2/18/2024 - Donuts and sunshine


Super Moderator
Mar 24, 2009
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Now appearing in Wichita, Kansas
Good early afternoon all...... last night we took HB out to celebrate his birthday...... grandson is sick with a cold so didn't come granddaughter has a new boy toy and she was busy.... but since they all see him frequently it was okay..... so his daughter and I joined him in dinner.....
today it's bright and sunny and warmer than yesterday..... not saying much but it will be warmer still tomorrow.

I hope everyone is having a good day doing things they enjoy.....
It's sunny here too. It was 18 when I woke up this morning. I waited until almost 9 to walk. It's close to 50 now.
It will be in the 70s Tues and Wed. Resting this afternoon since I have a busy week.

robin, I'm glad HB had a nice birthday dinner with you and his daughter.

I hope everyone is having a good afternoon.
I had a good day. Good sermon at church. Road construction made me a little late for Sunday School. They are getting ready for a traffic switch and were only having one lane. Sat waiting for over 5 mins.

In March it will be my turn to run the slides for the service. There are several of us. We each do a month.... so I run slides every 3 months. One team member loads all the slides.
we also had sunshine today....cold, but sun was welcome. you bet...can't believe I had not posted today...thought I had!
Church was pretty empty today...guess a lot of folks have gone south for a while...but mostly with no snow....the skiers and snowmobilers have gone elsewhere

enjoy your evening
Good evening. My weather is improving too. It was 25* this morning. Got into the 40s or 50s. Sunshine and not too much wind.

Robin, good thing the daughter was able to join you and HB for his birthday.

Kat, it's always good to hear you are taking some rest. Glad you got a weather break too.
They're saying we may reach 80* this week.

Sexton, so nice to have a good day at church. I look forward to it each week. Sounds like a good system for working the slides.

Poirot, it must seem strange for all of you in that area to have so little snow. The economy and so many plans would be dependent on it.

I started writing this a couple of hours ago, when my son called from California. We talked for a long time. Now I've got to wash some dishes and get ready for bed. Good night and sweet dreams.....
@Oldcowgirl it works well it gives team members time for group worship when running slides it requires a certain amount of focus