2/1/24 - Donuts and American Heart month


Staff member
Dec 29, 2012
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It's partly cloudy and in the 60s. It's suppose to be sunny. It hasn't been out much so far.

I washed a sheet this morning and it's hanging outside. There's a slight breeze to help it dry.
A busy morning at the little library. I'm doing studies this afternoon.

I hope everyone will have an enjoyable rest of the day.
Good day.....
It's been a day.... HB had a blood test draw today and on his way out to his car he stopped to pick up some papers on the lawn that blew into the area and fell.... did he call me? nope... now he's in his chair in pain and cranky...... I did make him call his doctor so we wait... his ankle is really painful...... Vinnie and I made a planter box....the directions and the actual wood of course do not match.... grrrr.... I'll try to get it finished later this week I also have to find our drill, cranky pants doesn't remember where he left it.......

But it's70 degrees out and I have dinner in the crock pot.... it will be great......

Good Thursday to all....
Oh dear, Robin, you may need to start wrapping HB in bubble wrap. I hope nothing is broken. You've reminded me I need to buy a new mini-drill. Mine quit working some time ago. It's just dead and I don't know why. Glad things have warmed up for you.

Kat, you're going to enjoy your sun-freshened sheet. You got a lot done this morning. Hope your evening is good.

I don't know where my time goes. Haven't gotten much of anything done. One load of clothes about done washing. My niece's grandson has been at her place for a couple of days. He came by here and drove my old beatup clunker to the farm store and put gas in it, while carrying off my trash to the community dumpster, which is behind the farm store. He also took some buckets of the broken deck rails I'd cleaned up to my dump, which only gets used for things like that, now that I take my household garbage to the community dumpster. He's such a sweetheart. He hasn't been out here so much since he's been grown but he's working toward a remedy, planning to get a job halfway between here and where his mom lives so he can hang his hat in either place at any given time.

It's in the 70s* today, sunny, but the wind has gotten up. We may get some rain tomorrow.
It was another grey day but no rain, in the 40s. Now it is 45 and raining. What else is new?

Kat: Sounds like a nice, peaceful day for you.

Robin: I am so sorry that HB fell and hope he will be okay.

OC: How nice that your niece's grandson helped out so much!

Wishing all a nice evening.
