12/16/21 - Donuts & jim dandy storm


Staff member
Nov 23, 2006
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When they say "if you don't like the weather, wait 5 min"....that is the story for morning here for sure. We had all these warm temps, was still 48 at 2 a.m., then 46 at 6 a.m. Of course all the snow was melting, and by 6, nothing out there but green grass, all the snow was gone. Trees were waving a bit, then more and more as the wind increased. Then around 8 came the snow, coming horizontally, winds blowing it straight line, something fierce. Looked so odd just blowing straight down the street. And now it is nearly 10, Still goin on, grass is nearly all white once more, temp has been dropping, of course, down to 24 now. I doubt if I will even poke my nose out the door.
Truly hope you all are faring much better, have a good day, my friends.
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Good morning..... folks who have Ring cameras at the homesite our cabin is located in have been posting pictures..... one the camera is almost gone as the snow has been blowing onto their porch..... Our cabin has no such fanciful things.... but it is fun seeing snow on the ground. Our BIG rain event never happened.... the wind did just not for us, yes it was windy but no gusts over 30mph....so now the next big storm is of course Christmas Eve...... when we actually need to be on the road..... but that is 8 days off and oh how the weather can change.....

Good Thursday to all.....
Yikes, Poirot, please do stay inside. That sounds awful! Only good point, with it that cold, you won't have tornadoes.

And here I was thinking how cold it felt when I went out early to look for cows gone astray. Didn't see any cows but saw deer in several locations. A "cold" front had just arrived here so it was in the 40s* with a north breeze. Haha, yes, that was cold to me. I put on a jacket, a cap, and a scarf.

We're about to make another attempt at shopping and taking care of a number of other things that need to be done in town. I'm ready and waiting.

Robin, a cabin in the mountains with snow sounds pretty. It's fun that you can see it, even though you don't have your own camera on it.
That snow is beautiful! But I'm glad it's up there and not here .... as I sit in 75 degree weather in my open toe sandals and short sleeved tunic..... The sunshine here is making me wish I was sitting on the beach rather than in here in the office. Maybe I'll run away. I'll tell them pregnancy hormones blah blah blah I need to leave. haha!
It's sunny and in the 50s this afternoon. There was rain overnight, but not as much as the
forecast said. Tomorrow is suppose to be the big rain day and they just put a flood
watch up from Friday 6AM to Sat 6AM.

I was going to make pumpkin bread this afternoon, but I'm too tired. I'll make another
batch Friday morning.

Poirot, I wouldn't open the door either on your snowy, cold day.

OC, I hope you got your errands done today. 40 is chilly when the wind is blowing.

robin, sorry to hear you missed the rain. Some areas are getting too much.

DaysLady, I wouldn't mind an afternoon on the beach. Let me know where to meet you :)

I hope everyone has a nice afternoon and evening.
Good afternoon everyone. Just got home from my work department Christmas lunch. We went to a nearby Italian restaurant. I'm definitely not complaining having Italian food 2 days in a row especially when work paid for today's meal. My chicken marsala was excellent.

I want to know who is sending their warm weather and rain here. 60° with wind and rain is making me grumpy. It should be in the 20s with beautiful white snow on the ground instead.

Poirot please send that snow right on over to me.
lol, WOULD LOVE TO.......still snowing here, tho the wind has died down some. Now the snow is blowing all over as it comes down, instead of straight line. Was funny as one side of roof had snow, none on the other. But now is making up for it. Temp down to 18 now. Am sure it is on the way to your area, Squirrelly.
Good Afternoon Everyone,
Cold and windy here, but no snow yet. I imagine that will come soon enough. I just hope the roads are good for Saturday afternoon as Gena and I have to take a mini road trip to deliver some Girl Scout Candy.
Troop meeting tonight for us, but that's about it.

Stay safe and warm my friends. I should have more time to check in better tomorrow.