12/10/21 - Donuts and making cookies


Staff member
Dec 29, 2012
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It's cloud and in the 60s today. The forecast says thunderstorms early this afternoon. I'll believe it
when it happens. I walked at 7 since it was so warm. My friend walked with me with her dog.

I'm trying out a recipe for the Circle cookie exchange. The party is Dec 20, but I wanted to try out the
recipe I found. It seems easy. You mix cocoa with half of a package of sugar cookies. Then you mix
the halves back in six inch lengths. Both halves have to set in the frig for over an hour.

I put on a Christmas CD when I started. I'm going to finish typing Christmas envelopes. I need to put
up decorations too.

I hope everyone has a fantastic Friday.
Good morning.... it rained most of the night sometimes hard sometimes spitting.... but the sun is out this morning so the storm has moved on.... The packages I sent via FedEx still haven't arrived yet the one sent via the US Postal service arrived. Weird.....

kat those cookies sound interesting.... chocolate swirl?

They got the problem with the photo's fixed from Wednesday's Fill the Sleigh event...
Fill the Sleigh Santa Vinnie.jpg
Vinnie's a ham and a Santa Hog..... Hunny Bunny didn't stand a chance it talking with the big man......
I didn't get the cookies to look like the picture, but they taste ok. I'm going to make another batch next
week so I can send my grandson some.

Rain out of the forecast and the cold front came early. Before lunch, I raked needles around my fir tree.
I've never done before. There's still a lot in the tree. I think some of them will blow away with wind that's
going on now.

Here's link to recipe

Kat, was the friend who walked with you the same one whose dog you see after? I like hearing about your Christmas decorating, etc.

Robin, what a cute picture of Vinnie with Santa! His expression looks like he is adoring the jolly old elf.

Could you hear me saying a big "Whew" about an hour ago? We got all finished with the bovines and it is such a relief when that gets done. It happens twice a year. We'll be moving mine across the road in a day or two, after giving them a bit of time to get settled. But the cowboy said not to wait long because two cows are ready to drop calves at any time and it would be hard to move them with new babies.

Everything went about as well as it could this morning. It was cloudy and cool because of a breeze. My niece and I stayed closeby, watching but not participating, once we got all the cows in place before the cowboys arrived. Then about 10 minutes before they finished up, the hard south wind hit, sending all of us scrambling to get in our vehicles and go. I came home and took a shower, and closed all my curtains to shut out the view of the blowing dust. (Couldn't shut out the sound though). I think I am still biting down on a bit of grit once in a while. Kat, I thought of you when I saw the leaves in my yard blowing away. Tonight or tomorrow the wind will switch to the north so I'll be watching to see if the leaves come back and go the other way or not. For now, I need to eat before I fall asleep.
hELLO everyone! Finally am back, long story and such aggravation. I was on phone with my "no internet" problem, help dept. kept checking stuff, making me wait, nearly 2 hrs on phone. I pleaded for a tech person to be sent, nope, they decided my modem was old, needed replacing, would be sending via UPS to arrive Thursday. I was VERY upset, argued to no avail. (They even had me talking endlessly with their "care" and "tech" depts. whatever those are.
Thurs. Had dr. appt. blizzard snowfall. poor vision. roads covered, could not tell where ditchline was, drove VERY slow. Got back o.k. Eventually, the sky cleared up, snow stopped, plows came, my driveway was even plowed, but not my walkway. New modem not here. Called this a.m. Was told it had been left at my door yesterday. Said, Nope, and NO footprints in snow to the door! (LOL) So now they sent out a tech, was here less than 1/2 hr. Yep, had new modem in truck. Said tho lights were on in the modem, it was NOT connected, etc. He hooked it up, checked this computer, my laptop, even my tablet which I rarely use. Got lots of catching up to do here, and e-mails. Trust you all are o.k. So, guess what? We are under a "winter storm advisory" til tomorrow, supposed to start snowing after 4 p.m. And then, the temps go UP, each day, (while I was not here we had below zero at night)...and by Tuesday, they said 52, and probably RAIN! Go figure!
Poirot, happy to see you back in cyberspace. It's too bad they didn't send a tech person when you called the first time. I wonder
who got your modem. I hope you won't have to get back out in the bad weather anytime soon.

OC, the friend I walk lives on the other side of the subdivision. The dog I take care belongs to my neighbor across the street.