12-3-17 - Donuts and Trying to Get There

Old Cowgirl

Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2008
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Texas, on the Brazos Saltfork
A quick good morning. I did read yesterday's Donuts last night but didn't have time to respond. Got caught up on laundry, decluttering, had phone calls and e-mails. All of your comments, thoughts and prayers are so much appreciated. Yesterday the husband was calmer and more pleasant than the day before, though he still kept trying to get up because he is confused and can't understand why he can't. There's nothing at all for him to hold onto, no bars like at home, no wheelchair, no way he could stand without falling.

Talked with doctor. The current plan is to leave him in the hospital for another week (could be more if there is progress) to do some physical therapy (been there and done that several times) and to treat some things, rather than coming home and having home health do it. Will see how things look after that. He doesn't have anything life threatening at this point.

Poirot, I think your husband and mine may be soul mates, even though they don't know each other. Lol.

Kt, bless your heart, I saw your post from yesterday. Saying some prayers you'll have a clear direction to go.

Well, the nurse just called. Husband is in a panic, thinks I haven't been there, is afraid I won't come back. This happens any time he is in a facility. Sigh..... So I must be on the way.

Oh yes, yesterday morning I started out---car started cutting out/missing, something like it did a year ago when the mice ruined the engine. The warning light didn't come on so I turned around and drove it home, only a couple of miles. Went on to town in the truck. But now I have to have the car checked out asap, maybe tomorrow. Now I'm out of here. A good day and blessings to all of you!
Good Sunday all,

Today is a routine Sunday morning filled with unexpected small blessings. Church was powerful and Christmas carols were sung in place of contemporary worship songs. The church looks beautiful all decked out in Christmas style. Well, it isn't a church building; let me clarify: it is an old, abandoned shopping center that the church bought and we then remodeled. It saved money for the poor, prisoners, and ill and we have a safe functioning place to fellowship and worship.

Our temperatures today have me in a fizz. It will b e 79-82F: our normal is 67F!! People are still wearing shorts, t-shirts, and sandals in December! I absolutely hate this weather and prefer to be indoors among the Christmas decorations where it at least looks like Christmas!! I have never seen it this hot/warm in December here and I hope a strong cold front is going to center over this town for several months now. The drought is extremely dangerous at this point with absolutely no moisture for almost a year. Rain & snow donations gratefully accepted ya'll.

OC: I am thrilled you updated us on your husband's situation! Thank you. It is normal for him to be confused at this point and that brings anxiety [his fear you might not return]. I hope the doctor's plan proves beneficial because home health care at the least removes much confusion/anxiety. Prayers for you having to deal with so much on top of a faltering vehicle and a ranch to run!!! Please try to make certain - and I know it is hard at a time like this - that you have proper nutrition, liquids and some rest daily to help cope with these circumstances.:hug:

To all my friends that post later, I will check in later. Wishing you a great Sunday.

Lil0: sending wishes for a relaxing and enjoyable Sunday to you today.
Good Sunday Morning.

Noel, I checked the weather for Orlando, where I'll be Thursday-Monday this week into next, and it is COLDER in the low 60's than I would be here. Of course it will be more humid. This is weird. The warmest Christmas I have ever had, was the year I forced my kids to go to Hawaii for the holiday. (yes, sad but true, I told my kids they HAD to go spend a week in Hawaii. I should have been reported to CPS for this crime. Additionally, they were told that I would pay for the airfare/hotel and all meals consumed with me) We had a blast. But they do tell their friends about the Christmas they were FORCED to go to Hawaii.

OC, when you read this know that my heart goes out to you. Prayers the husband behaves and works with staff, and that the car has something simple, easy AND cheap to fix.

kt, I hope things work out for you. The forced move situation is never fun. Sometimes it turns out okay. You will be in my thoughts.

Peaceful Sunday for all.
going to Christmas Cantata with a friend, weather turned cloudy & colder, but wanted to stop in to say to kt that I saw the moon last night, gorgeous....tonight will be iffy with the clouds.

OC....truly hope all works out well with hubby & hospital. This a.m. my hubby said he was not having a good morning, thought he was maybe having a heart attack, nope, of course not. 10 min later he was perfectly fine, & when I returned from church, even better. On my way, am late.
Robin: even Hawaii is cooler than we are this month!:eek: Through December 17 they predict mid-high 70's with maybe reaching 80 again. This means a no-winter year!! Shame on you for being a mother who pays her entire families way to Hawaii just for Christmas. :sarcasm::) Wishing you a peaceful day too.

Poirot: enjoy the lovely Christmas cantata! I look forward so much to Christmas special events!

Just finished half of my Christmas cards for mailing tomorrow. And my first ornament gift, made by a daughter of a Christmas-loving friend, is a cross now hanging on my large tree!:clap:
My Sunday didn't go like I planned. I need to finish reading the lesson for
church in two hours. I don't think I will get it done.

Yesterday, I noticed the leaves on the one side of my yard. I thought that's ok
my neighbor's yard worse and the leaves from his trees. I went out and put
the trash out early. And there he was. I'm not sure if another neighbor or not,
but he was raking the neighbors leaves. Of course, he was. Since it's another
pretty day. I went out for about 30 minutes and got most out of my yard raked.
I moved five trash cans full.

After church this evening, I'm going to a concert. The group is Voces8. They
have videos on YouTube. Goldie won't be happy she'll be outside for
almost 6 hours.

OC, thanks for the update about your hubby. Do you think having pictures
at hospital would be helpful to him? I hope your car and truck will both
be working as you need them.

kt, I hope things are going well for you while you try to find an new
place to live. I wish you had more time to look for something.

I hope everyone has a good rest of the day and evening.

Tonight CBS is having a Carol Bennett special starting at 7 central time.
If you get the Inspirational channel, it's showing old Christmas shows
on Sundays this month. Tonight they are showing Andy Williams.
Kat: hope you can finish your lesson before class, but if not, you can always do it after hearing the class. Enjoy the concert tonight, it sounds fabulous!
I'm almost done baking cookies. So far, 24 dozen created. Being so warm makes it so much fun to have the oven on. But as I have to ship some to England, New York City and Sacramento, I can't wait any longer.

Two more trips to the oven and I'm done!! I still have the tree and cards to do.

Santa Hat Cassius 2017sm.jpg

Cassius is helping with his tree, sort of.