12/25/20 - Donuts and Christmas


Staff member
Dec 29, 2012
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Murry Christmas

Forgot to mention that I watched It's a Wonderful Life last night, NBC, was surprised & happy to note that scenes cut in the past, were now restored as it went to 3 hrs. (including commercials)

It is on all day day, constantly, on the E channel. (Entertainment). On DISH that is channel 114.

Also, last night, on some other channel (I was surfing) there was Shop Around the Corner. Watched that, too.

Want to laugh? Just turned on TV to check the channel, and there was the END of White Christmas (Danny Kaye & Bing Crosby)
Kat, your picture reminded me to go look for the Yule Log channel.

I enjoy all the pictures. Would have watched the Queen if my sound weren't garbled.

Merry Christmas to Noel and to all of you!

Poirot, looks like you found some of the best movies. I no longer watch the whole movie of White Christmas but I still like to watch off and on, for some of the songs. Haven't seen it this year.

My oldest son called this morning. I hadn't heard from him in quite some time so it was nice to hear from him.

My daughter and her family are coming tomorrow.
Murray Christmas everyone. Hope you all have a nice day. Glad you've heard from family and able to see some family today. Thinking of those who are alone, unwell, and giving you a big Ole grizzly bears hug. Please send a hug to my Mike as his uncle, his dad's brother passed away this morning after contracting covid. He had no symptoms then within 4 hours on Thursday he went downhill. The nurses in his seniors home couldn't believe how quickly this took him. We'll be heading out snowshoeing shortly with all this snow which leads me to come clean......I lied the other day when I said we had 20-25cm of snow.........we got 40cm or 15.75 inches. I thought there was more snow than 25cm given how much I shovelled.

Have a great day everyone.

There's my gal, Lilibet.....thanks Kat for the videos
Muzza ~ so sorry to hear about Mike's uncle's death. What a shock for it to happen so quickly. Sending big hugs to you both.

I was able to figure out how to create a zoom meeting, so I rounded up 8 of us [in 5 different houses] to gather last night for the Christmas pudding "lighting' and the singing of We Wish You a Merry Christmas. Then we just chatted and played a couple of games. A great way to spend the evening.

Merry Christmas to all of you.
Lil0, good for you! I haven't yet tackled the Zoom thing. Glad you were able to enjoy time with your family.

Muzz, condolences to Mike's family. Very sad for so many. Wishing you safe and happy snowshoeing!

Well, I got a nice surprise today. My NBC station came back! I wouldn't even have known it except that I have it set to record Days so while I had it on another channel, it switched over to record. Yea! Now I need to finish reading all the summaries to catch up!
Muzzaman, sorry to hear about Mike's uncle. Sending him a hug. I hope you both enjoyed
snowshoeing today.

OC, what a wonderful Christmas present you got today.

Lil0, I'm glad you could Zoom with your family today.
Good afternoon..... this morning went slowly.... for some reason just the two of us and fewer gifts still took forever to open.

Vinnie got a Mr. Bill doll and when he bits it being Mr. Bill he screams 'OH NOOOOO" and that frightens Vinnie so he drops it and then looks at it for a while.... he also got a mallard that he can shake all to bits and is fun. Another person sent him a bag of balls.... so now we have a gazillion balls all over the floor.... this new bag the balls squeak!!! how exciting.... right.....

The zoom meeting was fun.... Cassius shared his toys, Simon shared his new socks.... and kept reminding my youngest... "You know Uncle, I can hear you" a not so gentle reminder to watch his language.... Simon's socks were food related and came wit crayons so he could color them any color he wanted... it appeared some of the chicken legs were going to be purple.... hummmm

Muzz hugs for Mike and you on the rapid loss of a family member. I offer hugs and prayers

Merry Christmas all.
Good evening everyone. It was very quiet day at my house watching Christmas movies on ION (a substation of my local ABC station)
I did a 1/4 boneless sliced ham in the crockpot for Christmas lunch. Then heated candied sweet potatoes and corn in the microwave.

My neighbor cleared a pathway to my car for me as well as a path to my garbage and recycling bins. I'm so thankful for that since I now have over 10 inches of snow since late yesterday afternoon. Plus more is coming down.

Murray please give Mike a hug from me. It is so tough to lose a loved one, especially during a holiday.

OC, you'll need to sort out the sound on your computer before zoom will work properly. Someone emails out the zoom meeting invitation link. You don't have to have the program in your computer. Just click on the link in the email. Then click on join the meeting over your web browser. If you don't have a camera in or attached to your computer, no worries. You'll still see everyone else. They'll just see your name instead of you.

I guess I better go put on my Christmas shirt since our family zoom meeting will be in a few minutes.
I decided yesterday not to walk since it was going to be in the teens this morning. I dressed up
for Christmas after I saw the Christmas Eve service this morning. It was sunny and no wind at 10
I changed my clothes and went out for a walk. In the cow field, I saw two deer off in the distance.
It seemed late in the morning to see them. Maybe they got up late since it was cold.

I had one of the Thanksgiving leftover dinners I froze. I have three more to eat.

I put on my Christmas outfit again to wear during Sunday school chit chat. A couple of women said
they would chat this evening.
Merry Christmas!

We spent the day with my mom, sted-dad and brother, until we left because Gena's tummy was upset. All the rich food was just too much for her. It was a nice quiet holiday!

Muzz, condolences to you, Mike, and Mike's family, so very sad.

I hope you all had a beautiful holiday.
Kat, kudos to you for getting all dressed up with no place to go! (Except for online). Also for being so diligent about getting your walking in, regardless of conditions. I saw two deer outside my yard this morning too. I know your homemade dinner was better than what I had planned to have. I was going to eat a frozen turkey and dressing entree but I'd forgotten to get any cranberry sauce so I decided to save it for later and get some cranberry sauce in the meantime. Today I ate taco meat with pinto beans and jalapenos, with some cheese and Fritos mixed in.

Robin, your descriptions of Vinnie and his toys make me laugh. I'm continually amazed at the lengths people go to in order to entertain their pets these days. I also laughed at your Simon giving sage advice to his uncle, not to mention the description of the socks. Two of my granddaughters would love socks like that!

Squirrel, God bless your path-clearing neighbor! Thanks for the information about Zoom. I had planned to get my son to show me how to do it when he was here but he was so overloaded with work it was hard to squeeze in time to visit with him. But he did do a few things for me that were more pressing. I do Facetime with my son, and my other son called me on it today too. I'm assuming that's the same as Zoom though.

I wrote these comments this afternoon and thought I had posted it when I got a phone call but now I see I didn't hit post.
My dear Salemite friends, hope all of you were surrounded by family and friends who shared lots of love and warm wishes. This is a time for showing the meaning of life, love and old stories of Christmas past and future. May your Christmas be bright and cheerful. Love to all.
:wine: :love: