, mailed Oct. 9th, returned to her (in Florida) as she had old address. She put it in another envelope with correct address, mailed it again. People are sooo kind.
Tomorrow is opening day of Deer Season.......a friend said she went shopping, and shelves empty as the hunters already had arrived and done their shopping, before going out to set out the deer stands.
Hard to believe ....bill arrived addressed to hubby, from the hospital where he passed away!!!
I don't know if anybody else has mentioned that Arthur Bea Williams has died. It just came up in my e-mail from a tv station that sends me notices. I didn't ever watch the popular show she played on but I think I've read about some remarkable things she did in her personal life.
Poirot, the bill was probably done by a machine. Another example of the insensitive or impersonal world we live in, due to automation. But then there was the friend of your son, who went the extra mile. I'm so glad you finally got some much needed sleep!

I forgot to say I saw the eclipse last night too, Robin, at it's fullest cover. But I'm not as devoted as you. I would never have set my alarm to get up for it. I woke up and had to go to the bathroom so then I couldn't quit thinking about the moon and finally went outside and looked. It was a beautiful night. "Crisp" comes to mind. The stars were so clear. I looked at the moon with my binoculars. I'm glad I looked but I'm still not sure what was different about it. I've seen a number of near-full eclipses in my life and I don't recall there was much difference in them. I read there wouldn't be another one like this for many years (hundreds?) so there must be something that stands out about it.
TV is full of the "Christmas City of the North" parade up in Duluth tonight. forgot to mention it. They do a big thing every year with the parade, tho I thought it was always day before Thanksgiving.
O.C. Bea Arthur, who was on The Golden Girls on TV, passed away in 2009.
Arthur Bea Williams is, I believe, a local Wichita Falls, Texas famous politician, a pioneer in the field, eventually becoming a judge. (never was on a TV show, lol)
And speaking of the Golden Girls (I do watch reruns when I can as they are not always available) Betty White is the only survivor and I think is around 99 now......Egads. Bless her heart.
Thanks for clearing that up, Poirot. You can tell I never watched Golden Girls. My news feed comes out of Wichita Falls so I did see the mention that the person was from there but I didn't open up and read the article. What are the odds of two women having such similar, unusual, names--Bea Arthur and Arthur Bea? Lol.