2/14/24 - Donuts and Valentine's Day & More


Staff member
Dec 29, 2012
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Today is a big day. It's Valentine's Day. Ash Wednesday and Muzzaman's birthday.

Happy Birthday, Muzzaman


Popping in to let you all know that I'm ok. Work and medical tests have taken over my life for now until my medications are revamped. (They started to cause other medical problems.) I sleep most of the time that I'm home. I do check Facebook because there is just less for me to wade through there.

Prayers continue for everyone.
Good morning and thank you for the bday wishes. Mike and I are going for dinner around our old stomping grounds downtown at a Mexican restaurant called Gringo Street.

RS, sorry to read of health issues. I hope it all gets sorted out. Until then, I hope you have a little bell by your side and someone to get what you need.

Kat, love the cake!!! Thank you!!
It's sunny and in the 60s this afternoon.

Muzzaman, I hope you and Mike have a nice evening out.

rs, thanks for popping in and giving us an update. Did you get a lot of snow like New York City did?

OC, I had frost yesterday morning, but not today. Maybe again on Sat.
Sexton, how long has your daddy been gone? It's a lonely feeling when our parents and siblings are no longer with us.

I got back from town a couple of hours ago. It's been a nice day except for the wind. By the time I was in and out getting groceries unloaded, I felt like I'd been moved along by a whip lashing out at me or something. Then my niece's son came over and I went back outside for a while. He's cutting down a bunch of brushy trees that have come up over the years, blocking my view. One nice thing about living in the country on a hill is being able to look out over the landscape for miles (I always keep binoculars handy). Mesquite trees come up like weeds so this is something I've wanted done for years. It got out of control when my husband became unable to do things anymore.
There was also a shooting at a high school in Atlanta Georgia today.

Mercy Hospital in Kansas City say they have 12 patients, 11 kids.. Nine have gunshot wounds.

6 years ago today was the Parkland shooting in Florida.
@Old Cowgirl
Daddy passed 2/19 I did CPR on him till help arrived. It didn't work
Mom passed 9/24/22 after Daddy died, I quit working and became her full time caregiver