2/11/2024 - Donuts and a Super Sunday


Super Moderator
Mar 24, 2009
Reaction score
Now appearing in Wichita, Kansas
We've got a football game today, Hunny Bunny has a birthday today it's a big day here..... we will celebrate his birthday this coming week due to the insanity of trying to find a place to eat tonight.....

I hope those who don't enjoy the game today find something else to watch.....

it's a cold icky weather day here, but then again it is still winter a term I'm learning..... everywhere else I've lived winter simply meant less warm.... not bone chilling windy weather....

Good Sunday to all.....
It's cloudy today and the high will be in the 40s. Rain coming soon. I walked this morning since I may not
get to walk for a few days with white stuff coming. The forecast was changed from two inches to three inches
of white stuff. I hope it ends early Monday and it won't last long.

Tuesday I need to go to church and get it cleaned up before Ash Wednesday's service. It's suppose to get
warm after 9. I'll have to wait until Tuesday morning to see how things are.

Because of the odd weather this winter, I've been seeing a lot of dead animals on the road. The skunks
and raccoons are out early. Mr. and Mrs. Finch are confused too. I hope they won't try to start a family now.

robin, I hope HB's team wins today since it's his birthday.

I hope everyone has a relaxing, restful day.
kat.... HB's team isn't playing.... they didn't even make the playoffs.... but we are getting wall to wall coverage on the Kansas team that is in the game..... it's a bit overwhelming.....
Good morning, not too chipper this a.m. was overcast, but sun just appeared unexpectedly. and blue skies appeared. No idea if this is temp, or all day......we will see. weatherman gave different amounts of snow for around the area here up to Duluth, but we only got an inch or two, so far. Some places got 3-4 inches.
Take care, have a lovely day. (gosh, Ash Wed. will be here before we can blink.......early this year.)
Football game today? Would have thought I'd heard something about it on tv. :sarcasm: Not the biggest sports fan but I can tolerate basketball and baseball. I know nothing about football. My high school nor college had teams. Kentucky is a big basketball state, although, they haven't being doing all that great lately.

Coolish with misty rain today. The four letter "S" word is being mentioned for Tuesday. Of course, I have an out of town doc appointment that day. Hopefully it will only be flurries or a "dusting".

Hope everyone has a great day and your favorite team wins. Or at least comes in 2nd.
I'm under a winter storm warning now. 4 to 6 inches of white stuff expected. I hope not. I have places to go
on Tuesday. The birds are happy I put feed out yesterday.
Time to pray folks there was apparently a shooting at Lakewood Church in Houston. They just said on the news that law enforcement has a Public Information Officer on the way. 430 pm update coming up.

They just said a child has been shot.... Shooter also got shot

Child is at Texas Children in critical condition.. Shooter was shot by off duty law enforcement. She is dead. She came in with a trench coat and a long gun and started shooting. One man in hospital shot in hip.

Woman claimed to have a bomb. So far no explosives found. She also sprayed something

They are doing a "methodical search" of the building to make sure for safety.
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Oh, my.... :sad:

News report said the shooter had been taken down.........but nothing.......keep us posted....that update at 4:30....
Think I mentioned a couple weeks ago, when some were comparing gas prices where they live, & how they increased......that here it was 2.99 and had not changed. Ah, saw today it had.........$3.19 now, and probably going up more.
Did not know it was a child who got shot. So I searched around....Folks there must be devastated. Yes, a child was shot, was between ages 5 to 9. No word on whether it was accidental or purposefully so far. Just a shame, tho, that some there are trying to make it political. Sheesh! (Also read the shooter was a woman, or at least a female, but that has to be confirmed) Yes, the shooter was taken down almost immediately. Being it is all ongoing, it will be a while, I am sure, before verified info is released. That church is absolutely huge, has a very large congregation, and was just beginning the afternoon Spanish service when it all began.
The church hires off duty police and that's why it ended so fast. They were there and shot the woman.

We'll know more later.
Lakewood Church Shooting UpdateAs soon as local news has an update, I'll post a link.

Perp's name still not released. She lived in Conroe TX. Law enforcement went to her house as part of investigation

Child who was shot was still in critical condition so in the head
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