11/3/16 - Donuts & The Cubs did it!


Staff member
Nov 23, 2006
Reaction score
what a wonderful morning...and I am here in the midst of all the excitement. Chicago papers, all week, have half the paper devoted to stories and articles about the team, Today will be something else. Cars have the Flying W flag, posters, people wearing Cub shirts....and the tteam did it!!! There definitely is joy in Wrigleyville

Hope you all are o.k., have a terrific day, my friends
Hi Poirot - The Cubbies did it! I kept thinking how I wish Harry Carey had been at the game. I was holding my breath during the rain timeout with it tied up. Usually I don't watch baseball but the World Series has my respect. My man and I watched rom beginning to end and cheered on our team! You must be so proud of your Cubs!!

Hello to everyone else today. Work is getting very busy but we're all talking about the Cubs breaking the long shut out [since 1908] and their champsionship win, Make it a great Wednesday!
Good morning everyone from cold soggy northwestern PA. We're having monsoon rains and the temps are falling. The roof at work sprung a leak right over all of the high tech equipment that we use for face time meetings with our other offices around the state. :eek::eek::eek: I helped the IT guy move and cover everything while one of the VPs was running for a mop and bucket.

Congratulations to the Cubbies and all of their fans. The Tribe put on a valiant effort, and there is no shame in not taking the title. In fact. this is the best and most exciting World Series in a long long time.

I admit that I always root for the Indians even though I bleed Black & Gold for the Steelers, Pirates, and Penguins. Most people around here do that since we live right in the middle of the two. Plus we have an Indians' minor league team 15 minutes from us, and they play in a smaller duplicate of Progressive Field. We watched Jason Kipnis and many other Indians come up through the ranks, and have seen others who are sent down for rehab.
Good morning. I almost knew the Cubs would be the subject this morning, regardless of who started the thread. I know nothing about ball and never watch or follow any teams, but even I felt a little thrilled this morning when I heard they had won. There's been so much talk about them on the news, and I know they've had many fans throughout the years, even with all the losses, so I'm happy for all who stuck with them.

We got 2 1/2 inches of rain overnight. More to come today. Misting some right now. My broadband internet is working again this morning. Strange thing, it seems to work for a couple of hours in the morning and then it is gone again. This is the 3rd day now. If it continues until my rollover next week on the hot spot, that will help.
Squirrel - sorry for your rainy leaky mess at work. At times like that a sense of humor saves frustration mounting. Your Indians made a comeback try in the 6th worthy of a champion team. The Cubbies had to dig deeper for the win. Wishing you a drier day.

OC - at least your weather is cooler and not as dry. I would gladly take it off your hands. It does make outdoor chores more difficult though. So happy your broadband stayed on for you. Stay dry and happy.
Well, I used to live in Chicago, so am a Cub fan.....but where I live now, you only hear about Minnesota teams on TV/radio....howevr, they do Packer games, too, on TV. This has been a treat for me to be in midst of all this excitement, and never gave Series a thought when I made plans to be here. lol
Good morning.

Last night at the club meeting, several of us were ah, yea, I was paying attention to the speaker. NOT. I was keeping tabs on the game. I'm a Dodger fan, but I was pulling for the Cubbies last night. Caught the last two outs on TV and the celebration.

RS - good luck with the flood. Always a good thing when it happens indoors over expensive electronics.

Happy Thursday all.
Good morning everyone!

Congrats to the Cubs and all their fans!

Sunny and supposed to get to 81 today. After today we go back to normal temperatures in the 60s.

rs, what a mess you have at work. Hopefully it will get fixed soon. Stay dry!

Poirot, glad you are enjoying your vacation.

The fiance and I enjoyed our mini vacation. We went to the Science Museum of Virginia, the Edgar Allan Poe Museum, and the State Capital. Fun fact: part of the movie Lincoln was filmed inside the capital building. It was the stand-in for the US Capital in the movie.

Hope evyeorne has a wonderful day!
Robin - we Cubbie fans appreciate your support. You saw the most exciting parts of the game. Hope work is light and you have a restful evening.

Red - so glad you and your fiance enjoyed a great mini-vacation. And thanks for the Lincoln film trivia!
Good Morning Friends,

I'm very full of mixed emotions today. I cried tears of joy last night when I watched the Cubs win via Google. The games they lost were the ones I watched, so I didn't watch the last 3 just in case.

And then this morning the dilemma that I have been debating about in my mind was settled. I've decided to file for divorce. I feel like such a quitter, but I just can't be married to my husband anymore. Today was the final straw. He called in sick to work after another long night of heavy drinking. Then I get a call from Gena's school that she got sick at school and we needed to pick her up.

So I try calling him since he's home and he wouldn't answer the phone but once (out of 16 calls) to tell me to "I don't know who you are, but stop calling" (at this point I had left 2 messages) and then immediately hung up. So I had to get out of work to pick Gena up and take her home, where he tells me I needed to stay home as he "has stuff to do". Really, just grrr.

I can't do it anymore, I'm sick of him being drunk every day and all the other horrible things that happen. Gena and I deserve so much better. I'm just sick to my stomach right now and want to curl up and cry. But I know I can't, I need to be strong for my little girl and know in my head and heart that I'm doing the best thing for her.

Sorry to be a downer, but my heart is broken and heavy with grief. Love you all so much, you are my second family.
Manda: I know your heart is breaking as I can feel the pain in your words. Please remember God is "closer to the brokenhearted" and his angels surround you & Gena. Thank you for considering us family and sharing this with us. Your gift of trust allies us to pray and support you. We are here for you precious lady!

Stay strong but share your tears here where you are safe. You and Gena do deserve a life of peace and safety! Hugs.
manda, I'm so sorry and not surprised. I wondered if this was the decision you had to make.
We're here for you in spirit. My ex had the same problem. He fixed that, but as years went by
he would drink and lie about it.

I'll pray to god to help you and Gena. You have to do this for her. I'm sure you've
talked to him about it. He has to look inside himself to be a better father and husband.

I was going to watch the game last night after I saw Days. Then I forgot.

Poirot, sounds like you picked the right time to visit.

I hope everyone has a good afternoon and evening.
Thanks everyone. And yes Kat, he lies about how much he drinks. I've begged him to go to counseling, AA, or talk to our pastor, he refuses, and is almost proud of being an alcoholic. His oldest son turned 30 yesterday, so if he was going to change in an effort to be a better father it would have happened a long time ago. He just doesn't care and is too selfish to worry about anyone else. We will be okay eventually. It will take time and probably counseling for Gena and I, but we are survivors and we will make it. Thanks you are all the best. :hug: