2/15/18 - Donuts & Where is Everyone??


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2008
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Steelers', Pirates', & Penguins' Country
Hi folks. Wow! It is after 10:00 am, and I'm just starting the thread. I'm in the office today, but meetings and paperwork keep getting in my way of posting here. :rotfl:

In case you didn't see my post from last night:

"Popping in with a message from OC.

She had to use her cell phone to message me that her internet has been out. She doesn't know when it will be back.

Also, unfortunately her cataract surgery has been postponed again. The pre-surgery antibiotic drops caused a horrible migraine and an allergy type of cough."
Good Morning,

A lovely totally cloudy & slightly rainy day here in the desert! YES! It is barely sprinkling off and on but still it makes my heart sing. Hubs teased me I'll be crying when it leaves and the entire yard/alley need weed spraying. While I do not look forward to that duty, it has been almost 1 1/2 years since the west side had 2 1/2 days of cloudy skies with sprinkles. I am singing my happy song and doing my happy dance!

Squirrel: yes it is very quiet. My work day is very busy, so is yours, so a good guess would be our friends are just as busy too. Hope you conquer that mound of paperwork and manage to stay awake during your meetings.

OC: Hugs and thinking of you!

Wishing everyone a day as happy as mine!
Morning all.

Yes, it is cloudy and every now and then sprinkles. It's a great soft rain. Now in the office building where I am today (as I was yesterday), the A/C is on as if it were 110 outside. And this is something I have NO CONTROL over. I have to call building management and they will send someone over to lower the temp by 1 whole degree. Whooo hooooo. They have the building set at 73 degrees.

So the best I can do is "warm" it up to 74, which in July and August, the 73 is still too cold for me. But most people appreciate it. I'll go looking for my portable heater. It'll most likely blow a fuse, but we must do what we must do.

OC - missing your stories of rattlesnakes, wasps and cows. I hope you are able to get your eye surgery straightened out soon and your internet fixed.

Back to that thing called work.
Hi everyone!

Prayers to OC.

Enjoy your clouds and sprinkles, Noel and robin.

After getting up at 5am Tuesday and 5:30 yesterday I slept until 9 today since I don't go to work until 3. I'm still tired and will probably rest up a bit more before work.

Hope everyone has a wonderful day!
Morning Everyone,

Sorry for my tardiness. I had an appointment at 8:45 to donate blood.

Robin - 73 is hot for me. The thermostat at my house is set at 65.

RS - thanks for the update of OC. How awful that she had a reaction to the drops.

Red - glad you were able to get some extra sleep.

Noel - enjoy your sprinkles.

Have a wonderful day.
Trying to hide out from the flu! A couple of co-workers showed up thinking they are coming down with the flu today. Both were asked to go home. One did, the other says no reason to leave till time for his doctor appointment. Walmart is gonna be sold out of hand sanitizer and Lysol come my lunch hour!

Hope everyone else is doing well today.
Good morning,

@redsquirrel Thank you for the update on OC. Hope she is able to get a new date for surgery quickly.

I tried to get out of working this afternoon and was honest and said I'm not sick buuuuuuut.......could I use a few hours of sick time? No can do. Will just have to slug it out today. LOL! Hope those who are sick are feeling better.

Sooooo, because this is my Facebook and the only social media that I am on, I hope no one minds that I'm posting this. I did an interview for one of the young girls in Mary Poppins who has her own show on local cable and a YouTube channel. It was cute that she asked us to do this.


And @mandamiee - how dare you take care of yourself and attend the appointments you made before posting on here. :):):):)

@robinsnest - You are still warmer than we are. LOL! We are actually having some pretty nice weather at the moment.

Have a great day everyone. Keeping the victims of another senseless shooting in my thoughts.
Good afternoon, I do not know what is wrong with people who insist on coming to work/school when they are sick, exposing everyone else to the flu. My goodness, radio, TV, social media is full of "STAY HOME".

What happened to O.C.'s Hotspot?? That poor woman's bad reaction to the eye drops. I am sort of clueless about those, because I had the drops at the hospital, one every 5 min,,,til 16 were given, then bingo, into the OR and 15 or 20 min later done.I truly hope her doc can figure something out.

Am excited for Muzza for tonight. My computer won't play but a few seconds of video before it goes black and a message says "this media cannot be played". ??? (Have I mentioned how much I hate Windows 10? lol)
Sounds like we're all busy today! Makes the day go by fast.

RS - thank you for the update on OC. I have been thinking something must be wrong with hubby or something.

Noel - your rain dance finally worked. I can see your big smile from here! Good for you.

Manda - Isn't today Gena's birthday? I thought you had said the day after Valentine's. If so, I hope she has an awesome birthday.

We have been so busy. So have a good day everyone!
Shan - you are correct, today is Gena's birthday. I'm not sure that today will be super exciting for her as we have Girl Scouts tonight, but I baked purple cupcakes with hot pink frosting (all vanilla flavored) for her to bring to the meeting as a birthday treat for the girls.

Tomorrow will be more fun. I'm planning to take her for mother-daughter pedicures and then we'll go wherever she would like for lunch, or possibly vice versa. I still need to call and make the appointment. I may take her to the mall (I shudder at the thought), so she can pick out a new outfit. She's too picky for me to try to guess what she'd want for clothes.
Manda - sounds like Gena is going to have a wonderful time the next few days! Enjoy! She is growing up way too fast.

Noel - I would love to be working around all those cute baby faces!