11/28/17 - Donuts & Busy Bees


Well-Known Member
Jul 11, 2007
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Appleton, WI
Good Morning,

My team at work is so busy, my head is swimming. So I take a much needed moment to refresh my brain and pop in to visit my dear, dear friends at the Spectator. I'm guessing you are all busy little bees too, since I get the pleasure of starting the thread again today.

Unseasonably warm today. Supposed to get up to 52*, so I just wore my sweatshirt as a jacket instead of my winter coat. Hubby is hoping to get all the Christmas lights put up on the porch today or tomorrow while it's still warmish, so we don't end up with frozen fingers this year.

Have a wonderful day everyone.
Good Morning,

It is a typical 80ish day today with full sun burning away a few wispy clouds. Tomorrow is supposed to be our 'big breakthrough' to under 80 temperatures: 79! The weather lady called this a 'cold front'! :rotfl::rotfl:

Today I am meeting my sister for lunch at a local restaurant known for their creative and delicious Christmas desserts! :clap: I am hungry already. We will make Christmas Eve, Christmas Day and New Years Eve plans while we indulge in goodies.

Manda: glad you took a break from the hassle at work to start a new day for us at Donuts. Good news your husband will decorate your home with Christmas lights! That always lifts the spirit. Sending you some "Ho ho ho" atmosphere to brighten your super busy day.

Wishing everyone a great Tuesday and some festive spirit too!
Good morning. Manda, thanks for starting the thread. Yes, I've been busy, just taking a quick rest. I never thought I'd see the day I would be raking leaves but that's what I've been doing. There is a good reason, which I will tell later. Sunny but wind blowing out the the south, will turn to the west and get harder in a while. Probably out of the north by tonight. It's in the 50s* now, will reach 70s*, I think, then will only be in the 60s* tomorrow. Our version of a cold front!
OC: at least your 'cold front' has cold temperatures and wind! Still, it is frustrating to rake leaves only to have the wind return and bring them back in your way. Glad you took a 'quick rest' to check in with your friends here at Spectator and hope your day goes better than planned.
Sunny, and 60*, today! Might be the last chance to do some overdue outdoor stuff, like inflating tires on a vintage stored vehicle. That's always a hassle, because my air compressor is kind of weak. :rolleyes:

My son has parked his Jeep, here, and left the keys behind. :drunk: I'm almost hoping for some snow!

Have a good day, everyone!
Another gloomy day here. The only laugh is that the weather forecast was for sunshine all week, must be elsewhere, maybe east or west of us. LOL. Yep, I want that job (weatherperson forecaster, lol)

Still trying to make headway with the boxes of "office" stuff, and getting rid of outdated, old files, etc. It is like 2 steps forward, 4 steps back. LOL

Had some papers to sign for the title office, something or other they forgot to include in the original transfer sale, so someone was at the door before 9 a.m. LOL

This gets to be such a busy time of the year for everyone as they try to juggle jobs, home life, holiday doings, etc.
Good morning, all,

A very windy but warm day here. Snow has melted and temperatures to stay around 2*C - 6*C (35.6*F - 42.8*F) for the rest of the week. We had a nice weekend at home. I was the first one out of the poker game on Saturday but it was still fun. Afterwards we played a game called Joking Hazard. On Sunday I showed up for my rehearsal but was told I could go home as the director didn't think we were going to get to the scenes I am in. I am SO glad I do not have any choreography in Mar Poppins. Kudos to the rest of the cast who are trying to figure out the choreo for Supercalafagilisticexpialadocious. Looks difficult.

This weekend I have a free Friday from rehearsal so we will be finishing cleaning our house and making our contributions to the South American Latin Food and Games and Karaoke Party at our place Saturday night. About a month or so ago, we met up with some of our friends who are originally from Columbia and Venezuela and planned this so everyone who is coming over is bringing a South American or Latin inspired appetizer or dish to share with everyone or Latin inspired. Other friends coming are from Panama (Central America) and Brazil and then some of regular ole Canucks. LOL! Should be a good time.

I picked up a Groupon this morning for what I think will be a really cool and unique experience. It's called Dark Table. Guests are brought to their table in complete darkness and have a dining experience completely in the dark. Your servers are blind people who take care of you for the evening, escort you to the washroom if needed. There is absolutely no light whatsoever while you dine and was designed to create employment for the visually impaired and to give guests an insight and awareness to what a person who is visually impaired goes through. I'm not sure when we are going to book our reservation but I think this will be an excellent meal but an enlightening one too.

Manda - glad to hear that there is a name for what Gena has been going through. Now they can begin to try and manage it.

Noel - Enjoy lunch with your sister.

OC - We are very windy here as well but this is a Chinook wind which is warm.

A. Guy - DO IT!! Take it for a 4x4. LOL!

Poirot - Keep plugging away even if it's a box a day and you'll feel so good to have been able to purge papers and stuff. Good luck.

Have a good week everyone.
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Noel -Enjoy your lunch today. In the insurance world, the end of the year is always the busiest time, as most companies/people want their policies to have a 1/1 effective date. The picture you shared reminds me of our Elf on the Shelf's mischief from today, in "she" wrote "Ho, Ho, Ho! Who has to go?" on the toilet with a dry erase marker.

OC - good luck with the raking. It always seems like such a thankless task.

A.Guy - a Jeep in the snow sound like fun.

Poirot - your paperwork, sounds like my laundry pile - never ending.

Muzz - that dinner party you are having on Saturday sounds wonderful, enjoy!!
Morning all.

Had the thrill of the drive into the sun today as I came to the office. Yes, I wish I could share this sunshine. However, I'd love some warmth. The building landlord has not switched off the a/c and we are chilled as if it were 98 outside. It gets colder as the day goes on. So I sit here with a sweatshirt on and fingerless gloves, while outside it is beautiful.

Muzz - one year when working The Wizard of Oz, they included the "Jitterbug", a number cut from the movie. The crew would all dance the number outside the tent. It was fun and we didn't need to do it correctly. I enjoyed watching the dance rehearsals. Most of the time, the dancers were so graceful even going the wrong way. Just walking in a straight line is difficult for me. Add music and ask me to do it to a beat? Fergetabout it.:)
Good morning everyone. It is bright with sunshine today with temps to get up to 61*. That's way too high for this time of year. Our weather folks say to blame it on a crazy La Nina that has taken a very strange path this year over the West Coast and Canada bringing us this too warm air.

Today was my day to screen at the school for children with multiple disabilities. I have a few absentees thatI'll go back for tomorrow.

Amanda, I hope putting up the lights gives your hubby some Christmas spirit and improves his outlook.

Noel, have a wonderful lunch with your sister.

OC, I wish I could send my lawn guy down to do those leaves for you. He mulched the last of mine on Saturday.

A. Guy, does having your son's jeep mean you can go to the Wednesday buffet?

Poirot , it seems like your moving difficulties will never end. Did the maintenance folks ever figure out your heating? (I'm sorry if this was answered before, but I missed a lot while in California.)

Muzzaman, your house is definitely the place to hang out! Also the dark dining event is something that we do with new employees, only we blindfold them instead of having them eat with the lights off. We also put them through the paces with sighted guide training, etc. Some folks are very resistant to going through the training, but we can't work with and for visually impaired and totally blind individuals if we don't have an inkling of what they're going through. One of my biggest pet peeves at work is when someone leaves their chair out when getting up from a table after a meeting. Another one is people who try to distract a dog guide when it is in harness and working.

robinsnest, you must've had a lot of fun experiences while working on the crew for the shows. I can just picture everyone doing the jitterbug!
Ahhh, Muzz..I think in the movie, your character has to "skip" when doing "Let's Go Fly A kite". LOLOL

Want to laugh? At the supermarket, some weeks ago, was checking out, the cashier said or did something to which I said.......supercalifragi (etc). And she said, oh, wow, that is terrific! What? sez me. And she says, making up a whole big word like that on the spur of the moment. LOLOLOL. The bagger guy says, Mary Poppins, right? I nod. Sorry, cannot take credit, tis from the movie, and there is a whole song and dance number with it.

Robin.....my older son was the Scarecrow in a "Wizard" production when in college. When he lived in Miami for a few years, he did a few Miami Vice episodes with Don Johnson...and even was in Cape Fear with DeNiro. (hey, bit parts). But he preferred living in Wisconsin, but he really loved stage work. A shame our Community Theatre no longer exists.

Mandy, used to work the insurance field, know what you mean. Good going, girl.
Manda - that is warm for you! Hope your busy slows down a little.

Noel - My parents were snowbirds for years in Yuma and Dad would call me every morning regarding "no clouds". When you mentioned a few clouds, I smiled and thought Dad wouldn't have told me that. Enjoy your lunch with your sister and most of the fun of the holidays is the planning!

OC - enjoy being outside for a bit and I hope do don't see any of those "S's" (rattle snakes)!

A Guy - enjoy your "60" day. I wish were going to have nice weather.

Poirot - good luck getting through more boxes. Maybe a box a day will help?

Muzzaman - you have the coolest gatherings! I think we all wish we lived close to you!

Robin - I have a visual of you sitting there freezing to death. So sorry. That's tough, especially if you dressed for the sunny day.

Red - you have 60 degree weather too? I'm feeling left out here.

When I got up this morning, it was right at 32 degrees. We have climbed all the way up to 42!

Why didn't I think about the new little kitty and the Christmas tree? Oh my. We finally had to put all the gifts downstairs and now all the ornaments are being thrown to the ground. We have all tried the water bottle but that doesn't seem to be working either. She has spent a lot of time in her room.

Have a great day.
Another pretty day here, but I need to catch up on my Bible reading so
no outside time today.

A busy day at school. I want to get the bags of books done before the
holiday vacation, but I found out today more testing next week. I can't be
there when kids are in the library. I'll know later in week what days are
planned. I'll be there three times this week. I finished Bin 70 today and I
should finish the 3rd book shelf tomorrow. Two left.

Shan, one reason I stopped putting up a tree is because of the cats. I stopped
putting on tinsel and I put the unbreakable ornaments on the bottom. One
cat would climb it. All of them are gone now, but I have no reason to decorate.

Muzzaman, you had another busy weekend.

I've got to start my reading. I hope everyone enjoys the rest of their Tues.
Shan, now that you mentioned the rattlesnakes.....that is the very reason I was raking leaves. Thank goodness I don't have as many as most of you do or any of the big leaves like you probably have. I do have pecan tree leaves scattered across the backyard and Chinese pistachio leaves across the front yard, but neither make very large leaves. Then there are mesquite leaves coming down now, but they are very small, more like willow leaves. I don't bother to rake any of these tree leaves. They are thinly scattered and will blow away or break down with time.

I went to town yesterday so later, after the car engine had cooled down, I went out to put the rodent repellent pouch back under the hood. Time got away and it was almost dark when I thought to go do it. The car is parked under a kind of carport-like shed that comes off the back side of the old cinderblock garage/shop. When I went to open the hood, right where I was about to step to do it, was Mr. Rattler. It was truly a mercy of God that I didn't step on it or that it didn't bite me anyway, since I was certainly close enough by the time I saw it.

I got my capture stick but was having trouble getting the catcher part under the snake. It didn't like me fooling with it so it went under an old push mower that was parked nearby. When I moved the mower, the snake got pretty mad and started thrashing around and rattling like crazy. Then it took off and went between the car and the cinderblock wall, which is a tight space of no more than a foot or two. Also, there were some pvc pipes and other junk on the ground, and an antique wash tub on legs at the entrance to the space. There were pecan tree leaves everywhere, piled up. It was getting too dark now so I went for a flashlight. But how am I going to hold a flashlight, a capture stick, and a gun all at the same time?

I picked up a rock and got stung by a fire ant in the process. But again, a mercy. Who ever heard of anybody getting bitten by ONE fire ant? I propped the light up on the rock, ditched the capture stick, and took a shot at the snake, hoping I wouldn't shoot the car or have the bullet ricochet off the wall of the garage. Missed on the first try and the snake was really having a fit now, flailing around, rattling, biting at the air. I got it on the second try, which was a surprise. Truth is, I didn't expect to be able to hit it at all, as I was several feet away and the light was poor and I was using a little .22 handgun.

This morning I went out and moved the car, got rid of all the little junk that was on the ground, moved the lawn mower, and raked all the leaves away. At least it is clean and smooth under there now (dirt floor) so I have a better chance of seeing anything that hadn't ought to be there.
A. Guy, does having your son's jeep mean you can go to the Wednesday buffet?

:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: I will be pretty-much unstoppable, now!

Muzza, should I "drive it like I stole it?" :) Probably shouldn't; I think it will be here for a while. :)

Was going to put some gas in my beater car today. Discovered that the battery is dead. Going out now, to hook up the battery charger. Glad the charger was here; things like that have a way of disappearing. :angry: Don't remember how many jumper cables that I used to have. :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
Squirrel: bless you for working with the children with multilevel disabilities. They need an understanding and compassionate diagnostician to make certain their health standards are maintained. Enjoy your warm weather too.

Poirot: great story. Nice to know your son is so theatrically talented too. Miami, though, is so far removed culturally from the midwest that I understand his preferring 'home'.

JS: I loved "The Leading Lady"! And I have been known to speak up when people try to pet or play with a service dog in the hospital. Even at break or lunch. Their owner may be overwhelmed and distracted which can lead to physical reactions.

Shan: we put our tree in a playpen when we had pups and kittens! My extended family though it was hysterical! BUT it worked! It takes them a year to learn to leave it alone. You just need tons of patience.

Kat: just another reason I love the unbreakable ornaments! When I am very tired I have been known to drop a glass ornament and that is no fun either. Glad your day is going well.

OC: ditto Poirot's and JS's remarks about you being a true pioneer heroine! :clap: