12/25/18 - Donuts and Merry Christmas


Staff member
Dec 29, 2012
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I hope everyone has a wonderful day.

Good morning and Merry Christmas to all. I lingered in bed for a little while, looking into my living room and remembering the many faces of those who had shared Christmas there with my family, from the 1940s into the 21st century. So many good memories. Then I got up and made myself some French toast and coated it with the Northern Comfort maple syrup included in the gift box I got from Vermont Country Store yesterday, compliments of a thoughtful nephew. I'll be going out later to feed cows. My niece and I planned it this way so I'm happy. Hope the day brings blessings for all of you!
Merry Christmas everyone!

The husband and I just finished breakfast. We had waffles and bacon. He cooked the bacon in our new Air Fryer that is brother and friend got us.

I got to take a shower and get moving so I can go to work for 5 hours. Then it’s off to my husband’s other grandma’s for Christmas dinner.

Hope everyone has a wonderful Christmas!
IamRed, I didn't know you could cook bacon in an air fryer. Wow, that sounds interesting. Does it turn out good? Is it easy to do? Messy? I was surprised you had to work. All the businesses here were rolled up today.

My niece and i wanted to go somewhere and get something to eat. She said nothing will be open. I argued that some of the fast food places would be open. She was right. I checked online and/or called nearly all of them. They were ALL closed! So she ate leftover meatloaf at her house and I ate tuna at mine. Then we went and fed cows. I had a very good day. The cows made us laugh.
OC, my husband just googled how to cook bacon in the air fryer. It said to cook it at 400 degrees for 10 minutes. It came out crispy and we didn’t have to lay it on paper towels to soak up the grease because that just dripped into the bottom of the tray. This might be a good option for you since you like bacon but hate frying it on the stove.