2/11/19 - Donuts and rain


Staff member
Dec 29, 2012
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It rained all night and it's still raining. It's suppose to rain most of the day. I'm not sure how far
Goldie and I will walk this morning.

This morning, I'm going to join Newcomer's Club. They have a monthly meeting the 2nd Monday
of each month. They have several groups that meet during the month. I'm going to join the canasta
group. I might join another group later.

I hope everyone will have a good day and stay safe in the winter weather.
Good morning everyone. I got caught up watching the does playing in the snow in my front yard and digging for acorns early this morning. They were up by my porch, and they didn't mind me standing out there as long as I didn't go off the porch. They decided to leave when I went in to get my phone to take their picture. I guess I'm not the only one who doesn't like to have my picture taken.

Two meetings down, and one to go this morning. So far, all of my morning appointments have cancelled so it should be a quiet day at the office.

kat - I'm glad to see that you've become so active in your community.
Morning all. Currently it is -24*C (-11.2*F) but feels like -33*C (-27.4*F) when wind chill is factored in. Brrrrrr.....but not to worry, it's supposed to warm up to -19*C (-2.2*F) :rotfl::rotfl::rotfl:

Weekend was good but cold. Friday I had a rehearsal, Saturday we met a friend for lunch then spent the night at home with a fire, made Saskatoon Berry ice cream, and Sunday we had a dress rehearsal with some audience members. The play went over well and as few people as there were it was nice to hear a reaction. One more dress rehearsal on Wednesday then opening on Friday night.

Hope you all stay warm and dry, like in Katmouse's case. LOL! Rain........if only!! LOL!
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Good morning all ~
Muzz: "Saskatoon berry" whoa! Blast from the past! My childhood was spent in rural BC, and I remember picking all the various wild berries as they came into season. Saskatoon berries were definitely a favorite.

We got a few more inches of snow last night. New system is supposed to come in today with "substantial" snow. I had been thinking that although I won't be getting to the store for a few days, I could at least order stuff to be delivered. lol. Yesterday I got a message from the local Post Office saying that had not been able to deliver a package because they couldn't get to my front door! What?! Whatever happened to that thing about "neither rain nor snow nor black of night shall keep us from our appointed rounds"????? My 6 pound little dog can make it through. [Granted, he comes in looking like a fat snow dog as he is encased in snow. But still . . ]

Stay warm and safe.
Morning all.... I forgot to mention Saturday afternoon as we were backstage so Stepmom could see the costumes.... we met the "Genie" and Aladdin..... as it was a matinee and they and another show to go I shook their hands told them they had been great thanked them for stopping by.... they were kind of hanging not sure what to do when I said I was sure they had dinner and a massage to get to before the night's performance.....they both perked up Massage??? when where....LOL... the stage manager laughed and said it was all being arranged.... run along now......
Hunny Bunny returned from Tucson all stove up.... barely able to move... today's his birthday and he's a bit better off movement wise..... Not sure where the issue is... Its lower back... maybe just strained it moving heavy stuff yesterday..... hope his is better by the time I get home......

weather guessers are telling us to bundle up....this morning... the high today will be 61...... just so you know..... we need to bundle up..... :rotfl:

Have a great Monday...
Lil0, it made me grin to think of your dog looking like a fat little snow dog. Sounds like you need a modern day Snow Shoes Thompson. I have a recording of Johnny Horton singing about how Snow Shoes Thompson packed the mail on through. I sure hope your electricity holds out through all these onslaughts!

Muzz, it's great how you "keep on smiling" through all kinds of weather and conditions. You just go ahead doing what you do, no matter what. How nice to get some positive feedback on the performance before it gets started officially!

Squirrel, animals are like little kids when it comes to having their picture taken. You can sit and watch either for ages but as soon as you get up for a camera, poof! It's surprising to me how the deer will hang around with you sitting on the porch. The ones here are very spooky. They seem to even hear me walking through the house and they'll bolt.

Kat, good for you, joining the Newcomer Club! I think you have a lot to contribute. I bet nobody else beautifies the neighborhood the way you do. You also have a great sense of humor and will be able to reach out to people.

Rk, I hope the pastor will have all the right words to help you keep your spirits up.

Robin, that is funny about being told to bundle up but I can relate. At 61*, I wear a jacket, cap, and gloves! I hope H.B. improves today. He's had a long haul with pain. Maybe lifting heavy stuff was a little too ambitious, after all he's been through? What fun, that you and Stepmom got to go backstage!

Well, I've had a few days of being lazy. Got to get moving. We'll have to feed cows today, since we are going to the city tomorrow. Time is closing in on me about getting all that's needed for my guest house. I've got most of it. Have some faucets and stuff arriving today. Can't believe I've gotten all of it except for one faucet from Amazon. But now I must pick out tile for bathroom shower and kitchen backsplash, and flooring. Those I must see in person and I already know the decisions won't be easy. Also have to pick out a front door and some light fixtures but the lights I will probably order online.
Good morning......yuk on all that rain, Kat. Our snow finally stopped, but the sky looks dark like a storm is coming, and they did say more snow today, with the big storm tomorrow.
Started writing the above around 8, but I had called to see if I could change my oil change appt. and they graciously said....come in NOW....so off I went, luckily already dressed, but no breakfast. LOL. Anyway, it began flurrying a bit while I sat waiting. We have a winter storm warning beginning tonite to tomorrow midnight....heavy snow...so was very happy they were able to get me in.
Want to laugh, some man comes in, evidently knowing he has a long wait, I guess. He b rought a huge big breakfast, pancakes, waffles, huge glass of OJ......I think he even had english muffin .
One thing is the reading material all geared to guys......next time I go, gonna bring some Readers' Digests, at least something females can bring. A lady arrived just before I left, carrying her Pomeranian....and he was all over the sofa, at least she had a very tiny, thin leash on him.for when he jumped down on the floor. LOL
Ahhh, Muzza, seems winter has finally reached you, tho I don't see you mentioning snow! How is your head cold?
Wonder why the cancellations for you, RS........weather?? Was just flurrying, and the sun came out! However, it is really dark to the north.....so this is very temp. OC, glad you are getting squared away with the guest house, however, it is additional stuff atop of tax time. Kat, glad you are finding all these things in your area that are of interest to you. Have fun.
RK......am glad you will be getting to chat with your pastor, you seem to have a good rapport with him.
Robin, yep, guess you have to bundle up with it being only 60! LOL.
Lil0, sure hope the snow isn't what they are saying it will be. Good luck. I have a couple errands, I may get out this afternoon, if it isn't blizzarding yet. LOL. Just a couple things, have to drop some items off......but I did get some groceries, so o.k. there.
Morning Everyone,
Today my heart is broken, as my uncle passed away last night. He was doing so much better on Friday, was off the ventilator, had lots of visitors Friday and Saturday, so my aunt asked me to skip visiting yesterday with Gena to give him a chance to rest and this morning my sister called to tell me that he passed in his sleep last night. :cry::cry::cry: My aunt is trying to plan the funeral for Saturday in an effort to miss all the snowstorms in the forecast for this week.

Muzz - stay warm.
Kat - enjoy your new card group.
RK - have a good visit with your pastor
Robin - stay warm, I wish it was that "cold" here.
OC - hope the construction project keeps moving along smoothly.
Poirot - enjoy your snow free moments while you can.
Lil0 - be careful in all that snow.

Wishing you all peace and happiness.
Manada, I'm so sorry for your family's loss. I hope it is comforting to know that you were able to visit him before yesterday and be there for your aunt. Good luck in the coming days.

Poirot, hahahahaha, yes, we are finally experiencing winter and not liking it. I've heard it is supposed to be like this on and off for pretty much the month of February. But you are right, we have not had much snow. it snowed maybe a half an inch, if that, overnight

OC, that is kind of you. Thank you for saying that. Believe me though, on Thursday when I get home from work, I am starting a fire, letting Mike order dinner in for us, picking a movie in advance of Thursday and plopping myself down on the couch to enjoy a night of nothing.
Yesterday I got a message from the local Post Office saying that had not been able to deliver a package because they couldn't get to my front door! What?!

Lil0, if this came in an email or phone call, it is probably a hoax. I had one come in yesterday to my email, and 2 this morning. I called the post office `when I started my lunch break because the emails did NOT come in on the email address I have enrolled with the USPS Informed Delivery program. (They send me scanned photos of the mail I'm receiving each day.) The postmaster said these were hoax / phishing emails, and to run my antivirus / malware program in m y phone. luckily I was suspicious, and hadn't clicked on the links.

Amanda, I'm so sorry for your loss of "super uncle". Prayers continue for your family.
Kat: hope the rain reminds you it brings Spring flowers! Also maybe you & Goldie can walk this afternoon? I admire your attitude of joining groups for fun and fellowship. You go woman! Building community is a great trait.

RS: ahh too bad the deer are photo shy! Glad your morning was quietly beautiful and relaxing. Also,T yay! to the appointments being cancelled so you could stay in the office today. Wishing you a restful night too.

Muzza: oh now I am dreaming of Saskatoon Berry ice cream! They definitely don't carry it in our local grocery stores but it sure sounds yummy. Thumbs up on your practice too.

Lilo: and tax payers pay the USPS for deliveries! However, most of the time [according to friends/relatives] Amazon delivers food no matter the weather. You might want to check that out with their customer service before ordering. Stay warm!

RK: how nice for your pastor to visit with you. That is rare in the city nowadays. I miss rural community attitudes and fellowship. Thinking of you RK.

Robin: yes, did you take your down coat out this morning? LOL. One of the early weather women this morning was complaining non-stop about it not being 'hot' as that is why she moved here for the job. Oh, just wait til July when it is 120 something with high humidity and dew point -- I bet she wails for cooler weather. So sorry Honey Bunny is having difficulty moving -- has he done morning stretches? Fingers crossed you can celebrate his birthday tonight when you come home.

OC: oh think of the decorating choices are fun -- your personal style per budget. I am confident you will do a lovely job and look forward to a picture [your neice?] sometime soon. I just love that you chose this project and now can use your creativity to design it.

Poirot; I always have either a magazine or catalog in my car for appointments. My eyes strain with my phone, and I need my readers so I get tired of taking them off and on. Well check one more item off your to-do list before another storm. Sure hope it warms up in your area very soon.

Manda: my heart breaks for you, your sister, your aunt and mother. Please know you are in our thoughts & prayers.


My time is up so wishing each of you a good afternoon! Maybe I can post later today.